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.Except for this verb, one may predict the present tense forms ofClass 3 verbs from the first-person singular in -am.There are no subclassesof verbs in Class 3, either in structural terms or in spelling differences.Class 4 VerbsHere are the endings for Class 4 verbs:Class 4: Verbs in -em -eszSingular PluralFirst-person -em -emySecond-person -esz -ecieThird-person -e -ejÄ…Here is an example of a Class 4 verb conjugated in the present tense:umieć know howumiem I know how umiemy we know howumiesz you (sg.) know how umiecie you (pl.) know howumie he/she/it knows how umiejÄ… they know howThere are very few Class 4 verbs.As with Class 3 verbs, the forms of Class4 verbs may be predicted from the first-person singular form, here in -em,and there are no subclasses.The endings of Class 3 and Class 4 verbs are thesame, except for the vowel of the ending: a for Class 3, e for Class 4.Thefollowing three Class 4 verbs are irregular in the third-person plural form:They have dz instead of j.wiedzieć know (information)wiem wiemywiesz wieciewie wiedzÄ… Verbs 83powiedzieć pf.saypowiem powiemypowiesz powieciepowie powiedzÄ…jeść eatjem jemyjesz jecieje jedzÄ…Irregular Verb być beThe verb być be is irregular in the present tense:być bejestem I am jesteÅ›my we arejesteÅ› you (sg.) are jesteÅ›cie you (pl.) arejest he/she/it is sÄ… they areByć is the only verb with a simple (one-word) future tense.bÄ™dÄ™ I will be bÄ™dziemy we will bebÄ™dziesz you (sg.) will be bÄ™dziecie you (pl.) will bebÄ™dzie he/she/it will be bÄ™dÄ… they will beImperativeFormation of the ImperativeThe second-person singular informal imperative, or command, form of averb is usually equivalent to the stem of the third-person singular presenttense form of the verb; it is obtained by dropping -e, -ie, -y, or -i or by addingj to -a:Infinitive Present Tense Singular Imperativepisać piszÄ™, piszesz, pisze pisz write!iść idÄ™, idziesz, idzie idz go!koÅ„czyć koÅ„czÄ™, koÅ„czysz, koÅ„czy koÅ„cz finish!kupić kupiÄ™, kupisz, kupi kup buy!czekać czekam, czekasz, czeka czekaj wait!Occasionally, there is an o ’! ó vowel shift in the imperative stem.robić robiÄ™, robisz, robi rób do!otworzyć otworzÄ™, otworzysz, otworzy otwórz open! 84 Polish Verbs & Essentials of Grammarbutchodzić chodzÄ™, chodzisz, chodzi chodz come!Verbs whose stem ends in a consonant n or rz add -y/ij to form theimperative.ciÄ…gnąć ciÄ…gnÄ™, ciÄ…gniesz, ciÄ…gnie ciÄ…gnij pull!zetrzeć zetrÄ™, zetrzesz, zetrze zetrzyj wipe off!Verbs in -awać -ajÄ™ -ajesz have exceptional imperative forms, which endin -awaj: wstawać wstajÄ™ imp.wstawaj get up.The following verbs alsohave exceptional imperative forms.być jestem, jesteÅ›, jest, jesteÅ›my, bÄ…dz be!jesteÅ›cie, sÄ…jeść jem, jesz, je, 3pl.jedzÄ… jedz eat!posÅ‚ać poÅ›lÄ™, poÅ›lesz, poÅ›le poÅ›lij send!powiedzieć powiem, powiesz, powie powiedz say!rozumieć rozumiem, rozumiesz, rozumie rozum understand!wziąć wezmÄ™, wezmiesz, wezmie wez take!The forms above are singular and informal, that is, they are used withclose acquaintances and family members.The plural informal imperative isformed from the singular form by adding -cie: idzcie go! (pl.).The first-person plural form of exhortation is formed from the singular form by add-ing -my: czekajmy let s wait!, chodzmy let s go!The formal imperative is formed with the particle niech let plus the third-person present tense form of the verb.Niech pani usiÄ…dzie.Why doesn t Madam sit down?Niech pan siÄ™ nie Å›mieje.Don t laugh, sir!Niech paÅ„stwo wejdÄ….Come on in, people.The imperative, whether formal or informal, is often accompanied by theword proszÄ™ please.ProszÄ™ wejdz.Please come in.ProszÄ™ niech pan poczeka.Please wait a moment, sir.Positive commands usually occur in the perfective aspect, while negativecommands occur in the imperfective.Otwórz okno.(pf.) Open the window.Nie otwieraj okna.(impf.) Don t open the window.A negated perfective imperative is likely to be considered a warning.Nie otwórz drzwi! Watch out, don t open the door! Verbs 85The Pragmatic Imperative SystemThe system of actual pragmatic implementation of the imperative differsfrom what is given in the formal charts above.Because of the use of thehortatory particle niech with third-person pronouns of polite address, andoccasionally with first-person pronouns, the pragmatic system can be con-sidered to consist of eight forms instead of only three.Formal SystemSingular PluralFirst-person  napiszmylet s writeSecond-person napisz napiszciewrite! write!Third-person  Pragmatic SystemSingular PluralFirst-person niech napiszÄ™ napiszmywhy don t I write let s writeSecond-person napisz napiszcieinformal write! write!Second-person niech pan napisze niech paÅ„stwo napiszÄ…formal why don t you write, sir why don t you write, ladiesand gentlemenThird-person niech on napisze niech oni napiszÄ…why doesn t he write why don t they writeThe first-person singular use with niech is not common.As the chart sug-gests, constructions using niech often translate into English as why don t.Niech ja to zrobiÄ™.Why don t I do that?Niech pani to kupi.Why don t you buy that, Madam?Past TenseThe past tense of Polish verbs is formed from the infinitive stem.There is noverb-class distinction in the past tense, unlike in the present tense.The rulesfor forming the past tense differ slightly, according to whether the infinitiveends (a) in a vowel plus ć (for example, czytać read, umieć know how, lubićlike, uczyć teach, psuć spoil, and ciąć cut) or (b) in -ść, -zć, or -c (for ex-ample, nieść carry, lezć crawl, and piec bake).For verbs with infinitives ending in a vowel plus ć, the third-person formsare created by removing the final -ć and adding -Å‚ (masculine), -Å‚a (femi- 86 Polish Verbs & Essentials of Grammarnine), -Å‚o (neuter), -li (masculine personal plural), or -Å‚y (other plural).Thefirst- and second-person forms are created from the third-person by addingpersonal endings to them.The past tense personal endings, which are simi-lar to the present tense endings of być be, are as follows:Singular PluralFirst-person -m -Å›mySecond-person -Å› -Å›cieThird-person  With masculine forms, the linking vowel e is added before -m and -Å›, creat-ing the endings -em and -eÅ›.Here is the conjugation of dać give in the past tense:SingulardaÅ‚em (masc.) I gave daÅ‚am (fem.) I gavedaÅ‚eÅ› (masc.) you (sg.) gave daÅ‚aÅ› (fem.) you (sg.) gavedaÅ‚ he gave daÅ‚a she gave daÅ‚o it gave (neut.)PluraldaliÅ›my (masc.pers.) we gave daÅ‚yÅ›my (fem.) we gavedaliÅ›cie (masc.pers.) you (pl.) gave daÅ‚yÅ›cie (fem.) you (pl.) gavedali (masc.pers.) they gave daÅ‚y (fem./neut.) they gaveVerbs with infinitives in -eć change e to a in all forms except the masculinepersonal plural.mieć haveSingularmiaÅ‚em (masc.) I had miaÅ‚am (fem.) I hadmiaÅ‚eÅ› (masc.) you had miaÅ‚aÅ› (fem.) you hadmiaÅ‚ he had miaÅ‚a she had miaÅ‚o it had (neut.)PluralmieliÅ›my (masc.pers.) we had miaÅ‚yÅ›my (fem.) we hadmieliÅ›cie (masc.pers.) you had miaÅ‚yÅ›cie (fem.) you hadmieli (masc.pers.) they had miaÅ‚y (fem./neut.) they hadVerbs with infinitives in -ąć change Ä… to Ä™ in all forms except the masculinesingular. Verbs 87zacząć beginSingularzaczÄ…Å‚em (masc.) I began zaczęłam (fem.) I beganzaczÄ…Å‚eÅ› (masc [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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