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.Tyron shrugged. Wren said she was not going to wear it while adventuring becauseit d get ruined, and she meant to give it to the Princess as soon as she was free.Guess Teressa likes pretty things. Mistress Selshaf, Idres said softly, then looked up. She did not tell you what itis for? What it s for? Tyron repeated. You mean, there re magical properties to it?Idres smiled ironically at the beautiful scarf in her hands. There are indeed.Andthe fact that she did not see fit to tell you means that& She broke off, and instead flung the scarf over her head, tying the ends looselyunder her chin.Then, as Wren and the boys watched in amazement, her featuresaltered slowly into an ugly parody of her own face.Then they altered again, this timeforming an ordinary female face that did not at all resemble Idres. Disguise illusion. Tyron exclaimed.Then he looked puzzled. But why would Wren need that? It s not as if anyone knows who she is.All of Idres s irony was back as her features resumed their natural form, but nowit was not directed at the boys. The scarf wasn t meant for Wren.It was meant forme.The boys looked stunned, but Wren growled, frustrated at not being able to talk. Come. Idres got to her feet and brushed her dark-colored skirts off with herhands. Those men will be missed if they do not report back to their garrison withintwo days.And, as the outposts communicate with Andreus by magical means, hewill know almost immediately that something has happened to them.When he linkstheir disappearance to the magic of last night, he will probably wish to lead the hunthimself. Then let s get as much distance between them and us as possible, Tyron said.Wren heard the distinct crunch-crunch of Tyron s scroungy sandals in the dirt,and the heavy rustle of his worn old tunic as he moved.As he and the others pickedup their belongings, and Idres packing Wren s knapsack inside her own large one,Wren tipped her head and looked down at herself.Long, thin dog legs stretched out before her, covered with short, wiry fur that wasexactly the same color as her hair had been.I m a stripy dog, she thought.Just as funny-looking as I was as a girl.Her bodywas short, and she had a long, plumed tail.When she heard a sudden noise behind,her ears flipped up and turned.Laughing inside, Wren thought: Well, there may be danger, as she says, but thefact is that being a dog is fun.She trotted around in a circle, experimenting with the way her new body moved,then ran a little distance ahead.Moving so quickly while being close to the groundwas very strange, and the way everything smelled so strong was distracting.Nothingsmells bad, either, she thought.Even this patch of aguewort here.It s allinteresting.Behind her, the boys talked in low voices as they walked.After a short,exploratory excursion, Wren ran back to listen.Tyron gave her that funny look of mixed regret and curiosity. Hi, there, Wren.Iwish you could say how you feel about all this.I ve always loved dogs.While I never thought I d become one, I don t mind, shebarked back.By now she knew that words were not going to come, but she hatednot to say anything.Tyron sighed. I can t tell what she means. She s fine. Connor smiled down at Wren.From her new position, he seemed tobe as tall as a house. I hope so, Tyron said dubiously.  I know something about dogs, Connor said.And as Tyron s expression didnot change, he added,  Frightened and miserable dogs do not, for example, wagtheir tails and prick their ears up.Right! Wren yapped.Tyron ran a hand through his shaggy, wild hair, then dropped his hand. Iwish&  He looked at Wren, then at Idres, and frowned at his feet.Connor said gently,  We made our mistakes together, all three of us.Not justyou.But we are still alive, and we have learned. That is the first bit of wisdom I ve heard out of you, Prince of Siradayel, Idresmurmured.Straightening up, Tyron said,  All right.I m being a hen.I can see you all think it.Idres, why did Mistress Selshaf want you to come to Senna Lirwan? And how didshe know you would? I don t know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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