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.’What do you say we get together for dinner at my place thisweekend and we take it from there?’ ’That sounds good to me.Do you need me to bring anything?’’No.All you have to do is bring yourself.I will take care of everything else.’She sighed, and he could understand her slight hesitance.What she was getting ready to agreeto could make a person nervous.He just hoped she wasn’t going to change her mind.Still,the last thing he wanted to do was pressure Kristen into any unfair situation.He had always felt she wasn’t experiencing the life she should be because of her seriousrelationship with him.Yet, this was one thing he did want to experience with her and wouldgo to any lengths to make sure it was an experience she would never forget.’Okay,’ she whispered.He held back his sigh of relief.’I will give you a call and let you know what time Saturday.’’Okay.’He fought a yawn but was unsuccessful.It had been a long day.’Did you have a hard day?’He smiled at her question.’Yes and no.I have finished conducting the interviews for thevacant deputy position and thought I would have a decision made by now, but I don’t.Weareall having to pick up extra patrols right now.’’Do you have anyone in mind?’He had three of the five candidates he interviewed in mind but just one he considered makinga job offer to. ’Yes I do.I need to do a few more reference checks.I will make my decision after they arecomplete.’’Well, good luck.I’m sure you will find a great replacement.’’I’m sure I will, too.I don’t want to keep you much longer.I just wanted to give you a callto see how the rest of your day went.’’Well, thank you for keeping your word.It means a lot.’He grinned.’You know I always do, but you have a good day tomorrow, and if I don’t seeyou, just know I will be thinking about you.’’I will be thinking about you too, Randy,’ she whispered.’Good night.’’Sweet dreams.’Randy hung up the phone and rolled onto his back.He looked up at the ceiling.Soon, he wasasleep and having very sweet dreams about Kristen.* * * *Kristen wiped her mouth and leaned back in her chair.She was stuffed and everything hadbeen delicious.’You are a much better cook than I remember.’Randy smiled.’Thank you.I had to learn a lot over the past few years.Wade is my toughestcritic.’She shook her head and smiled at the mention of Wade.He was an adorable kid, and she hadgrown fond of him.She told Randy that it would be okay for Wade to join them for dinner, but Randy had insisted his parents watch Wade.When she knocked on Randy’s door andentered his house earlier, she knew it had been a good idea for Wade not to be there.Shemight not be experienced, but she knew seduction when she saw it.Candles were lit all overthe entire house.She had followed him through his living room and into the kitchen where theset up had been the same.He held out her chair while she sat and poured her a glass of wine before walking over to theoven and removing two plates he had warming in the oven.Randy set one in front of her andthe other across from her.Once he had taken his seat, he toasted to a great evening to comeand they began to eat.They made small talk during the meal.She noticed he still had theability to make her laugh a lot.He told her about his brother and two sisters she hadn’t seenin years.Randy was the oldest, Emily followed him, Cody followed her, and Blair was thebaby of the family.From what he said, the Stroud family seemed to be doing okay.So was she after the wonderful meal Randy fed her.He stood and began to clean up.Shestood to help him, and he protested but she wanted to help.It would give her something to dowith her hands.This was the first time she had seen Randy outside of his uniform since shecame face-to-face with him at the day care.The man was so sexy he made her eyes hurt.There was also his air-dried hair that looked like the wind had touched it a few times today.Combined with his facial hair, he had a tousled Matthew McConaughey look, and it made itvery difficult for her to keep her hands to herself.Randy rinsed the last of the dishes, and shedried it and set it in the dish rack.He turned to face her.’Let’s go into the living room.’She nodded, and he led the way [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]
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