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. Kind of. He poked around on the tablet and handed it over. Here.Eli took it, and his eyes got comically wide. Holy shit. I did lots of live subscription web stuff.This is out everywhere.Eli stared back down at the tablet. Oh my God.Is that Papa Grande? Yeah. He is so fucking hot.I can t believe I never saw this, and now I can t ever jerk off to it.Ow.Those are some swats. Eli winced. People paid to keep it going.And they also gave a free six-month membership to someonewho could predict how long I could take it before I d break.Eli turned the tablet facedown on the bed. I didn t know.Silver shrugged. I didn t tell you.It was after the shelter.We d lost touch. You never said why you took off like that. I was still underage.Was afraid with the social workers and shit that they d find me.Eli was smart enough not to ask who they were.Eli always had a half a dozen insults ready togo when he mentioned his asshole parents, but Silver s weren t worth the effort.Eli smoothed the same lump under the cover and then met Silver s eyes. Was it better thanhustling? Better in some ways, worse in others.Got fucking sore sometimes.Eli rolled his eyes. Seems like cake by comparison.At least there s furniture and a directorto keep an eye on things. Yeah? You try getting drilled by a dick that size for six hours while they adjust the cameras.But for the most part, Eli was right.It had felt safer.That first winter wasn t anything Silver wantedto relive.Eli either.Silver leaned back until he was propped up on his elbows. Does Quinnknow? About you tricking?Eli stretched out on his back and folded his hands across his stomach. As much as he can? What the fuck does that mean? It means I told him.But I don t know how much he gets it.How much anyone else can.Anytime it comes up, he gets super protective.Which is sweet, kind of, but I don t want to bepackaged in bubble wrap in order to leave the house, you know?Silver didn t know.No one had ever really given a shit about protecting him.Controlling him,yeah.When he d been with Zeb, things had gone like they had the night in the cell.Silver having tolook out for himself while Zeb floated around in his flower-child, Jesus-loves-you bubble.Howthe hell had Zeb managed two years in Haiti? Only in private did Silver ever get to see the realZeb.The one with the wry smile and the absurd sense of humor.Silver rolled onto his side, careful not to touch Eli.Didn t matter.Eli didn t get the concept ofboundaries.He reached over and shoved Silver. So how come you re not loaded, Mr.Porn Star? Pretty twinks who ll fuck on camera aren t hard to find.I had to do the spanking andbareback stuff to make much.And it was hard to hang on to without a bank account.Eli shot off the bed. Bareback?Silver had known the explosion was coming.Figured now was as good a time as any.He gaveMr.Safe-Sex Lectures a bored look.  Is that where you got it? Which? Gonorrhea or HIV? My God  Save it, Eli.I m not stupid.And there s no guarantee it was the modeling. Silver s mouthquirked in a half smile as Eli responded to the euphemism with a predictable echo of modeling andflinging his hands over his head. I did have two boyfriends. And you weren t safe with them? Come off it.Don t tell me you aren t getting bred by Daddy every night.Eli stopped flailing and folded his arms defensively across his chest. We waited.And gottested. How poster-child perfect of you. Silver rolled off the far edge of the bed and started for thedoor. Silver, wait. Eli caught his wrist.Not roughly, not anything Silver couldn t yank free of, but ifhe was going to get an apology, he d stick around for it.But Eli pushed him onto the bed. You are a serious mess, my friend. Fuck you [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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