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." Joey's hand touched Lee's, just stroked his fingers."You're a hell of a lot more than simply that set of feelings, you know.""Yeah, I know." Lee glanced over at him and rolled his eyes."Of course I am.But this is a part of me, too, and I don't think it's going to go away.But I can keep it to myself when we go out and I'm mentally totaling up how much your friends' art collection is worth and not make you endure my envy.""I get envy.All the time." Joey lifted his hand to Lee's jaw and turned his face so they were looking at each other."You're the one who dropped absolutely everything to be here.You're fiercely loyal to people, even those you've never met.You are the epitome of what we're supposed to be.You have an open heart, and you throw yourself into life without holding back.I should know.Look what we've done.Look how much we feel, the two of us, in a short time." He smiled.Lee smiled, too, and kissed Joey's mouth gently, lingering a little."I'm here, too.Giving you the first warning talk I've ever given anyone.Usually I let guys figure it out on their own.""How's that worked out for you?" Joey kissed him back, his lips soft."Not as well as this." Lee took a breath, sighed and sat back."Mind you, I've never had Tony hovering like this.He's relentless." Lee considered for a moment and then said, "I told Tony I thought I was falling in love with a perfect man."Joey snorted."And now that I took two days to make myself come and be a supportive boyfriend, if I couldn't bring myself to be a proper brother?" Lee looked at him."Now I think I'm falling in love with a normal human.Well, a really, really hot and smart normal human.You came through, Joey.I know I should feel bad about being happy you forced yourself to come, but I'm just glad you're here."Joey sighed."I'm completely aware that how I handle death and funerals isn't normal.I mean, I know it in my heart, not just my head.I bet everyone's been asking you where the hell I was."Lee could hardly deny that."And," Joey went on, "I know that you've been confused and probably hurt by it.""No," Lee protested."No, no." "Yes." Joey gave him a stern look."I know it's odd.I know that it's peculiar.And now I know another thing.I know that it's far more important to me that I be here, supporting you when you need me, than it is that I be at home saying good bye alone.Who knows? Maybe mourning is actually easier if there's someone to hold your hand through it."Lee smiled and kissed Joey's cheek."I appreciate that it was hard for you to come here.I'm absolutely delighted that you did it for me." He kissed Joey's cheek again, closer to his mouth, and then again, laying a trail."If you keep doing that you're going to get laid." Lee sounded amused and a little hopeful.Lee turned his head and kissed Joey's mouth, far less tenderly than he had been doing up to that point.There was a certain note of desperation in the kiss he got back, and both he and Joey were struggling to move; car seats and suit jackets weren't making things easier on either of them."We should've taken Matt's car," Lee said, stroking Joey's hair and making himself not bury his hand in it.That would lead to pulling hair and harder kisses and then they'd be stuck with nowhere to take things, since Joey's car wasn't built for making out like teenagers."We should probably go to the Dunkirk." Joey wasn't backing off, though.In fact, his hands were busy petting and burrowing under Lee's dinner jacket, then tugging at buttons."They're going to be phoning us really soon," Lee said, nodding.He leaned back and started trying to get his jacket off, sucking in his stomach to let Joey pull Lee's shirt free from his trousers."Matt'll be pissed when he remembers I left my phone in the room.""Mine's dead and I forgot the car charger." Joey half-turned and did something to the steering column, making the wheel lift up a crucial two inches."You watch out the window.""If we get arrested Tony will fucking kill me." Lee pulled his shirt up and out of the way, working on his belt while Joey did the button and zipper."Only after he finishes with me.Keep a look out." Warm hands pushed at fabric and petted Lee's cock through his boxers."And you might want to not yell." Lee snorted out a laugh and then gasped as Joey freed his cock from layers of clothes."I'll try.Can't promise." He watched as Joey's fingers slid over him, far too lightly, and remembered he was supposed to be looking out the window."Joey.""Shh." Joey bent and went down on him, sucking hard."Oh, fuck." Lee's eyes went wide and he gasped, unprepared for the onslaught.He petted Joey's hair with one hand and held on tight to the arm rest on the door with the other.He'd been hard -- kissing Joey tended to do that to him -- but suddenly he was desperately, completely rigid.Joey's enthusiasm appeared to be undimmed by cramped quarters, the possibility of arrest, or invoking Tony's wrath.Lee suspected that Tony's wrath wasn't really a concern.He certainly wasn't bothered by it, not with Joey's mouth hot on him and Joey's hands petting Lee's thighs, urging him to spread wider, sprawl deeper.He looked out the window, a quick glance to make sure no one was coming near them, and then Lee thrust up a little, his hips twitching.Joey moaned and bobbed his head faster, swallowing around him.It made Lee shudder, and the memory of the way Joey had let him fuck that pretty mouth made Lee groan.He couldn't get enough traction to do that, and the angle was all wrong, but Joey was doing all he could to duplicate the experience.Joey licked and slurped and sucked him, fingers cupping Lee's balls and pressing along the seam of Lee's trousers, rubbing at all the right places [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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