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.”“She didn’t shoot it.” Confused, I stare at Bethie.“Why would you say…”The group bristles.Everyone starts talking at once.Skeletor yells, “Zip it!”Immediately, they all shut up—except for me.“Bethany did not shoot that footage.Jagger did.”“Yeah, yeah.That’s what she said.” He puts a hand on her shoulder.Bethany flinches.“Point is—it’s her fault.She told you stuff.”“She did not!”“Don’t lie.She confessed.”Has Bethany lost her mind? Moved past terror to…I’m not sure what to call it.It’s hard to imagine what Skeletor did to force her to lie like that.“Okay, fine,” I say.“But the footage on my computer’s been deleted.As of today.You were probably in the bedroom when she did it.”Skeletor shrugs, meaning: big deal.You figured that out.“She said you always make a backup copy.Who has it?”“My friend Marci.” Defiantly, I toss my head.“She’s giving it to the cops—”“Giving?” He sneers “Or gave?”Shit!“I don’t know.She wanted to go to the cops from the beginning, but I wouldn’t let her.We made a deal.She’d wait until after we aired the piece.”“How long?”I glance at Bethany.“I’m not exactly sure—”“My guess is she hasn’t gone yet.All you Campus News freaks would make her wait.See if some asshole at school rats us out.” Skeletor points a skinny finger at me.“Here’s what you’re going to do.Call your friend, tell her to leave the copy on the stoop of her building, or the lobby, or whatever she has, and bring it back here.Someone will trail behind you to make sure you follow directions.That’s when I’ll let your traitor sister go.”“Listen to me! It doesn’t matter whether you get the copy or not.It’s still on the school’s server.”He laughs.It’s a nasty sound.“Not anymore.”Surprised, I wipe snowflakes from my eyelashes.Someone deleted the footage? Who would do that? Who has access—Skeletor takes a menacing step forward.“What are you waiting for? Get going.”Forget the server.Focus on the danger in front of you.“I’ll never get to Marci’s.” I spin the lie with as much certainty as I can.“I called the team before getting here.Campus News will show up in five minutes.Maybe less.With cameras and everything else.So you might as well let Bethany and me leave before you get into real trouble.”“You didn’t call anyone,” he tells me.“Oh yeah?”“Yeah.” He jerks his head.“You wouldn’t.Not until you talked to your sister.Something about blood being thicker than water.Just to prove I’m right, one of you check her cell.”Ghost Face yanks the backpack from my shoulder.Roots around, finds the phone.“She got a couple of calls and texts from someone named Raul.She didn’t reply.”Behind the mask, I can feel Skeletor’s gotcha smile.“Told you.Lying runs in your family.”“I’m sorry,” I say quickly.“You’re right.It’s just so cold right now.Why don’t we go together? It’ll take more than an hour to get to Marci’s and back.You’ll end up with frostbite if you stay here.”The snow’s falling at a steady pace.It would be beautiful—if I wasn’t so scared.I’ve finally figured out the reason Bethie isn’t moving.Her arms, which have been behind her back the entire time, must be tied to the pole sticking up from the end of the dock.“Don’t worry about me.” Skeletor sneers.He’s no dope.He’ll find someplace to get warm while I run around Brooklyn like a maniac.And he’s evil enough to leave Bethany on the dock until I get back.Just as that thought hits, a blast startles the group.A tugboat makes its way up the river.All heads turn—except for mine.Instead, I jerk my arms from Frankenstein’s suddenly slackened grasp and race forward.There’s no way I’m leaving my sister with a bunch of psychos.Someone shouts.Skeletor moves to block my way.As I swerve, my boots slip on the damp wood.I hit the deck hard, unexpectedly sliding past Skeletor on my stomach.“Shit!”The end of the dock is less than two feet away.Momentum, and a thin layer of melting snow, defies the law of friction.Skidding forward, I can’t stop—Just before I plunge into the cold, dark waters of NY Harbor, Bethany sticks out her leg.The front of her shoe hits my shoulder hard enough to keep me from going over the edge.Scrambling to my feet, I turn to face the members of MP.“Back off, assholes! If either Bethany or me ends up in the water, you’ll be arrested for murder.Is that what you want? Life in prison?”The three at the back have the brains to hesitate.But Skeletor’s out of control.He screams as he lunges for me.“Don’t call me an asshole!”We struggle, locked in a tight, back-and-forth motion.The dock is not very wide and I don’t want to slip again.Skeletor grabs a lock of my hair and pulls hard.I collapse onto my knees.A sickening boom, like a gunshot, scares the crap out of me.A large crack fractures the dock.At the same time, Skeletor’s foot crashes through the wood.He lets go of my hair as he falls.Lucky for him, the plank’s splintered gap isn’t wide enough to allow him to drop all the way through.He dangles awkwardly, one leg in the hole [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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