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.Soon he was buried as far as hecould get without literally crawling up his mate's ass."God, you feel so good!" Jace purred out as Linktested his muscles and tightened around Jace's buried shaft.Purring louder, Jace noticed his mate become more restless,actually fucking back against him to get Jace to move, andit wasn't like Jace to play hard to get, not when he had ahot, willing mate wrapped around his tool.Wrapping his own hand around Link's shaft andholding him by the hip with the other, he started stroking ashe began to move in earnest.The leopard had held off untilnow, but with his mate's consent they both let loose insideof Link.Slamming him hard against the wall, the only thing144 The Link That Binds Dawn H.Hawkeskeeping Jace from fucking him through it was the fact thatit would make Jace come in an instant; hard enoughholding back already with Link's ass rhythmicallysqueezing around him."Shit, Jace!" Link roared as he started shooting.A thrust later and Jace started filling Link's ass withhis cum, silencing his own roar by striking at Link's neck,sinking his canines deep into the mating mark as hepumped his release into his mate.Jace felt as if he'd gone into heat again.He'd neverexperienced such an intense release before.If he hadn'tbeen holding his mate around the waist, he'd have collapsedto the floor."You all right?" Link asked with a rough voice.Laughing, Jace gently extracted from Link's body,feeling his mate twitch when he did so."Shouldn't I be theone asking that?"With his mate turned to face him again, they kissedleisurely, which was quite different from the starved kissesthey usually shared.It kinda made Jace's heart melt a little."That's disgusting!" A voice interrupted their post-coital bliss.Jace turned just in time to see Link's oldest son Kyleslam the door shut on them, his face red and not justbecause of anger.145 The Link That Binds Dawn H.Hawkes"Fuck!" Link cussed."That about sums it up," Jace agreed."And call mecrazy, but I don't think Kyle's gonna be my biggest fan."Gathering their clothes, they dressed quickly.Jaceknew Link was upset.Even if his mate happened to be openabout their relationship and what they meant to each other,it didn't mean he wanted his son to catch them in the act.Still, Jace couldn't help grinning inside when hesensed how Link basically reeked of his scent& hewondered if he might convince Link to maybe wear one ofhis butt plugs the next time he got to fuck him.The idea ofhaving Link walk around with his seed sealed inside his assalmost made him harden again.First though, they were probably in for somedamage control.Back in the living room, Sol was in conversationwith Saber, discussing strategies.Tucker was performingsome damage control as well, vying for Debra's attention,who promptly ignored the guy.Serves him right."Debra, did you see where Kyle took off to?" Linkasked."He was in the kitchen last time I checked.Jasonwent to look for him," Debra answered."He's not too happywith you either.He just got settled at school and then this?146 The Link That Binds Dawn H.HawkesGuess bringing the tomcat didn't help much.""Hey!" Jace sneered.No way was he taking crapfrom the ex."You don't fucking know me, Debbie, so youjust keep your lopsided, ex-married ass out of my matingand start focusing on your own!"Debra glared and Tucker eyed him cautiously, butstill tensed for a fight should Jace launch at his mate."Who the fuck said I needed a mate in the firstplace!? I've been doing perfectly fine on my own." Shesneered back at him and Jace saw Tucker flinch."So, you're telling me that seeing Tucker go allguard dog because he thought you were threatened didn'tturn you on? 'Cause guess what, sunshine.This room isfilled with people who know exactly how your juicesflowed when he did."Debra's mouth fell open and her face turned pink.Yeah, shifter senses could be a bitch sometimes andapparently so could she, but that didn't mean Jace had totake any of it."You guys done yet?" Link asked, looking onlymildly amused at the situation."As entertaining as this is, Ineed to talk to Kyle for a moment.""You want me to come with?" Jace asked, perfectlyunderstanding if Link wanted to go talk to his son alone.Particularly considering the fact that their only real meeting147 The Link That Binds Dawn H.Hawkeswas with Jace and Link bare-assed naked in a closet."He's gonna have to get used to you some day,might as well be today," Link said and took Jace's hand,leading them towards the kitchen.Holding hands wasn't something Jace was used to,but being lead around like this was kinda& sweet&"Kyle?" Link called out when they entered thekitchen only to find it empty."Jason? Where are you guys?Quit acting like four-year-olds and get out here, we need totalk to you."Again there was no answer [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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