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.""I don't know what you mean," she said, almost weeping."What fruit would you say my cock resembles most?""A b-banana," she replied."That's excellent.Tell me, Rona, what do you do with a ripe banana, huh?""Y-you eat it," she gasped."Precisely, and that's what I want you to do with my cock.Without actually biting into it, I want you toeat it, to suck it.Now tell me, wouldn't you just love to do that?""No!" she gasped."Rona, this is the last time I'll ask.If the answer is wrong, I'll get dressed, leave here, and before twohours are gone, you'll be on your way back to prison.""All right, all right," she gasped."Yes, yes, I love it, I love it, I want to.eat it.""Dear lady, come here and kneel down between my thighs." She did as he instructed, her eyes lockedthe penis, hypnotized by it as a bird might be by a snake."Now plead with me, Rona.Tell me how muchyou ache to suck my cock."The beautiful, regal brunette wondered how much more of this shame and humiliation she was going tobe able to stand.Oh God! This was far worse punishment than she deserved.It had to be a test, it justhad to be a test, and she had to prove she would be able to pass the test.Her hands were now resting on Al's bare knees, her eyes locked on the throbbing length of his organ asit twitched, the head expanding and receding again and again, emitting colorless droplets of seminal oil.Itlooked like some awe-inspiring vision."I'd love to suck.your cock," she said, weakly, her voice catching in her throat."You still don't understand, do you," fill snapped at her."You staying out of prison, your getting anotherchance to be rehabilitated, your last opportunity to do good in all the other fields you've chosen hingeson one thing, and one thing only; your sucking my cock, provided I'm willing to let you do it.Your wholefuture is dependent on my allowing you to do it.""I see," she nodded, and then, coolly said, "Mr.Bombannente, I would very much deem it a privilege tobe able to.suck your.cock.""I don't know, now," Al teased, and she knew he was teasing."Oh please," Rona whimpered, her two hands coming together in an attitude of prayer as she kneltbefore him."Please let me suck your cock.I'll do anything you wish if you'll let me suck it.I'll beg, plead,anything, but let me suck that wonderful cock of yours.I'll do my very best, you'll see." The lovely forty-year-old brunette was suddenly almost incoherent with fear and shock.Her mind beganspinning deliriously out of control, and she found tears running freely down her cheeks, pleading as if shereally wanted to do this horribly monstrous thing."For the love of all that's holy, you must allow me tosuck your cock." Yes, this was to be her test, and she mustn't fail it.She had to prove herself not onlywilling, but capable."If you have any compassion in you," she all but screamed, "YOU'LL LET MESUCK YOUR COCK.""You're so eloquent, so expressive, it would be criminal of me not to allow you to do so.But remembernow, you promised to perform to the best of your ability.I know this is your first time and I don't expectmiracles, but I do expect you to put your heart and soul into it.""Oh yes, yes, yes, thank you," Rona whimpered."You're so good to me.Thank you so very much."He left the cigar in the ashtray as he got to his feet and stood towering over her, arms akimbo, legsspread apart, an overlord with his lovely female slave kneeling before him, his eyes burning with fierylust.He had her precisely where he wanted her.Her lovely face now hovered precisely in front of the huge, purple-pink head as it swelled and recededcontinually with strong throbs.To Rona it looked like a hooded cobra, the head widely swollen with lustrather than fear or hate, the little slit in the tip leaking its own colorless sap instead of venom.Al held theorgan steady for her, pulling back the protective foreskin, his own breath coming heavily, for he knew hehad her where he wanted her, and this excited him as much as what she was about to do."Go on, Rona," he said, softly."Go on and suck me off! Suck until I shoot, and when I do shoot, makesure not one drop is wasted.You have to swallow everything.everything!""Yes, yes, of course.Thank you so much for this opportunity," she gasped, her eyes tightly shut now,kneeling in trembling humiliation, the tears still falling from beneath her eye lids."Look at my cock when you suck it!" he commanded, reaching out and grabbing her dark brown hair,forcing her face up.Slowly Rona opened her lovely brown eyes and found herself staring straight into the tiny glisteningopening cut into the tip of the penis's smooth, bulbous head.Lord! This close it looked so thick sheactually wondered if it was humanly possible to open her mouth wide enough to fit the penis inside.Suddenly terrified by the sight of it, she almost pulled back, horrified and fearful of the thickly throbbing,massive monster as it moved closer and closer to her tightly clamped lips [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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