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.With few exceptions she wasvastly pleased with the Complex; one of the exceptions was thekitchen.Most of the kitchen was custom hardware, which meantthat standard cooking programs had to be extensively modifiedto run, so extensively modified that it made as much sense toprogram again from scratch.As she was doing.Sighing in frustration, she put Chandler and his improbabledigestion out of her mind and returned to the problem at hand.She was starting to regret using the old cookbook; things hadchanged enough in twenty years that, with modern kitchenequipment, the Better Homes and Gardens recipes from theearly 2040 s were almost impossible to prepare.  Bot, she said abruptly,  it says here I m supposed to chillthe sauce, once boiling, by taking it out of the microwave ovenand putting it into the freezer for five minutes.Guestimate forthe same job, maser to SloMo?The waitbot draped a flexible spyeye over her shoulder andfocused on the page s surface.It spoke in a cheerful male bari-tone. Bearing in mind that maser cooks more quickly andevenly than bouncer microwaves, assume fifty-six to fifty-sevenpercent of the cooking time listed for microwave ovens.SloMocooling times are irrelevant, given a target temperature.Are theambient temperatures for  freezers given?Jany shook her head. No.The waitbot said simply,  Accessing.for the Mitsui KenmoreRefrigerator Module SMM2-202, a model popular from 2037through 2045, ambient default freezer temperature was -8 de-grees.Given the mass of the orange almond sauce, five minutesat -8 degrees would bring the sauce to an ambient temperatureof two to three degrees. Moran 79Jany nodded.The chicken had reached the proper degree ofbrownness; she scooped the strips onto a plate and put thesteaming pile of meat into the stasis box, popped a single strip ofchicken into her mouth, and turned the stasis field on.Steamfroze in mid-air, and Jany glanced back over her shoulder at thewaitbot. How long is that for the SloMo?The waitbot said conversationally,  Eyeball it at 8.3 seconds,to bring the sauce to approximately one degree Centigrade.It isclearly the intent of the recipe s author to produce a sauce asclose to freezing as possible, without inducing the formation ofthose unpleasant ice crystals.Jany bit down savagely on her lower lip to prevent herselffrom going into a fit of giggles. Yes, she said at last in a high-pitched voice,  those unpleasant ice crystals can be a bitch. Yes, Mademoiselle, said the waitbot cheerfully.THE HOLO HOVERING over the lot said:Chandler Industries: Machines that MoveBeneath the holo, the reflected sun glittered off the brightpolypaint of over eight hundred cars in the lot at Chandler sRochester dealership.The polypaint was turned off; at night thecars glowed, at choice, in any of a hundred different shades.Thecars on display ranged from small two-seater ground effect vehi-cles all the way up to the MetalSmith Mark III, the fastestfloater ever brought to market.The man met them out on the lot, as they got out of Gerry sChandler 1300; he had been waiting for them.Tony Angelo was unlike any other salesperson Carl had evermet.Selling was not difficult; Carl could have become rich at it.Smile frequently.Look them in the eye and radiate sincerity.Dress appropriately and know the product.Forget anything elseyou like, but remember their names.Make them feel good aboutthe purchase, before, during, and especially after.Tony Angelo did, at least, know the product.He was a thin, dark-haired Speedfreak with a dark beardand mustache, slightly shorter than Carl.He moved quickly andspoke slowly, without a regional accent Carl could detect.He 80 Talesgreeted them dressed in dark slacks and boots that would nothave been out of place in a corporate boardroom, and a black t-shirt that showed the tightly corded muscles in his chest andshoulders.The shirt had a single breast pocket, on which theword CHANDLER was embroidered in glowing white thread.On the back of his shirt was the unofficial logo of the Speed-freaks: Faster than the wind.After being introduced, Tony Angelo immediately forgotAndy s and Johnny s names, and referred to them for the rest ofthe day as the  big blond dude and  the kid in the jumpsuit.Carl he addressed, twice, as  Castanaveras.Upon being introduced to Gerry McKann he said mildly,  Youthe guy who wrote that Electronic Times article on the legisla-tion to outlaw manually operated vehicles?Gerry started to smile. Well, yes.But Tony shook his head in disgust. Total crap.Did you actuallytalk to any of the Speedfreaks you quoted in that article? Angel de Luz and Nathan St.Denver, said Gerry stiffly. But almost forty percent of what I wrote didn t make it onto thenet.My editors Angelo s lips moved beneath the beard in what might havebeen a smile. You keep your editors in mind when they take thesteering wheel out of your car because your reflexes aren t asfast as your carcomp s. He turned his back on the newsdancerwithout waiting for a reply. Even if the carcomp is dumber thanyou are, which in your case maybe it ain t.Come along, gentle-men, I ve got your car out back.I hope one of you can drive ithome.LASERS OVER THE kitchen s doorway brightened, and a holofieldwavered into existence in the midst of the heat waves over thegrill [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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