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.“I’m not much for dancing.”Hector bringing up dancing again made Charlee’s heart start thumping.Would he be asking her todance again? The D.J.announced the appetizer trays had been refilled.Walter and one of the otherguys exchanged smiles.“Let’s go,” Walter said, and they both took off.The look of disgust on Hector’s face was almost comical as he watched Walter rush off towardthe appetizer trays.“What’s wrong?” Charlee asked.Shaking his head, Hector turned to Charlee.The way his disgusted expression morphed into thatsexy smile did all kinds of funny things to her insides.“Nothing’s wrong.He’s just supposed to bewatching what he eats,” he said, motioning with his thumb in Walter’s direction.“He asked me tohelp him drop some weight.I’m doing the best I can in the gym, but that,” he pointed at Walter whowas now making his way down the buffet of appetizers.“That’s not gonna help.”Charlee smiled, knowing that if Walter were anything like her, food was comforting.She couldtell she and Walter weren’t too different in terms of being outgoing.He was just as shy as she was,and she’d seen that look on his face when Hector suggested he maybe try dancing.It was the same shewas sure she’d made when Roger asked her to dance earlier.As usual, it was only after Drew saidokay for both of them that she reluctantly followed her to the dance floor.When Hector had asked her,she’d been speechless.Hoping to make up for choking during their dance and clamming up, she tried to shake off anyfeelings of awkwardness.“It’s nice of you to help him out.You two been friends long?”She saw a subtle but noticeable change wash over his face.He started to answer then stoppedwhen something behind her caught his eye, and he frowned then held his palm up.“Give me a sec,” hesaid, bringing his hand down, and touched her arm.“I’ll be right back.”As he walked away, Charlee stood there, trying not to smile too silly.She felt a little ridiculousabout how excited something as simple as his touching her arm could make her.“What happened?”Drew leaned into her.“Where’d he go?”“I don’t know.He got called away.” Again she did her best to flatten the silly smile thatthreatened to burst when she added, “But he said he’d be right back.”Charlee glanced back in the direction he’d walked away.He was talking to his brother and Noah.She’d never admit it to anyone, even Drew, because it was too embarrassing, but she knew the namesand recognized the two other owners of 5th Street from all the Google-stalking she’d done this pastweek.Drew smiled just as big as Charlee wanted to.“I know we said we have to leave early.” Her bestfriend sounded almost as excited as she felt.“But we can stay as long as you want to.”Just the thought of dancing with him again, being held against his body, and seeing that specialsomething she’d seen in his eyes earlier had her insides going wild again.She had to get it together.Hector had walked in tonight with two girls for crying out loud: girls she was certain he’d alreadyslept with and at the same time to make it worse.Now he was ignoring them to hang out with her.Next time, she could very well be the one being ignored.Those girls could deal with it, obviously,since they hadn’t left immediately like Charlee would’ve.She knew all too well that even going into this knowing the type of guy she was dealing with,she’d be crushed just the same—absolutely, positively crushed.There was no way she could be dumbenough to let herself get caught up in something like this again.Oh, but she was.She could feel italready.And this was completely different from last year.She never felt the kind of intensity she felt from Hector.There was no comparison, and there was no way to describe it, but she felt somethingwith him she knew she’d never felt before.This was truly a first for her.So why was she still soscared.Drew touched her arm, leaning in again and whispering so Maurice or anyone around wouldn’thear.“I see your brain working.Relax, okay? This is nothing like what you’re thinking.You may bethe same person on the inside, but you’re completely different on the outside now.” She shrugged, giving Charlee a little smile.“So you dance with him again if he asks, and you enjoy the party.Itdoesn’t have to go any further than that.You can do this.It’s been long enough, Charlee.Andremember my sixth sense about these things? I’m telling you this is not the same.”Charlee nodded, smiling and feeling extremely grateful to have Drew.She’s the only one whoreally knew all about her fears.Drew had been there and lived through her worst nightmare with her.“You wanna another drink?”“No.” Charlee shook her head adamantly.“No more alcohol.I’d like at least a fighting chance ofnot doing or saying anything too stupid tonight.I’m already a wreck.”“Don’t be.” Her best friend smiled reassuringly.“You’re doing fine.”Drew glanced up in the direction where Hector had been standing with Noah and Abel, and theimmediate change in her demeanor was enough to alarm Charlee.She didn’t want to be so obviousabout it and jerk her head around like she was so tempted to.Whatever it was Drew had seen, had herfeisty friend practically glaring now.“What is it?” Charlee focused on the revolted look in Drew’s eyes to keep from turning around.Itwasn’t that hard a temptation to fight anymore because she had a feeling what it could be.“He’s dancing.”Charlee swallowed hard, ignoring the plunging drop she just felt her stomach do.His dancingwasn’t a big deal.It was partly his party.But that look on Drew’s face said there was more to it.What did she expect? After everything she already knew, did she honestly think one dance with himwas enough to get all stupidly excited about? She didn’t have to ask [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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