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.Women were seen as filling the role of home manager and bearer ofchildren, not of sexual playmates.Thus pubescent, girlish boys were oftentaken as sexual playmates by older men.This seems to have been a com-mon practice in addition to cultic homosexual behavior associated with fer-tility rites and the like.It is certainly the behavior that the writer of 2 Enochand Josephus, both of whom were contemporaries of Paul, associate withSodom.That must have been the mindset of the Judaism of Paul s day. 130 SEX IN THE BIBLEIt cannot be determined, therefore, on the basis of Romans 1, that Paulconsidered all homosexual relationships to be inherently sinful.It must beconcluded, however, that this passage argues that homosexual behavior isat least a pathology, distortion, or dysfunction: an abnormality which isagainst nature.This seems to be associated with a specific unconvention-ality, namely, an unnatural, burning passion for nonvaginal intercourse,whether heterosexual or homosexual, whether by women or men.In 1 Corinthians 6:9 10, the situation is quite different than Romans 1,and 1 Timothy 1:10 is similar to it.In the Corinthian passage homosexualbehavior is listed in the middle of the catalogue of sins, for which thetwice-repeated penalty is failure to inherit the Kingdom of God, namelyto lose out on the flourishing reign of God s love and grace in one s life.The total list of sins includes fornication, idolatry, adultery, male prosti-tution, sodomy, theft, greed, drunkenness, and reviling.The element incommon in all of these sins, of course, is promiscuity.The Bible is gener-ally and consistently against promiscuity (porneia), usually translated asfornication.However, promiscuity is possible in many ways, all having the samedestructive effect of eroding human personality and personhood.For exam-ple, one can be promiscuous sexually, intellectually, spiritually, psycholog-ically, and socially.All these loosen the hinges of one s psycho-spiritualidentity and erode one s sense of self.All shear off one s authentic inneremotional or psycho-spiritual self from the gymnastics of one s behavior,whether that is sexual behavior, intellectual behavior, social behavior, orspiritual behavior.Psychologically and spiritually, it is the same function to engage anotherperson in sexual behavior without an authentic inner emotional connected-ness, as to engage another person in profound intellectual sharing withouthaving an authentic inner sense of trust and investment in that person basedupon some deep shared goals or ideals.The case is the same when youundertake to engage another person in sharing your deepest spiritual expe-riences without having established an authentic personal relationship.When a person sits down beside you on a bus and immediately proceedsto  share Jesus in intensive and extensive detail, that is personality-erodingpromiscuity and situation-inappropriateness.It reflects psychopathology inthat person.The hinges are too loose.The same must be said for the strangernext to you on an airplane who immediately feels it appropriate to expoundKant s philosophy, or explain his or her intimate personal odyssey in exhaust-ing detail.These are promiscuous behaviors and the Bible is everywhereagainst them because they are destructive of human personality or manifest HOMOSEXUALITY 131considerable inner pathology and distortion, namely, a gross lack of healthyboundaries, impulse control, cognitive reflection, and orientation to the cur-rent situation.In I Corinthians 6:9 10, it is clear that Paul is against this kind of pro-miscuity.This is particularly evident in his references to fornication, idola-try, adultery, male prostitution, sodomy, and theft.These are behaviorsof persons whom we identify psychologically as suffering from a fail-ure to set and maintain appropriate inner boundaries, either because theyare suffering from developmental disorders or from inherited BorderlinePersonality Syndrome.Male prostitutes obviously are promiscuous in thesense that they solicit promiscuously.They have no identified committedallegiance or covenanted relationship with their those they solicit.Sod-omites seek out male or female prostitutes for anal intercourse.They arepromiscuous in the same manner as their prostitute counterparts [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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