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.Was it possible that the book was not the open act ofatonement I intended, but rather an expression of a subconscious will to provoke acontinuation of the extreme and violent acts that were its subject?Yet I was heartened to hear, over the years, from readers who had been deeply moved.Many were contemporaries who had kept secret their own stories of risk, rebellion, andnarrow escape.Many more were so young that they had only the vaguest firsthandimpressions of the Vietnam War era.They, in particular, were grateful for the book as acautionary tale.They told me that it helped them understand how the charged politicalatmosphere of the late 1960s drove many of my generation over the edge and that bydescribing that edge in familiar and recognizable detail, it illuminated.The unexpected and gracious invitation of Citadel Underground to put the book back in printhas evoked in me feelings as mixed as those with which I faced its disappearance.Thesedays, I rarely discuss my past not from embarrassment, but because it seems so bizarre inthe context of my everyday life.For thirteen years, I have lived in the same rented NewYork City apartment.I get up, get dressed, and go to work with the rest of the world.Icampaign for progressive public officials.I write letters to Congress to support the right toabortion, wilderness preservation, funding for public housing, nuclear disarmament.I thinka lot about mortality.Growing up is a continuous process, and I have changed as much since I first wrote thebook as I did in the decade it concerns.The temptation to rewrite my ten-year-old prose isgreat.If I were to start again with the Prologue, the events would be the same, but thenarrative voice would be more guarded.The portraits of individuals would be more nuanced.The whole would be less a recitation of facts, and more of a judgment, of myself and others.But to keep faith both with readers and with a younger self who, for better or worse, riskedunvarnished truth, I have left the book as it was.This is a verbatim reprint of the originaledition, with the sole exception of a few paragraphs at the end that referred to my life in1980, and for which this afterword takes the place.233 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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