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. Come back tonight?A smile teased the corners of Chris s mouth. Haven t gotten enough of me yet? Hell no.You haven t let me suck your cock yet.Chris stumbled.Okay, he wasn t walking, so that wasn t exactly right, but his kneeskind of gave out or something, because Darien had to grip his hips to steady him.Thatterrific laugh started in his chest, bursting from his mouth.Grinning, he reached up to caressDarien s jaw. How can I possibly refuse that?Darien grinned, teeth and everything. Excellent. He stepped away toward the showerdoor. You go ahead and finish.I ve got to brush my teeth.Hey -- He stepped onto the bathmat and reached for a towel. -- I ll call down and get them to send up another brush. 86 Jet Mykles No need.I have to go home before I go into the office.Darien glanced over his shoulder, distracted for a second by the sight of Chris s longhand sliding down his flat belly, wiping away any traces of their cum. You ll be even later.Chris dipped his head backward into the spray, exposing his lean neck. I don t have asuit with me.Oh, yeah.The jeans.Mmmm. Right. He watched for a few more seconds, jealous ofthe water. Should I be sorry about that?Chris lowered his head and opened his eyes with a wry grin. No.I m not.He made it until four o clock before he called.Chris had given him his personal cellnumber a few weeks ago, and Darien was real glad of it now because he didn t want to hearanyone s voice but one man s. Hello, Darien. And there it was.Caller ID was a marvelous thing, in Darien s opinion. Hey. He flipped through the comic book in his lap, but only saw a blur of color.Didn t matter.He d already read it. What time will you be here? Tonight? Yeah, tonight.I was thinking of ordering food and didn t want it to get cold beforeyou got here. He patted himself on the back for a reasonable excuse for the call. What doyou feel like? Mmmm, actually I know you feel good.He didn t like the pause. Chris? You re not backing out on me, are you? Backing out? He knew stalling when he heard it.Oh, shit, you re not backing out! C mon, Chris.You ve got to teach me how to give a blowjob, remember?Chris groaned softly. Heaven Sent 4: Faith 87 I figure there s a lot of tongue and sucking that I gotta master, right? I mean, I tried topay attention when you were sucking me last night, but I kinda got lost. No, Darien did notplay fair when potential deprivation of good sex was before him.Nope.Not gonna happen.Another moan, a little lower.Darien chuckled. Sorry.Are you alone? Yes. Chris cleared his throat. Yes, I m alone. You re coming over tonight, aren t you? Yes.I ll be there.I ll leave my office around six.Excellent!  You re going by your place first? Yes. Good.Hey, I was thinking&  He paused for effect. Yes?Hmm, didn t take the  thinking opening.Oh, well. Why don t you stay theweekend? The weekend? Yeah.I m headed out on Tuesday for the west coast.Why don t you stay with meuntil then? Or at least until Sunday? You re leaving town? Remember? I told you.We re going back in the studio.Luc s finished up his movie,and we re rarin to go. The prospect of making music with the band again had him allexcited, but the thought of being without Chris when he d just discovered this great new sexwasn t all that pleasant. What about the paparazzi? No worries.They know how to keep it under wraps here at the Weiss.Tyler sees to it,for obvious reasons.We ll stay in. Come on, that s got to appeal. 88 Jet MyklesWhen he heard the dark little chuckle, he knew he d won. All right. Yes!  I wasgoing to pack an overnight bag anyway, but I ll pack enough for the weekend. Sweet! So, what do you want for dinner? There s a great Greek restaurant that I ve haddeliver before&  Heaven Sent 4: Faith 89Chapter NineDarien twirled the stick around the back of his right hand and back into his grip, thenresumed the simple 4/5 beat he rattled out on the coffee table.The smell of lamb and chickensouvlaki and pastitsio tempted him from the cart set beside the couch, and MTV blared athim from the television, but most of his attention was on the cell phone sitting before him.He should call Johnnie.He needed to know.Well, no, he didn t need to know.Darienhad long ago given up trying to keep up with Johnnie s conquests.Although, in the past twoyears, Darien had certainly had more since Johnnie became monogamous.Have I caught up?Probably not.But Johnnie would want to know this.He d tease Darien mercilessly, of course,but that was part of being friends, wasn t it? Damn, Luc was going to read him the riot act forthis, and Brent was going to shake his head and laugh.He couldn t wait!Yeah, he could.Better to tell them in person.Let them get their digs in.He d see themTuesday anyway, and they d be together for months.Yeah, he d wait. 90 Jet MyklesHe glanced up at the television, realizing he d missed the whole show.But that wasokay.He knew enough about what was going on.He just liked to know what others were upto [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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