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.When it finally occurred to them that none of the food poison-like symptoms had beenaccompanied by diarrhea it also dawned on them that some of them, at least, were pregnant.By the endof the month, they decided they could make that unanimous.It was a relief on several levels.On others,not so much.Miranda couldn t decide whether she was more thrilled or scared to death at the prospect of having ababy her first without a hospital and lots of drugs close at hand.She was pretty sure the othersshared her sentiments except for those who hadn t wanted to be pregnant at all.They were just plainscared shitless and didn t even have anything to be happy about to counter it.Beyond that, nobody knew who the father of their baby actually was since it seemed very unlikely thatthey d all been at peak fertility when the designated impregnator had done his job.And they had theadded worry of a showdown some eight months down the road when the babies arrived and might ormight not look like the Hirachi who thought he d fathered it. I wonder if we should mention, now, that we don t have cycles like the Hirachi women apparently do,Deborah said uneasily. I don t think they ll be very happy if we mention it now when we didn t before, Miranda said. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html Yes, but I think Tin s going to be really angry if I have a baby and it looks like Cel or Dirk, Beth saidunhappily. Puhlease! Carol put in. They all look alike and babies all look alike.You don t honestly think they llbe able to tell the difference?Everyone but Joy turned to glare at her angrily and even Joy didn t look terribly pleased with her. Theydon tall look alike! Deborah snapped. They don t lookany thing alike! If you ever paid any attentionto anybody but yourself you would ve noticed that.Carol glared at her but finally shrugged. I was just trying to make her feel better, she said coolly. Right, Mary Jane retorted dryly.Miranda massaged her temples. I suppose we can all act like wonder brain over there and pretendwe re completely stunned when the babies get here, she murmured with a touch of humor she didn tparticularly feel. I heard that! Carol snapped. Good! Miranda snarled at her. At least now I know you aren t deafand stupid! I ll remember that thenext time you decide to play deaf! Oh this is going to be fun! Deborah said dryly. Twenty pregnant women all stuffed in these four littlepods together! We ll be lucky if we all make it to term alive. You know, Beth said thoughtfully,  I read once that anytime women were stuck together really close,their cycles began to shift toward the alpha female until they were all on the exact same cycle.Everybody stared at her with a mixture of hope and doubt. You re sure that s what the article said?Mary Jane asked. Actually, Deborah put in,  I ve heard that, too.Maybe we were all cycling together?Miranda frowned. You think we were together long enough for that to happen? she asked doubtfully.Deborah shrugged. God only knowshow long we were together on that damned ship. Yes, but & would it work, though, since we were all  asleep , in hibernation or something like that? Maybe the trader gave us some kind of drugs? He said he d taken our birth control to make sure wewere ready to breed.He knew about the Hirachi and seemed to know about us, too. Maybe.I think I m going to vote we all just keep our mouths shut and worry about the issue if it comesup & and not before that.We ve got enough to worry about now, Miranda pointed out.She should ve known, Carol being the troublemaker she was, that she d take the first fuckingopportunity to make the announcement just to make trouble for everybody else!* * * * Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlMiranda had a split second to feel surprise and delight when Khan suggested she walk with him to herhabitat.A flicker of uneasiness washed both away when she discovered that Teron, Gerek, and Adarapparently meant to join them, though.Somehow, she couldn t quite convince herself that they had something kinky and exciting in mind.She was even more unnerved when she discovered that Teron intended to examine her.Aside fromfeeling some vague discomfort at being exposed to all of them at one time, though, she didn t think muchabout it.Teron hadn t examined her since he had just before they d all been brought back to thecompound.She thought she was probably around three months along in her pregnancy and she figuredhe probablyshould check her.She was actually a little pleased about it, even though she still had a lot of reservations about thelaborshe was facing at the end.She d gotten just far enough along that she had to leave her pants undone atthe waist, and she d developed just a little bit of a pooch so that it had finally begun to seem real to her.She was a little embarrassed and uncomfortable when he slipped two fingers inside of her but since hethen pressed down on her abdomen she decided he was just trying to get an idea of how much herwomb had grown.The discomfort vanished.She studied his face anxiously, trying to decide if he thoughtit felt right or not.She couldn t read his expression, unfortunately [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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