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."I was ordered by the President to accompany theFBI and provide consultative services," Kellan replied,adjusting the straps of some of his gear."You couldn't consult from DC?" Jonah askedincredulously."You had to be in the line of fire?""I'll explain in more detail when we brief you.""What is McMurtrie doing here? Consulting on howbest to annoy the indigenous population?""Ha! I'm more than just a pretty face, Jonah.Idesigned a new communications system the governmentbought for you sorry grunts to use.Trouble is it's in betatesting still.The FBI are using it while they're here becauseI'm really good at encrypting frequencies, but if it acts up, Igotta be here to fix it.You know, hit it with a hammer, lickthe sockets.The usual."Jonah remembered hearing some scuttlebutt alongthose lines.86 Brothers in Arms Kendall McKenna"Jonah, not to tell you how to do your job& "Kellan said.His hand on Jonah's arm felt like it wasburning through his uniform, scalding his skin."But if thatC-46 is our ride out of here, we should get on it.We'resitting ducks out here in the open."Jonah mentally kicked his own ass.Kellan shouldn'thave to tell him what his job was.It didn't escape Jonah's notice that Kellan easilytook command of Neil and the team of agents.He cajoledthem all into the chopper, helping them to hand off theirgear to Jonah's men to be stowed.Kellan herded them all tothe front, explaining how to strap in and assisting whenneeded.Jonah was left only having to worry about his ownmen.When Jonah went to take his own seat, he waspleased to find the last one open was next to Kellan.Thesound of the big bird's engines and rotors madeconversation impossible.Jonah could look, though, andwhen he did, Kellan was already watching him.He couldn'tsee Kellan's eyes, but one corner of his mouth was lifted ina small grin.Jonah couldn't help but return it before heglanced away.No one on the chopper was paying them anyattention, and he saw nothing in the chopper that requiredhis intervention, so he turned back.Kellan was grinningfully now.Jonah ducked his head this time and watched as87 Brothers in Arms Kendall McKennaKellan's hand came to rest on his knee briefly, giving it aslight squeeze, before moving away.It was no more than acasual sign of brotherly affection between two warriors.Sweat rolled down the back of Jonah's neck and thelength of his spine.It was so fucking hot inside thehelicopter.Getting off the bird was as orderly as it was gettingon, much to Jonah's surprise."Shankman.Take Crowdenand tell Top Resler two of our guests are female.Everyone,and I mean everyone, is to afford them courtesy andrespect.Both of their profession and their persons.Thenpick one of the rooms, close to what indoor facilities wehave, and cordon part of it off for their privacy.""Yes, sir," they said in unison and immediatelystepped off."After that," Jonah said, by way of calling themback, "make sure everyone takes down all of the& walldecorations.""Hold that last order, Gunnery Sergeant," Milagrosinterrupted."Please.""Excuse me?" Jonah asked."I'm sorry.Please, and thank you, for the privacyand the respect to our persons.But we're guests on yourturf.You guys have no luxuries and few pleasures.If some88 Brothers in Arms Kendall McKennasemi-naked, or even naked, photos on the walls help youguys get through it, don't take them down."Jonah nodded."If you change your minds, please letme know." He turned back to Shankman and Crowden,frozen in place."What are you standing around for? I gaveyou an order."He watched the two scurry off.The agents followedat a less aggressive pace."If Carlene wasn't so hot for me, I'd think she andMilagros had a thing for each other," Neil mused at fullvolume, once the Feds were out of earshot."Why elsewould they ask you to leave up the naked pictures of hotchicks?""They didn't ask me to leave them up, Neil." Jonahlet his burgeoning irritation show."They said I didn't needto have them taken down.I know your mind struggles withthe subtleties of spoken language, but try to keep up."To Jonah's astonishment, Neil's only reply was acheesy grin.He sped up his pace to catch Kelly, throwinghis arm around Herndon's shoulders"Milagros has chops," Kellan said, suddenlyappearing beside Jonah."Carlene has a little bit of a chip,but Milagros's working on her."89 Brothers in Arms Kendall McKennaJonah tried to convince himself his gut did not justtwist in pleasure."Solid copy," he replied."And the othertwo?""Smart and capable, as far as I can tell.They wereall sent here for specific reasons, with the understandingthat preciousness has no place in a war zone.They seem toget it.""Do they know who you are?""Are you kidding? Eighteen hours on an airplanewith Neil McMurtrie.They know my fucking primaryschool grades.""Why are you here, Captain?" The use of Kellan'srank was an easy habit Jonah fell right back into.Kellan's pause was interminable."Because Ipredicted Grizzly's assassination."That was not what Jonah had been expecting.Hedrew breath to question Kellan further when Roner exitedthe manor house and approached Jonah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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