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.comThe first place that everyone should start marketing online is with the search en-gines.If you can achieve a top 20 position under any of your targeted keywords,then you will get the right "starving" crowd to your web site.If you have a goodoffer, you will make the sale.80 2.Participate in Free Discussion GroupsGo to these three sites to search for newsgroups, mailing lists, and forums whichyou can participate in:http://www.forumone.comhttp://www.liszt.comhttp://www.dejanews.comThen, begin to participate in the discussions and use a short signature file to linkpeople to your site and product.3.Advertise in EzinesStart advertising in ezines.The best way to make money online is by picking outezines that contain good quality articles and a low number of ads.then place clas-sifieds, sponsorships, and solo ads in them.This type of Internet advertising will give you the best bang for your buck.Theseclassified ads are low cost and you will make money using them.4.Write some free information and provide it for ezines to use.Write up a short 500 - 1,000 word article and send it by personalized email over tothe ezine publishers with whom you have already been advertising.Include ashort resource box explaining your web site offer and give the ezine publishersfull permission to use your article as long as they use the attached resource box.I like to use Mail King which is available at http://www.mailking.com for sendingout personalized emails such as this.5.Provide the same free information for web sites to use.Now, take that same article and offer to let web sites use it as content on theirpages.Download WebFerret for free at http://www.ferretsoft.com.Now, do asearch using WebFerret for some of your competitor's web sites domains like this:links: http://www.allthesecrets.com81 This will show you who all is linking to the page (unless the webmaster reallyknows what they are doing and how to beat this system).Go to those linking sitesand see why they are linking this page.In many cases you will find that they areusing some content or linking to content at that site.Whenever this is the case,send a personalized email to the webmaster offering the use of your article aswell.6.If you want to spend a little more money, then start buying banner adver-tising.If you have a little more money to spend (like $2,000 or more), then you maywant to start a banner advertising program.Just keep in mind that banner adver-tising is considerably more expensive than these other advertising venues, and inmany cases it can be extremely costly to do your preliminary testing.Once you have a banner advertising system going, it can produce an almostunlimited profit center in your business.7.Start Your Own Affiliate ProgramOnce you have a web site which is selling, then you can and should start yourown affiliate program.Just install the script from http://www.yoap.com (or ponyup the extra $200 to have it installed for you) and put up a special page providingyour sales materials to your affiliate members.The HARD Work is in the ResearchLike I said, the advertising is the easy part.Just follow my quick and easy systemabove for every web site you own.It will produce an Instant Cashflow if youhave chosen the right market, product, and offer.Start spending some time at the Trend watching sites which I gave to you in thelast chapter.Start reading magazines you find at the magazine racks.NOT Thebusiness ones.Read the niche market ones which you have fun reading (readwhat you like).Those magazines will show you what people are interested in.Look for adswhich you see that keep running time and time again in the same magazine (in82 90% of cases, they are working).Look for the trends and then come up with the killer product idea.Once you havecaught a trend, know the market, and have a product ready to go.the next stepis.The Concept!The Concept is more important than the copy.The way that you design and wordyour offer is often much more important that the ad copy itself.Just what are youoffering?You are not offering a web site design video.You are offering a complete paint-by-numbers approach to designing a web site, with a full 90 Day Trial Period.Once you have come up with the right offer, actually writing the sales copy willcome pretty easily!83 Internet Marketing Strategy Strategy by Claude HopkinsAdvertising is much like war, minus the venom.Or much, if you prefer, like agame of chess.We are usually out to capture others' citadels or garner others'trade.We must have skill and knowledge.We must have training and experience, alsoright equipment.We must have proper ammunition, and enough.We dare not un-derestimate opponents.Our intelligence department is a vital factor, as told in theprevious chapter.We need alliances with dealers, as another chapter tells.We alsoneed strategy of the ablest sort, to multiply the value of our forces.Sometimes in new campaigns comes the question of a name.That may be mostimportant.Often the right name is an advertisement in itself.It may tell a fairlycomplete story, like Shredded Wheat, Cream of Wheat, Puffed Rice, SpearmintGum, Palmolive Soap, etc.That may be a great advantage.The name is usually conspicuously displayed.Many a name has proved to be the greatest factor in an articles success.Othernames prove a distinct disadvantage - Toasted Corn Flakes, for instance.Toomany others may share a demand with the man who builds it up.Many coined names without meaning have succeeded.Kodak, Karo etc., are ex-amples.They are exclusive.The advertiser who gives them meaning never needsto share his advantage.But a significant name which helps to impress a dominantclaim is certainly a good advantage.Names that tell stores have been worth mil-lions of dollars.So a great deal of research often precedes the selection of a name.Sometimes a price must be decided.A high price creates resistance.It tends tolimit ones field.The cost of getting an added profit may be more than the profit.It is a well-known fact that the greatest profits are made on great volume at smallprofit.Campbell's Soups, Palmolive Soap, Karo Syrup and Ford cars are con-spicuous examples.A price which appeals only to - say 10 percent - multiplies thecost of selling.84 But on other lines high price is unimportant.High profit is essential.The line mayhave a small sale per customer.One hardly cares what he pays for a corn remedybecause he uses little [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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