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.Took Alastair's gun away from histemple." Joseph sounded like he was giving a sit rep, butthe anger still coiled inside Dale.What was all that shitabout calm and peace that Joseph had fed him on the cliff?This wasn't a calm and controlled situation; this was chaos."Dale!" Joseph was shouting at him."For God'ssake work with me here.We need to get the kid to ahospital.Get to the cars."Dale snapped back to the here and now."Keys.""Took a pile from the rack in the kitchen," Josephgrunted as he took Robert's weight.Together they madetheir way down the stairs and out the main front door.152 The Only Easy Day RJ ScottWhen they reached the garage, Dale supported a nowconscious Robert, who was groaning and forcing wordsthrough split lips.Joseph depressed the button on the firstset of keys, and the locks opened on a bright redLamborghini.Joseph slid into the passenger seat, and Dalemanhandled Robert across his lap.In five, they were away from the Bullen house, andDale drove like the hounds of hell were on his tail.Joseph was checking on Robert."Is he okay?" Dale asked as he took a left towardthe hospital."You shot him."Joseph twisted in his seat and sat back.Dalechanced a look at him, and where before there had been aglimpse of humanity in the sailor, now there was icydetermination and a blank expression"You fucking shot him," Dale repeated.He couldn'tbelieve what he had seen.US Navy personnel shooting afriendly."I saved his life," Joseph said firmly"How the hell do you ""We needed him out of the equation.So all eyeswere on us.Alastair was seconds from shooting hisnephew.""You don't know that."153 The Only Easy Day RJ Scott"Dale.Just drive." That was a signal theconversation was finished.As the car broached city limits,and the emergency room sign appeared on the road, Daleconcentrated on getting them there.154 The Only Easy Day RJ ScottCHAPTER 14"We found him" was clearly not cutting it withhospital administration, and despite Robert being whiskedaway for treatment, there were an awful lot of questionsDale had to answer.Dale, because Joseph had gone AWOL.He'dseriously just dumped Robert and Dale at the door to theER and driven off in the Lambo without a backwardglance.Asshole.Cops had been called because of theshooting, but a well-placed call from Sanctuary Ops hadsmoothed the situation with the hospital somewhat.Godknows what they had said, but the cops went fromsuspicious to supportive in an instant.Nik's arrival maybetwo hours after Robert and he had been dumped at thehospital was enough to calm Dale down from acutelypissed to just plain furious.He was pacing the emptywaiting room with the door shut, and Nik was simplysitting there and letting Dale release all the shit circling inhis head."Then he shot Robert.""In the arm; it was a wing shot, Dale.It was adistraction.You know that better than I do.""Doesn't mean I have to like it." Dale winced as Nik155 The Only Easy Day RJ Scottlooked curious."Joseph got the job done, and he didn't kill anyone.Why would you need to like it? "Good question.Why was Dale standing therefeeling like Joseph should have run every step of this pasthim before shooting Robert? How stupid was that? Robertwas so badly beaten that a single bullet wound would havepushed him over the edge to temporary unconsciousness.Joseph had to have known that."He wasn't trying to kill the boy, or even Greghimself.""Not like Christian Harris when he killed his wifeand baby and the husband, you mean." Dale knew exactlywhere this conversation was heading.Thank God Nik'sphone sounded at that point; otherwise, the conversationcould have become very sticky.Nik nodded then answered his cell.ClearlySanctuary Ops was on the phone by Nik's side of theconversation."We're moving him?""Sanctuary eighteen as soon as possible."Every Sanctuary safe house had medical supplies,but eighteen had an actual medical team on standby in thesame town.It was a good place for Robert to be safe and to156 The Only Easy Day RJ Scottheal."They're worried about him.""The senator will no doubt put out a press releaseabout how devastated the family is, but he'll stay awayfrom this.It's the youngest brother we have an issue with.Alastair.He's unpredictable, and we know fromintelligence we gathered he and Greg were close.So weneed to get Robert safe from his uncles.""Is he okay to move?""They're keeping him sedated but doc is here fortransport."Dale nodded.Kayden Summers was the doctorattached to eighteen, and even though they had never met,he was apparently very good at his job."I'm going with him," Dale said firmly."Assumed you would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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