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.Iwanted the living room to be the only place in the world, a sanctuarywhere I didn t have to share Jae with his culture or the close-mindedness of his family.I fell hard and fast into the promise of pleasure he offered.Iwasn t going to think anymore& not of anything beyond the manstretched over me and the small bit of heaven he was giving me.Whenhe enveloped me, I lost reason, closing my eyes to the sweet velvetdarkness of his mouth.The air was tight, sharp-edged stabs in my chest,and I struggled to breathe, unable to hold on to the width of hisshoulders with my palms.I explored the jut of his shoulder blades andthe line of his back, wanting to remember Jae on my hands before I hadto let him go. Jae, I said before lightning rode my body.He nuzzled andlicked, drawing out every ounce of strength I had in me.Reaching forhim, I tried to pull him up, wanting to be inside of him, but his teethclosed down on the ridge of my sex, dipping dangerously into the softskin. Baby, I need you. Lie down. Growling playfully, he nipped and tugged at me, hishands spread over my stomach.With a groan, I lay back, willing thespasms on my ribs to subside.An ache had begun to crawl up my skin,the tenderized flesh beneath a sea of bruises twisting as I moved. Don t move.I couldn t breathe anymore.There wasn t space in my lungs formy cries and air both, and I gave up, wanting to die from the pleasureJae was giving me or the pain that was beginning to curl my belly into atight knot.Every dip of Jae s tongue made me clench, and the damagefrom the bombing began to hurt anew, throbbing nearly in time with theache along my shaft.The storm in me broke, and I cried out, spilling into Jae s warmth.The condom stopped me from filling his mouth, splashing back ontomy head and puffing out the receptacle at the end.I was pretty sure Iscreamed his name, pushing up into the tightness of his throat, needingto bury myself into any part of his body.He lay gasping against my stomach, laughing softly into the nestof hair below my belly button.I fought to speak, lost in the waves of Dirty Kiss | 193white noise flowing over me.Languid, I reached for him, nudging himup to lie on me, wanting the curve of his body tucked against mine. Wait, Jae whispered. Let me clean you up.I tried to protest, too weak to do anything more than mumblenonsensically when he stripped off the condom and wiped at me with awater-damp napkin. Aish you for complaining. His words were rounded, that softburr of Korean that made me smile.It felt like he was sharing thedeepest part of himself when he grew English-lazy.We d spoken of it,lying against one another in the darkness when he slurred a few words,and his embarrassment made me laugh harder, cuddling him closer.Inspecting his handiwork, he cocked his head to one side and nodded. There.All better. Come here, I said, patting my stomach.He lay down carefully,watching my face intently as I tried to hide the wince jerking at my facewhen my ribs twisted painfully. I am here. He sighed, stretching out with his body half on me.Iwas going to have to send a thank-you note to whoever made my couchwide enough for us to spoon on.It was a good, firm piece of furniture,comfortable enough to cuddle on.I tried remembering if it was one Iliked or one Madeline had picked out, but Jae s fingers on my lips drewmy attention back. Stop thinking. He sighed. You re always thinking. I m thinking about you. Now you re just lying. Jae snorted when I grimaced. You re ahorrible liar.How were you a cop? I was a decent cop. I defended myself. Most of my work wasabout talking to people.That s most of the job, really.Getting people totrust you.Sometimes that s hard. I trust you, he said, resting against my shoulder. Mostly. Mostly? I debated feeling hurt but forgave him, considering thelaziness creeping through my body. Did you know Brian Park workedat the club? I m beginning to think everyone Hyun-Shik knew workedthere. Jae sighed. 194 | Rhys Ford Someone killed Park, I said softly, stroking his hair. There aretoo many people Hyun-Shik knew that are dying.I m afraid you regoing to be one of them. You wouldn t let that happen to me [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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