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. I should get dressed, he said, groaning at the thought of leaving her. I mbetter now.I should go. Go where? Topside, to take out a few more Rogues.I can t let the others do all of mywork.Gabrielle moved toward him on the bed, putting her hand on his forearm. Lucan, it s ten o clock in the morning.It s daylight up there.He swiveled his head to the bedside clock and saw that she was right. Shit.Islept through the night?Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlDante s going to ride my ass for a while about this one.Gabrielle s lips curved into a sensual smile. Actually, he s under theimpression that you were riding mine all this time.Remember?Arousal sparked inside him like flame on dry tinder.Goddamn.Page 166 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlJust the thought.She was sitting with her legs folded beneath her, the black tee-shirt bunchedhigh on her thighs, giving him a shadowed glimpse of tiny white panties at thetop of all that peachy skin.Her hair fell around her face and shoulders insumptuous waves, making him want nothing more than to bury his hands in it ashe sank down into her body. I hate that you had to lie for me, he said, growling the words.He smoothedhis hand along the silky curve of her thigh. I should make an honest woman ofyou.She caught his fingers, and held them still. Do you really think you re up tothat?He chuckled with dark humor. Oh, I m more than up to it.Although her eyes were warm with interest, she gave him a dubious look. You ve been through a lot.Maybe we should talk about what happened.It might be a better idea for you toget some more rest.The last thing he wanted to do was talk about his problems, especially whenGabrielle was looking so tempting in his bed.His body was recovered from itsearlier trial, and his sex came easily to life.As usual, whenever he was nearher.Whenever he so much as thought of her.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html You tell me if I need more rest.Taking her hand in his, he guided her toward the hard ridge of his erection,which bulged against the zipper of his pants.She rubbed the aching bulk ofhis shaft, then rotated her wrist to cup him in her palm.He closed his eyes, losing himself to her touch and the warm perfume of herown arousal as she edged into his arms.He kissed her, long and deep, a slow joining of their mouths.Lucan slippedhis hands under the tee-shirt, letting his fingers travel up the silky skin ofher back, then around to her ribs, and the delicious swell of her breasts.Hernipples pinched tight as he stroked them, little buds just begging to besuckled.She arched into his hands, moaning.Her own fingers were working the buttonand fly at his waist.Unzipping his pants.Sliding in, then pulling his length into the hot palm ofher hand. You are so dangerous, he whispered against her mouth. I like seeing youhere, in my domain.I didn t think I would.God knows, I shouldn t.He gathered up the hem of the tee-shirt, drew it over her head, and tossed itaside so that he could gaze with open appreciation at her nude body.He sweptaside her hair, and tenderly stroked the side of her neck with the backs ofhis knuckles. Am I really the first woman you ve brought here?Page 167 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlHe smiled wryly, caressing her soft skin. Who told you that? Savannah? Is it true?He bent forward and took one of her rosy nipples into his mouth.Pressed herdown beneath him with the weight of his body while he quickly shucked off hispants.His fangs began to stretch out from his gums, desire swiftly burningout of control, pumping through him in hot waves.Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.html You re the only one, he said thickly, giving her that honesty in return forthe trust she had given him hours before.Gabrielle would be the last female he d bring here, too.He couldn t imagine having anyone else in his bed, now.He would never permitanyone into his heart again.Because he had to face some hard facts,here that s what he d done.For all his careful control and years ofself-imposed solitude, he had let his emotional guard slip, and Gabrielle hadfilled his void like no other ever could again. God, you are so soft, he said, caressing her, trailing his fingers down herside and abdomen, to the delicate flare of her hip.He pressed a kiss to herlips. So sweet.His hand traveled lower, between her thighs, coaxing her legs apart for hisquesting touch. So wet, he murmured, plumbing her mouth with his tongue as his finger delvedpast her panties, into the slick folds of her cleft.He penetrated her, just a tease at first, then deeper.She clutched at him,arching up as two more fingers entered her body, caressing the plush sheaththat gripped him so fiercely.He broke their kiss and removed the lace thatcovered her sex.Then he inched down the length of her, pushing her legs apartand sinking down between them. So beautiful, he rasped, mesmerized by the flushed perfection of her.Hepressed his face against her, opening her to him with his fingers, tonguingher clit and the wet crevices that surrounded it.He brought her to a swiftclimax, relishing the hard tremors that rolled over her as she curled herfingers into his shoulders and cried out in release. God, you wreck me, woman.I can never get enough of you.He was so fevered to be inside of her, he hardly heard her little gasp as hecame back up to cover her with his body [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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