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."Yummy and luxurious and quiet and where we don'thave to worry about how affectionate we are.""Did you want to drive to LA? I'm sure there are safeplaces there.""No, babe.I want to take you to the Hammer.It'squiet, the food is awesome, and it's very, very gayfriendly.""The Hammer? Where's that?" He went to the fridgefor a drink."You want some juice? And is it dressy?""Casual dressy, though I'm a member, so they won'tkick us out if we show up in shorts." Dave nodded."Apple, please.""Sure." He poured two glasses, grabbed a bunch ofgrapes."I have a pressed shirt that's soft."His poor nipples were so sensitive."I like soft." Dave gave him a knowing smile, handon his belly.He popped a grape into Dave's lips, took one forhimself."Sounds good to me."Hell, right now, almost anything sounded good."Let's go get ready and do it, then, before I decide I'drather ravish you.Again.And then again."Burn - 184 He chuckled, nodded."I'll put the tools away and getcleaned up.""Mmm.I'm just imagining you wearing nothing buta tool belt.""Dork." He headed for the utility room, grabbing hisjuice on the way back to the bathroom.The house waslooking good and he loved it here."You look at home, babe.""I've been staying here for a while." That was cool,right?"Yeah, you have, and it suits you.Suits me, too.Youshould move more of your stuff in.I mean, you're eitherhere or at the firehouse, right? Seems crazy to pay for aplace you aren't staying at.""You think? I wouldn't want to cramp you, but I'mhere all the time I'm not at work.""Exactly and there's plenty of room here -- it's notlike we use more than one bedroom.Look at yourschedule, figure out what's the best weekend to moveyou in here, and I'll help you with the packing and shit."He nodded, chewed his bottom lip."I don't supposeyou'd be interested in bringing Doby over, too? I misshim."He knew Doby was okay where he was, but damn.Adog needed his man.Dave beamed at him like it was the best idea he'dever heard."Yeah, that'd be great.I'm home enough thathe shouldn't get lonely.""No shit?" He grabbed Dave, kissed the man hard."Oh, man.I'll call and see if they'll let me come get himthis week." Hell, he knew that it would be okay.Thesewere friends doing him a favor, and Karen called everyother day with 'Doby misses you' updates.Dave kissed him back, mouth opening for him,sharing his happiness.Burn - 185 "Come on, man.Let's go celebrate." He winked over."I guess this makes us an official thing now, right?""I guess it does." Dave grinned, grabbed his hand andsqueezed."They've got champagne at the Hammer.""Cool." He'd have to look into partner benefits at thestation, too.They got ready to go, both of them wandering aroundeach other, stealing lazy touches, happy kisses.Once hewas buttoned up and combed, Dave led him out to thecar, pointedly letting him be the one to lock the doorbehind them.Dave drove; the man's car was infinitely moreparkable than his truck.There was a little line-up and a doorman at this place,but Dave went right up to the front door and showed theman a card from his wallet.He looked, tilted his head."You a VIP?""No, I told you -- I'm a member."The man at the door smiled and opened the door forthem."Have a good evening Mr.Banders.""Thank you.We will."The place was dark, masculine, the music loudenough to dance to but not loud enough to coverconversation.It was a little over half full, all the patronsmen -- couples."Dave! We haven't seen you in ages." A large, dark-skinned man smiled at them, greeting them.Dave's hand was solid, warm on his back."Hi, Xavier.I've been a little.uh, preoccupied."Dave smiled at him, drew him close."This is mypartner, Marshall.Marshall, this is Xavier; he's the clubmanager.""Pleased to meet you."They shook hands, different people coming up,saying hello.Some of the men were very into their bodyBurn - 186 mods.Xavier eventually led them over to a table fortwo, and Dave shook Xavier's hand before pulling achair out for Marshall."Thanks." That was a little weird.Dave sat, grinned at him."They usually havesomething awesome featured on the menu.""Yeah?" He could see some guys with plates, talkingand eating and."Dude, Dave, there's a guy on his kneesover there."Dave looked over."Yeah.He's serving his master.Ifyou look closely, I'd bet you can catch some guysgetting blown, others wearing leashes and stuff."His eyes went wide."Dave?"What the fuck?"You remember me telling you about the club? Abouthow it's a BDSM club? A while ago.These guys are allin loving relationships, they care for each other morethan anyone else I know.""I can't.Shit.You should have warned me, man." Hekept his eyes on the table.Dave reached out and touched his hand, squeezed it."I'm sorry.Do you have a problem with the way theseguys express their love?""I.I.This is.I just.Dave!"This was.And people were.And he."Marshall? Marshall Rye? Is that you?"He looked up into Ilan Franks' face, the lean, bright-eyed computer tech wearing a thin red ribbon around hisneck, tight jeans, and little else.Oh, God."Hey.""Ilan, right?" Dave nodded to the man."You knowMarshall?""I do, Sir.I do tech support for the city -- I've had thepleasure a number of times."Burn - 187 "Cool.Your master is JW, right?""No, Sir.No.He, uh.I'm unattached at the moment,but the membership here was mine." Ilan grinned aseveryone looked uncomfortable for a moment."We'restill very good friends, but his son came to live with himand, well, he decided that having a full-time sub wasn'tgoing to work for his new lifestyle."Master? Lifestyle? Marshall sat there, staring, tongueheavy in his mouth."Well, you're in the right place to find someone new.""I am.And if I don't, then I'm going to have a ball."Ilan leaned down, hugged him."I'm so glad to see you.It's good to have a friend in the lifestyle.Dave'samazing.Lucky man."Marshall thought he'd pass out.Dave beamed at the compliment, though, and gaveIlan a wave."Good luck, man."When Ilan had gone, ass swaying from side to side ashe walked away, Dave turned to him."See? Normal,regular people.""Normal.I.Master, huh? That's intense.""It is.There's all different levels.Some people aredeep into it, others dabble.""What about you?" It was like Dave had this wholelife he didn't know."Me? I'm with you, babe.""Yeah, but these people know you.""They do.I'm a member here.You remember whenyou told me the spanking thing was unnatural and I toldyou it wasn't?" Dave nodded out to the rest of the club."See? It's not unnatural.These guys are normal,everyday folks.Just like you and me.""Have you.with people here?" He needed to know.Burn - 188 "I haven't.I don't believe it's something you docasually, and I've never found that special someone.Until now.""So.so you came here and didn't.you didn't.Imean, I'm not a fucking virgin." But the things they did?He wanted that to be his."I'm not a virgin either, babe.I've hooked up withfolks, but not from here.I've watched, I've learned.I'vehoped."Somehow that made him feel better, more relaxed."Do we have to go up to the bar for service?""No, there should be a waiter along soon.Ah, see?"Dave nodded at the twink coming toward them."They pay attention."Dave nodded, smiled at him, and he relaxed a littlebit more.It was a little weird, a little wiggy, but this wasDave and the man seemed easy."Good evening, Sir.Would you like to hear thespecials?""We would." Dave nodded, hand landing on his kneeunder the table [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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