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.Everything he said was heard and nothing was blown off.Nothing made Billy'ssoft touches stop.It was a good place, a high that the drugs had never given him.Only Billy.Owned - 86 Eventually there weren't any secrets left, but it was okay, because he was empty and light andhome.Owned - 87 Chapter TenMontana had survived twenty-four hours with the cage on.And then he'd survived forty-eighthours.Billy chuckled as he headed home.This last week, though? It had nearly killed both of them.He imagined Montana would be waiting at the door for him.Possibly naked and holding out hiscock with those beautiful eyes begging.Or he'd be in the bathroom with a screwdriver and trying to undo it himself.He chuckled and raced up the stairs, pushing open the door."Hey, love.I'm home."Nothing.Silence."Montana?" He closed the door and headed for the kitchen first.The note was on the table, along with a Twinkie."Gone to the beach.Luv.M."Someone was restless.He grabbed the Twinkie and opened it, shoved it into his mouth.Then he grabbed a couple bottlesof water and headed out again to see if he couldn't find his lover on the beach.He found Tannyeasily, the long body stretched out on a towel, his lover belly down in the sand, sound asleep.Shaking his head, he stretched out on the sand beside Montana, put his hands behind his head, andstared up at the sky.It was a beautiful day.Those dark eyes opened, looked at him, then closed again."Hey."He smiled."Hey, yourself.You've got a nice spot here.""Mmmhmm.I like it.""I was expecting you to be at home waiting for me.""I needed to get out.Walk.Nap." There was a hint of challenge, frustration."I know what else you need.""I need out of this fucking cage."Owned - 88 "I know.Which is why I was surprised you weren't at home.""I couldn't stay.I needed out.""You'll have to wait until we're home now."Montana nodded."I know.I had to get out." Those dark eyes met his."It was hunting me, needingto use, and I don't like to feel that in our house."He reached out and touched Montana's cheek."You know you can always call me if you need to,right?"Montana nodded, eyes closing."You ready to come home now, or you want to play a little truth or dare first?"One of Montana's hands reached out for his."Truth."He twined their fingers together."What's got you so restless?""I'm mad.I don't want the cage on anymore.""And it's scheduled to come off now -- it would be off already if you'd stayed home.""Would you quit it?" Montana looked at him."Just because I wasn't where you expected me doesn'tmean I did something wrong.You didn't ask me to stay home.I already told you.I wanted to use.Idon't want that feeling in our home.""Why are you pissed off at me? I wasn't telling you off or anything, just pointing out that you knewI was coming home soon, or you could have called me if you needed to.""You keep harping on me, though, like I'm in trouble.""I am?" He didn't think he was."Yes.Yes.You're disappointed that I wasn't home." Tanny stared at him."If you wanted me home,you should have said.I would have been there, but you didn't, so you have to suck it up.We haveto be honest.""I was surprised you weren't home, Montana.Not disappointed.""I would have been, but there wasn't much work today, not much to do.I got bored.""And that's fine, love." Billy shook his head, still not sure he understood what the problem was.Owned - 89 "Let's go home." Montana stood up, held out one hand."I need a shower.""Sure." He grabbed Montana's hand and let his lover pull him up.Montana walked with him, humming restlessly under his breath."Truth or dare," he said softly."Truth.""What else has you upset?""I don't know.I." Montana sighed."I feel like I've done something wrong, and I haven't.Ihaven't.""I know you haven't.Why do you feel like you've done something wrong? Because of the cage?""Maybe.Maybe it's like a punishment.""It's not a punishment, love.""I know.It would be easier if it was, kinda."He tilted his head at that."How so?""If it was a punishment, I wouldn't have to deal with how it made me feel.""Ah." He put his arm around Montana's waist and tugged him in close [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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