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. She didn't even know who I was at first. Doesn't sound like she knows our Dick at all.He snorted. She knows me well enough to know exactly what buttons to push, he said quietly.And push them she had.At least he wasn't likely to do something stupid this time.Helped that he wasn't there pouring back her rum like it was water.Rigger kissed his jaw. Want me and Rock to go beat her up? Blow up her car? Rock's good at that.That made him laugh and he turned his head to find Rigger's lips with his own, clinging to them blindly.Rigger hummed into his kiss, smiling and that hot fucking tongue slid over his bottom lip.He moaned, melting into Rigger, trusting his lover to hold him up.His lover.And his other lover was still on his knees, nuzzling his skin.They cared about him.They were his family.What did he care what one drunk old bat said?Well, he did care she was his mother but that didn't mean he couldn't push it way down and cover it up with lots of fucking and sucking and cuddling and spending time with two of the best guys he knew.The kiss deepened, Rigger's hands sliding over his belly, holding him tight.He slid one hand over Rock's shoulder, the other one he raised up and around Rigger's neck, holding onto them both.Rigger's mouth swallowed up his gasp of surprise as Rock started to suck him off.He just sort of melted, dissolved between two mouths and fucking let them hold him.And they did.Without comment or teasing or lecture or anything.They just held him between them and made him come and then helped him to bed and curled up on either side of him.He floated, giving up long, sweet kisses, first to one and then to the other and they didn't expect anything of him.He could have floated there all night long.It wasn't to be though, and that was all right, too.Grimmy started whining and Rigger pointed out that Reed and Rushton where coming over to watch the game and bringing beer.Then Rock muttered something about needing clean towels and Dick remembered he needed to pick up his and Rock's uniforms from the cleaners.He sat up and Rig tossed him the keys to the Jeep. Pick up the pizzas, kid?He turned to Rock and whined. Can't I take the new truck, Dad?Rock grumbled and complained and told him the keys were in his jeans which were in the work-out room and Dick could get them his own damn self.They walked around each other, putting on socks and sweats and somehow not getting in each other's way and then he was heading out the door, knowing his family would be waiting for him when he got back.Chapter 21Rig pulled the jeep beside Rock's truck, taking a deep breath.Home, thank God for small favors.He'd survived the last three weeks, the causalities, the blood and shit and puke and bullshit.He'd survived it all and now he was home.Fuck, he needed a hot shower.If those two goofballs had drained the water heater, he was going to ream them both new assholes.With a fucking spatula.A rusty, dull one.He grabbed his gear and headed in, Grim barking happily as his boots hit the front porch steps.Rock was sacked out on the couch, butt naked and snoring to beat the band.Dick sprawled in the easy chair looking like the cat that got the cream.The kid looked up as he came in, smile slowly fading. You look like shit.No, I take that back, you make shit look good. Thanks ever so. Rigger grunted, the kid looked good and Rock well, Rock looked fucking hot,  cause he was Rock. Need a shower.He slumped down the hall, tossing his pack into his bedroom as he passed the door.Focused only on the tub with the adjustable showerhead and hot-hot water, his stripped off his stained filthy uniform, leaving a trail behind him.By the time he reached the bathroom, he was swinging in the breeze, boxer shorts hung on the doorknob of the linen closet.He'd fucking clean later.Shit.The water was blessedly hot, but he barely had a moment to enjoy it when the glass door slid open and closed again. The kid said you looked pretty fucked up.He didn't have it half right. Rock leaned against the back of the shower, arms folded across is chest, looking for all he was worth like an immovable object. The kid needs to mind his own fucking business. The complaint was made without heat, Rigger turning to wet his head and face, rinsing away the scent of spray antibiotics and painkillers. It's been a long few weeks. Almost four, man. Rock shrugged at his look. You didn't think we'd notice your sweet ass was missing? Not to mention your mouth.We noticed. Good to know. He picked up the soap and began to lather up. You heard about that aircraft carrier that got slammed by a bomb? There were some sailors trapped, lots of guys hurt and the ship sliding down.We had to drag them out in tiny groups.We lost a lot of sailors.Then as soon as we touched down, we got issued desert BDUs and shipped over to help with some Marines caught by a missile. He shook his head, the burns had been horrid, red and raw and blistered. I didn't think we'd ever get home. Shit. Yeah.Rock watched him as he finished scrubbing down, not interrupting or trying to do it for him, just watching.Just there.He turned, rinsing off, turning the cold water down until the heat was almost painful, steam filling the air [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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