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.Rock fucking approved."These," he murmured, plucking at Rig's nipples with his free hand."Are mine to play with.""I.Oh.Are they?" Rig's body just reached for his hands."Looks to me like they are, Rabbit."He pressed their lips together, tongue pushing into Rig's mouth, taking it.His thumb slid acrossRig's nipple as he devoured that mouth over and over again.Every touch made Rig ripple, cockthrobbing against his leg, deep groans pushing into his lips.He tightened his grip on Rig's wrists,tugged them higher to stretch Rig's body out for him."Blue." Look at those pretty, tight titties just begging for it."You need more? I've got more for you." Bending, he took one into his mouth, worried it with histeeth.Fuck, he could live on that low, desperate sound for fucking ever.He sucked and tugged, tongueflicking across the tip, fingers digging into Rig's hip, pulling him in close."Need.Jim.Jim.Fuck." Score.When Rig used his name, he was either fucked or golden.He let Rig's nipple go, tongue licking across it a couple times before moving on to the other one,giving it the same treatment.Fuck, Rig tasted good.Smelled good, too.All fucking man.All his.Rig was fucking the air, his thigh, anything, head rolling back and forth.Yeah, that's it, Rabbit,show me how fucking much I make you need.He hummed around the tittie in his mouth, lettingthe vibrations go from him to Rig.Heat splashed up along Rig's belly, the cry echoing, just ringing through the air.He raised his head,kissing Rig hard as he ran his fingers through the mess on Rig's belly.Then he brought his fingersup, pushing them into Rig's mouth.Rig groaned, sucking hard, eyes closed.Fucking sexy.He licked at Rig's fingers and lips, loving the taste.Rig cuddled right in, moaning low andoctopussing around him.He chuckled.Damn, he'd missed this as much as the blowjobs."Got about twenty minutes before I gotta go.""But it's Friday, so we can go play pool tonight, huh?"47 Personal Leave"Yep.Been too long since I beat your ass at a game or three.""I bet I can win one out of three.""You think so, do you?" He grinned and rolled over so he was on top of Rig."What's the bet?"Rig stretched under him, just rubbing away."What do you want, Blue?"Well now, that was a good question, because he'd bet a month of blowjobs Rig'd do pretty muchanything he wanted.In bed."Chocolate pie."Rig laughed, body shaking against him."Deal.If I win, I want pancakes.""You're on." He rubbed against Rig."I should get dressed.Go yell at baby Marines.""Lucky them." Rig sighed."I guess I should get shit done, huh?"Rock grunted, gave Rig one last hard kiss before getting up and stretching."Coffee?""I'll get it.You can shower, if you want." He could see the weight of the last week on Rig, see it inthe slow motions across the room."No.Let's go to the donut shop on Watson.I'll buy you breakfast.""Yeah? I could go for that." He got a quick grin, those grey eyes warm as fuck.He nodded."Then let's go." Let the Rocketman give you what you need, Rabbit.Sex, food, achance to forget about the crap."Right behind you."Fuck, yeah."That means you've got a hell of a view." He winked and walked out, feeling those eyes on his assall the way.48 Sean MichaelChapter FourRock pulled his truck up next to Jeremy Roberts', turning off the engine and grinning over at Rig."Wake up before your Momma gets out here and decides she needs to take care of you."They'd both managed to get just over a week off for the holidays this year, Rig trading shifts like acrazy man.Rock thought Rig might even be booked to work twenty-four hours straight over NewYear's Eve.The drive was a bitch, but they'd shopped on the way, and he liked having his ownwheels, not being dependant on getting lifts and shit.He gave Rig a shake."I said we're here."Rig blinked away, staring up at him."Shit, man.I'm sorry.I just dozed off."Rock snorted and then laughed."Rig, you dozed off four hours ago." Rig'd been snoring away tobeat the band.It was kind of cute."Longview is boring."Charlene came out of the front door, apron covered in flour, hair dyed bright red and piled on topof her head."Boys! You're home!""Good lord, she's been attacked by Miss Clairol."Rock bit his lip, but there was no way he was going to be able to keep from laughing at that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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