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.Doc wanted to feel Monte pressed against him.He wanted to feel Monte's lips,his hands.He wanted to be buried so deep inside Monte that the man would feel himfor the rest of his days."Then do it."Doc reared back, his mouth dropping open as he realized Monte read histhoughts."Take me, Doc," Monte whispered, his eyes boring into Doc's."You have to."Doc shook his head."No, no, I don't.I can't.""If you don't, they are going to turn me over to the guard." "But ""I'd rather have you.Please?""Monte," Doc whispered a little louder.He could see the misery in Monte's eyes,the fear and anxiety.Strangely enough, he could feel it too.Monte's emotions seemed tobe the only thing that overrode the uncontrollable lust spiraling through him."Please?"Doc stared at Monte for several moments.Could he do this? Should he do this?His body screamed yes, take him, fuck him, give us some relief.His heart screamed no,he couldn't do that to Monte.He deserved better.His mind couldn't decide what to do.Monte took the decision out of his hands by reaching down between Doc's legsand grabbing his aching hard cock.Doc growled.It was the only warning he gaveMonte before he attacked.He rolled Monte's slimmer form beneath his and captured the plush lips thatteased him from the moment he saw them.He kissed Monte, running his tongue acrossthose lips before moving inside to explore the warm recesses of the man's decadentmouth.His hands roamed over Monte's body, stopping to caress a soft valley here, ahard curve there, every bit of naked flesh he could reach.When his hands weren'tenough, Doc used his lips.If he was going to take Monte, he was going to make sureMonte enjoyed it."Oh god, please more," Monte's voice filtered through the red haze surroundingDoc.Doc knew they were being monitored.He knew strangers watched their everymove.He suddenly felt the strong need to cover Monte with something, to hide himfrom every eye except his own.Doc lifted his head and searched the room, his gaze settling on the sheet on thebed.He reached over and grabbed it, pulling it down to cover them from waist to toes.No one needed to see what they were doing, even if they knew. "Please remove the sheet, Lieutenant Lewis," said a cold voice over theloudspeaker.Doc looked over his shoulder and glared at the camera hanging from the ceilingin the corner."No, if you want us to do this then you will allow us some privacy.""Lieutenant Lewis ""No!" Doc shouted."Doc, please," Monte whispered.Doc felt the man's hands grip his shoulders."Ifwe don't do what they say they will just come in here and force us.It doesn't matter.""Monte.""Please, you have to believe me.I know what they are capable of."Doc dropped his head forward onto Monte's chest."Okay, but you need topromise me you'll stay beneath me.I don't think I can handle them looking at you.""I promise."Reluctantly, Doc removed the sheet but he made sure his body covered Montenearly from head to toe.The possessive, protective feelings he had for Monte confusedDoc.He barely knew the man.But that didn't mean he would let Monte parade aroundnaked if he could stop it."Spread your legs; I need to prepare you." Doc wrinkled his brow when Monte'sface flamed and he turned to look away."Monte? Pretty baby, you know I have toprepare you.I don't want to hurt you.""They they prepared me before I was brought in," Monte whispered, the shameand embarrassment clear in his sullen voice."They don't want me injured so theyalways make sure I'm ready."Doc cupped Monte's face and turned it back to his."Shh, pretty baby, it's okay."Doc leaned down and gently kissed Monte, his heart breaking for what the man hadgone through at the hands of these madmen.Doc put those thoughts temporarily out of his mind and concentrated on givingMonte as much pleasure as he could.He reached down between Monte's legs andbrushed his hand along the crease of the man's ass. When he received no resistance, Doc pressed in farther, running his finger overthe small, puckered entrance he planned to be inside of soon.Shock made him hisswhen his finger slipped easily inside.Monte was definitely prepared.Part of Doc wanted to ask him who had done it because they were dead.Theyjust didn't know it yet.Doc would kill them all, starting with the guard.Monte cried outbeneath him, drawing Doc's attention from his vengeful plans [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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