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."Edward Kelley befriended a scholar named John Dee early in his life.Dee helped himwith much of the alchemical work he later used to parlay favors and money fromvarious monarchs and patrons.But Dee realized that Kelley was little more than a conartist and broke off relations with him.Kelley had some success with carmot, but neverfully understood its properties, and soon Dee's fame eclipsed his.He swore vengeance,claiming Dee stole his ideas and his alchemical formulas, going so far as to invoke acurse on Dee."Sebastian's hands stroked my back.I shuddered back the anguish that welled up insideme at the memories, taking a small shred of comfort that the soulless, tortured Sebastianwas one of the few people walking the earth who shared with me the ability to survivesuch profound torment.It was a bond of sorts, a wordless bond, but one I felt to my verybones as he offered me acceptance and understanding."He went to Prague to gain help from a sympathetic Emperor Rudolph in bringing Dee'sdownfall, but things soured, as they always did for him.When he was imprisoned inPrague by Emperor Rudolph, I was arrested as his assistant.My younger brother hadbeen smuggled out of the country by my deceased mother's relatives, but I was beyondtheir reach.I was tried and sentenced as being in league with the devil.They burned meat the stake for the mere fact that Edward Kelley was my father."Pain at the memory choked me.Sebastian said nothing, but continued to stroke myback.I burrowed deeper against him, allowing his comfort to slowly dissipate the agonywithin."Why were you brought back as a tattu?" he asked softly.I let go of the breath I hadn't been aware I was holding."My mother's mother was apowerful woman in her family.She had Egyptian blood and was viewed as being anoble in a society that did not commonly have such distinctions.She petitioned anarchangel, pointing out that as I retained my soul, I could not have been involved in myfather's sin of bartering with a demon lord for the curse on Dee.It took time, buteventually the petition worked its way to a sympathetic Power.Two lifetimes after mygrandmother submitted the petition for intervention, I was declared innocent by thePower and granted another life to replace the one that had been wrongly taken fromme.""And when you were reborn, you were given another soul.""Yes." I sighed."That was a clerical oversight, actually.A new clerk only skimmed theresurrection order.He evidently saw the words 'demon lord' and 'curse,' and assumed Iwas being pardoned for a crime, and granted me another during rebirth." "A small repayment for your suffering," he murmured, his mouth close to my ear.Isquirmed a little.Baring my history to him hadn't been nearly as painful as I hadimagined it would be, leaving me more than a little aware of just how tightly our bodieswere entwined."I cannot pleasure you now, my Beloved," his voice rumbled in my ear, sending breathylittle shivers of excitement down my arms."I must destroy the threats to your safetyfirst."I pushed myself away from him, glaring with every morsel of indignation I could rally."Have you heard nothing I've said?""I have heard all you have spoken and read the words on your heart, as well." Hecaressed my lip with his finger.I jerked my head away."You stupid, arrogant, revenge-minded man!" I snarled, trying to escape his grip."I willnot go through this again.I will not suffer for yet another pigheaded male whoseprecious ego is more important than those he is bound to!""I do not do this for vengeance, Belle ""Like hell you don't!" Although my insides felt as fragile as cracked glass, I scrambledoff him, furious that I was beginning to have feelings for someone who could be soindifferent to my concerns.I stormed to the door, fully intending to grab Damian andSally and leave him forever.Before I could so much as blink, Sebastian was in front of me, not only blocking thedoor, but holding me in a steely grip that was just this side of painful."You will listen to me, Beloved!""I've listened, and you're not saying anything different "He clamped me tight to his chest, holding me against him with arms that felt made oftitanium or some other horribly unyielding metal.My face was squished into hisshoulder, making it difficult to breathe."I am not doing this for revenge, Belle.You are my Beloved I must protect you.If wedo not wish to constantly look over our shoulders, waiting for Asmodeus to destroy oneor both of us, then I must strike now, before he has had time to rally his forces.""But ""No, it must be now.Salvaticus and Vexamen are times of unbalance in Abaddon thedemon lords are watching each other suspiciously to see who will emerge as premierprince [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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