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."That broke through the lingering gold haze in Kaitlyn's vision."What?" shesaid, standing up.She noticed dimly that she felt good, physically.Strong.Healing power had flowed between her and Rob."I need you all to get in contact with the crystal," Joyce said patiently."And Gabriel, too-""No!""It's the only way, Kaitlyn.""You saw what it did!""This time it will only be for a moment.But I need all of you to touch thecrystal, everyone who's in the link.Now, for God's sake, hurry.Don't yourealize that Mr.Zetes may be back at any minute?"Kaitlyn staggered as she made her way out of the cage.To let the crystaltouch Gabriel again- impossible.It couldn't be done, it was too cruel.Andthe crystal was evil; Kaitlyn knew that.But Joyce said it was the only way.Page 118 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlKaitlyn looked at Joyce, who looked back with clear aquamarine eyes.Eyesthat looked anguished but earnest."Don't you want to save him, Kait?"Kaitlyn's hand began to itch and cramp.She needed to draw-but there wasn't any time.No time.And nothing to drawwith.Not a pen or paper in this entire sterile lab."Please trust me, everyone.Come on, Lewis.Just get your hand ready to touchit.When I say now, grab a terminal."Lewis took a deep breath and then nodded.He held his hand ready."Anna? Good.Thank you.Rob?"Rob looked at Kaitlyn.If she could draw.But she couldn't.Looking back at Rob, Kaitlyn made ahelpless motion that ended with a nod."We'd better do it," she whispered.Joyce shut her eyes and sighed in relief."Good.Now, I'll get behindGabriel.When I say now, I'll move him in contact.Each of you grab a terminaland hold on, right?"Kaitlyn could vaguely sense the others agreeing.She herself was moving tostand in front of the crystal, one hand outstretched.But her mind waswhirring with frantic speed.I can't draw.not with my hands.But the power's not in my hands.It'sin my head, in my mind.If I could draw in my mind.Even as Kaitlyn thought it, she was doing it.Desperately visualizing oilpastels, her favorite, sweeps of color.First I'd take lemon yellow, fluffysweeps, with dashes of palest ocher.Then curves of flesh tint-and two smallpools of light blue and Veronese green, dotted together.All right! What is it? Step back! Step back and look.In her mind, she stepped back, and the sweeps and dots made a picture.Joyce.Unmistakably Joyce.Then gray.Curves and lines of gray.A shape-a glass.With flesh tonesholding it-Joyce holding a glass."Everyone ready?" Joyce said.Kaitlyn didn't move, didn't open her eyes.She was concentrating on the nextpart of the picture.Rich olive-hued flesh, with a mass of burnt umber anddeep madder for hair.The brown and red went together to make mahogany.Marisol.A picture of Joyce and Marisol.And Joyce was holding out to Marisola glass-"I've got his head," Joyce said."And-now-"Page 119 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlKaitlyn's scream, both mental and verbal, cut through the words.'-'Don't doit! Don't do it! She's with him-Mr.Zetes!"In the split second that followed, she wondered if she might be wrong.Joycemight have given Marisol something unknowingly-but the picture hadn't saidthat.It might not even be a picture of a real event, but for once, themeaning was clear to Kaitlyn.And the meaning was one of menace and danger.Itfelt to her the way the picture of the old witch giving Snow White a poisonedapple had felt to Kaitlyn the child.And, even as Kaitlyn opened her eyes, she saw that she hadn't been wrong.Joyce had thrust Gabriel's head against the crystal and was holding it, andher face had an expression that Kaitlyn had never seen before.A look oftwisted, bestial fury.She knew all the time.She was in on everything, Kaitlyn thought, sickened.She could feel the shock and pain of the others-especially Rob.But her shouthad reached them in time.Not one of them had touched the crystal.Except Gabriel-Gabriel, who was now being roused from unconsciousness by thewhite-hot lightning bolts of pain.Kaitlyn started to move-to tear Joyce away from Gabriel.Rob started at thesame moment she did.But before they could get there, the doors burst open andchaos exploded on them.It was Mr.Zetes-and the dogs.Something knocked into Kaitlyn with the forceof a speeding truck and she fell.A dog was ripping at her.Mr.Zetes had thegun.Still holding Gabriel against the crystal, Joyce was shouting."I'll breakthe link! I'll break it!"Rob was fighting the other dog.Anna was trying to pull the animal off him,her own calls to it lost in the clamor."There's an easier way to break it! Only one of them needs to die!" Mr.Zetesshouted.He was aiming the gun at Lewis.And this is how it ends, a part of Kaitlyn's mind thought, curiouslydetached.None of them could help Lewis.None of them could do anything beforeMr.Zetes could shoot.She seemed to sense the old man's finger tightening on the trigger.At thesame time she saw the room as one large picture, every detail etching itselfinto her mind as if with the burst of a flashbulb.Rob and Anna tangled withthe rottweiller, Lewis standing in almost comical horror, Joyce's twisted faceover the face of Gabriel, whose cheeks were masked in blood and who was justopening his eyes.She felt Gabriel's awakening at the same instant, felt his pain-and his fury.Someone was hurting him.Someone was threatening a member of his web.Gabriel lashed out.Mr Zetes had said that a telepath in a stable link couldn't reach outsidethat link-but Gabriel was now connected to a source of unthinkable power.Hismind blazed out like the flare of a supernova-in four directions.Withabsolute precision and deadly force,Page 120 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlhe sent a torrent of fire through Mr.Zetes and Joyce and the two dogs.Kaitlyn felt the dim shadows of it through the web, the reverberations ofwhat Gabriel had unleashed on them.It knocked her flat.Mr.Zetes fell without firing a shot.Behind Gabriel, Joyce hit the wall.Thedog tearing Kaitlyn's arm spasmed as if it had been electrocuted and wasstill.Then Gabriel stopped it.He had sagged back from the crystal, collapsing.Theentire room was silent and motionless.Let's get out of here, Rob gasped.Kaitlyn was never sure how they got out of the house.Rob was the main forcein moving them.He practically carried Gabriel.She and Anna and Lewis helpedeach other.There was a long time of stumbling and dragging and finally theywere on grass [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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