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.S and M, sex, drugs androck and roll.” He smiled.“It’sdefinitely an unusual relationship.”Alex smiled.“Oh, so it’s arelationship now is it? I seem to recallyou just wanted to discuss business thelast time that word was used.I thought Iwas just a friend?”Sage looked exasperated.“You don’tknow Annie.If I’d told her we wereseeing each other, she’d be an absolutepest about it.She drove Mason crazy, so‘friend’ seemed the safest thing to sayfor the moment.” He looked at Alex withamusement.“I didn’t realise you felt sostrongly about it.” Sage ignored his ownrule about getting hot and bothered,pulling Alex over for a long kiss whichleft him reeling.They were bothbreathing fairly hard by the time Sage lethim go.“I need to go over to Miles’s placeand pick up some of his things,” he said,glancing back at Alex.“Make yourselfcomfortable here.It’s just down the roadso I won’t be long.”Alex watched as Sage meandered toan outdoor building, probably a garageof some sort, disappearing inside.Before long, the garage door opened andAlex watched in awe as a helmeted Sageappeared on a shiny black motorbike—he couldn’t see the make—and roareddown the road in a snarl of engine anddust.Jesus, the man had a motorbike!Actor, great-looking, sexy, demi-rockgod in his opinion and he drove a bike.Alex’s cock grew even harder and hehoped like hell there’d be a plan torelieve the tension when Sage got back.He moved curiously toward the rest ofthe house, telling himself he was lookingfor the bathroom but in reality he wantedto see just what Sage’s bedroom lookedafter his earlier cryptic comment.Chapter 17The cottage looked smaller from theroad and was definitely deceptive.Inaddition to the lounge and the kitchen,there was a dining room to the sidewhich Sage obviously used as an office.There was a computer and otherelectronic equipment on the solidwooden table set in the middle of theroom.Papers and documents werespread around the table and there wasyet another large plasma screen on thewall opposite his chair.This man loved his gadgets.Alexwas a bit of a geek himself.Moving out of the dining room, hefound a small guest bedroom with asingle bed and a small wardrobe.Nextto it was yet another room, which wasused as storage with boxes, filingcabinets and other clutter.Alex potteredaround it curiously for some time,picking up photo frames and oldnewspapers, smiling at the pictures ofwhat he thought was Sage as a boy,standing with a man and woman heimagined to be his parents.There was alarge box filled with newspaper articlesabout horses and races and a lot ofphotographs with a tall, rather large manwith pitch-black hair and a weather-beaten face standing with varioushorses.From the resemblance, heimagined this was Sage’s father.Alex felt no guilt as he moved aroundthe room, taking a peek into Sage’s past.It was an incredible insight into thisman’s life and Alex had so fewmemories of his own like these ones thathe relished the ones others gave him.Finally he left this room and approachedwhat looked like the “man lair.” Hepushed the door open in anticipation,wondering what he might find.Hewasn’t disappointed.God, the man really likes his black.Alex remembered reading an articlerecently about what colours meant foryou as a person.From what he couldrecall, positive black traits were thoseof protection, comfort, someone strongand contained, someone seductive.Alexchuckled.He could believe that basedon his current sexual state.Negativeattributes were those of secrecy, holdingback and conservatism.Alex wasn’t sosure they fit the man he knew, whoseemed to be for the most part an openbook.He supposed wryly everyone hadhidden depths.Sage’s bedroom was huge, with largepicture windows looking out onto thefields beyond [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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