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. Not likely with your sorry aim. Junior met him halfway. We were heading your way.Just stopped so Quinn could get a little target practice.Junior looked past Killian and nodded to Quinn. He any good? Yeah.A little more time and he ll be a hell of a shot. Good, we re gonna need all the guns we can get. What have you heard?Junior rubbed his jaw. Better come on back to the house.Dad will fill you in. We ll be right there. Killian turned and came back to the truck, his mood still not exactlywhat Quinn would have considered friendly.Junior made a quick U-turn in the middle of the road and sped away. What did he say? Get in the truck. Why? We re late for dinner. Killian brushed past him and climbed back into the cab.Quinn glared at him through the windshield, unsure why he was acting so mad.He stood therea few seconds more until he heard the engine rev.Killian wasn t mad he was pissed.He joined Killian in the truck, quiet but definitely on edge.They continued down the dirt roadwith nothing but silence growing between them.Finally, Quinn had had enough. What the hell is yourproblem? I don t have a problem. Really? You could have fooled me.Five minutes ago you were about to fuck the hell out ofme, and now you re acting like you want to fucking choke me and not in the way I d like.Killian glanced over, his heated glare blazing, and his jaw jutted out.The vein in his foreheadpopped. How the fuck can I protect you when you don t listen?Was he serious?  Protect me? I m not a kid, Killian.I m a grown man.I can fight my ownbattles.Killian slammed on the brakes, and the truck skidded to an abrupt stop. What s it gonna taketo get you to see that you can t fight these fuckers on your own? They will kill you, Quinn.Quinn scooted to the edge of the seat, the hair on the back of his neck suddenly electrified. You think I don t know that? He pounded the dash with his fist. I watched them murder my parentswhen I was sixteen fucking years old.If anyone knows how dangerous these bastards are, I do.Killian pressed his lips together, his jaw still thumping. Look.We re in this together.Ifyou re taking chances then you re endangering me, too. He leaned against the steering wheel, hisdemeanor calming by the second. I can t stand by and watch someone else I care about do somethingstupid without at least trying to get through to them. Quinn bit back the rebuttal already forming in his mind when he noticed the pain in Killian svoice.Was he referring to Caiden? He swallowed hard. I m not trying to be reckless.I just don twant to stand behind you&  He reached out and touched Killian s shoulder, giving it a little rub. Iwant to stand beside you.Killian drew in a deep breath and closed his eyes. You are beside me, but things are differentnow.This isn t a horrible memory you have to live with.This is real, and if these guys have come thisfar to find you after six years, they re not stopping until they do. Can we at least agree that if shit gets hairy, you ll trust me not to do something stupid?Killian cocked a brow. If you ll promise to listen and do as I say when, and if, the timecomes? That s how it s gonna be, Quinn.Do you understand? Yes. Quinn nodded. I understand. He did understand.He d been on his own so long thatrelying on someone else wasn t easy, but he wanted it.He truly wanted to give Killian that power.Ifonly he could learn to let it go.Give in, and let it be the way his instincts already knew it had to be.Killian motioned to him. Come here.Quinn leaned toward him and met Killian halfway with a kiss. Understanding goes both ways.I ve been on my own, too, and I know what it s like to wanteverything to go your way.That s why I left home to begin with.I just hope you believe me when Isay this is how it has to be.Quinn sighed and nodded. I m trying. I know, and I m trying, too. He raked the back of his knuckles across Quinn s jaw. You rejust so goddamned hard-headed&  Killian winced as though Quinn s defiant nature caused himdiscomfort.Quinn smiled, sensing that deep down, Killian actually liked his stubborn side. Chapter FifteenKillian walked into Junior Cobb s house with Quinn right behind him.He could smell theanxiety radiating from his lover.Crowds were definitely not Quinn s thing.He d been alone a longtime.Too long, depending only on himself.Killian understood.He also understood it would take Quinn some time to pick up on thedynamics of a pack.If Killian ever became an alpha of his own pack, Quinn would have to learn tosubmit if he wanted to stay.Of course, Killian had a lot to learn about dominating, too.He tried not tolet any of this worry him, but his growing feelings for the other shifter made it hard to simply setaside.The hunters had done more than force a family into exile.They had disrupted a very importanttradition that was essential to their kind.Families breaking away from an established pack on theirown was unheard of.Plenty of packs divided, and some members might have even been cast out forvarious reasons.That kind of thing was very rare, though.Quinn was about as close to an Omega wolf as one could get, without the negativecondemnation that usually accompanied it.All that was in the past though, and Killian wanted to makesure Quinn s future was much different.James Cobb Senior stood as they entered the dining room [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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