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.Though I still find it hard to believe he's interested in me.Look at them overthere.How is it possible three such utterly gorgeous men could end up being in the same room at thesame time? I know Beowulf is your husband, but I have to say he took my breath away the first time Isaw him."Roxie looked over at the men. He did the same thing to me the first time we met.But I bet you wouldpick Wade over Beowulf and Braedan.Right?"Taryn blushed slightly. Let's just say I'm having a hard time not going over to him and dragging him to adark corner to have my way with him."Leaning in closer to Taryn, Roxie spoke for their ears only. Then do it. At Taryn's shockedexpression, she quickly added,  I don't mean actually drag him to a dark corner here and now and haveyour way with him.I mean don't fight the attraction you feel for Wade.Go with it.It will make it a loteasier on the both of you.I know from first hand experience.I tried to resist Beowulf in the beginning,but it was only a losing battle.We were meant to be together.Just as you and Wade are.""So you think it's perfectly normal for me to be obsessing over Wade? That whenever I'm around him allI can think about is getting him into bed and having my way with him?""Perfectly.I'm still that way with Beowulf.He swept into my life and basically changed it for the better."Taryn smiled. Wade did say that you were a hermit/computer geek before Beowulf broke you of your Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlhermit ways.""So Wade thinks I'm a computer geek, does he?""Basically."Roxie smiled at Taryn sweetly. Will you excuse me for a minute?"Taryn nodded and watched Roxie make her way over to the bar.She went to Beowulf and stood ontip-toe to whisper something in his ear.Beowulf chuckled as he picked up Roxie so she was now levelwith Wade.Roxie then proceeded to deliver a slap to the back of Wade's head.Taryn laughed as Waderubbed his head and looked at Roxie as if to say what the hell.The sound of Roxie telling Wade to nevercall her a computer geek again reached Taryn's ears easily.Returning to the table, Roxie looked at Taryn apologetically. Sorry about that.I couldn't let that oneslide.Wade needs to be put in his place at times.But from learning what you did to him the first time youcame to Wulf's Den, I think you're more than capable of keeping him in line.""Oh, you found out about that, did you?""Kind of hard to miss, what with Wade rolling around on the ground outside in the parking lot.You're awoman after my own heart.I have a feeling the two of us will get along just fine."* * * *With the club set to open in a few minutes, Beowulf had suggested they all go up to his office to talk.Braedan had joined them as well.Sitting next to Taryn on the couch, Wade squeezed her hand encouragingly before he spoke to Beowulf. Taryn is in a bit of a jam and wonders if you could help her out.""If I can, I'd gladly help you out, Taryn.What exactly do you need?"Taryn shifted on the couch beside him.Wade had a feeling this was probably the first time Taryn hadever had to ask someone for help.She was the type of woman who did everything herself, not wanting torely on anyone. The harvest is about to start and the regular crew I hire on to help with the extra workwas unable to come this year.And I can't seem to find a crew to replace them, for some reason.Theproblem is I don't have enough people working at the vineyard to get all the grapes harvested in timewithout the extra hands.Wade seems to think you can find me the workers I'll need."Beowulf arched his brow at Wade before he turned back to Taryn. He did, did he? I can see noproblem in getting the men you would need.When would you want them at your winery?""The day after tomorrow.And you can tell them I'll pay the going rate.It doesn't take much skill toharvest grapes, but it is hard work.""The wages you would normally pay are fine.And the hard work won't be a deterrent.How many menwould you need?"Taryn shook her head as if she was still having a hard time believing Beowulf could manage to get thenumber of men needed. At least eight.I don't mean to be rude, but how is it you can promise me youwill be able to find that many men at such short notice?" Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlBeowulf chuckled. Let's say I have a lot of friends and family that would be more than willing to helpout just because I'm the one doing the asking."Braedan, who was sitting on the corner of Beowulf's desk listening to the conversation, spoke up. Ifyou find it agreeable, I wouldn't mind being one of the eight.Working on a winery sounds like somethingI would enjoy.Besides, it would give me more time to catch up on things with Wade, and get to knowhis ma. Roxie, who was standing beside Beowulf's chair behind the desk, gave Braedan a punch in theribs and glared at him when he turned to look at her.He quickly recovered his almost slip-up. I mean, itwill give me a chance to get to know Taryn better.I take it the two of you are dating?"Wade was glad it had been Roxie who had stopped Braedan from letting the cat out of the bag.She hadbeen a little more circumspect than he would have been.He didn't need Taryn to know about her beinghis mate as of yet.He still had to find a way to somehow convince her he was a werewolf without havingher think he was crazy, or running from him in terror. You could say we're dating.""Well, if you want to be really accurate, Taryn chimed in,  this is our first date.""So you two just met?"Roxie laughed and said,  Not really.The first time would have been when Taryn unmanned him in theparking lot out back.""Roxie! Wade glared at his sister-in-law. Can we just forget about that and move on like adults?""Hell, no.The thought of you rolling around, cupping yourself, will be one of my fondest memories ofyou."Wade turned to Beowulf with an exasperated expression on his face. Can you not control your wife?"Holding up his hands, Beowulf shook his head. Do you think I want to get bashed over the head andthen chained out in the backyard like a dog, or worse? No thanks.""Ah, I see your point [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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