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."He said he'd be here," spoke Ned."Well, it's past time now.I don't know whether to start, or to wait.""Wait a few minutes more," advised Ned."His train may be a few minutes behindtime."They waited half an hour, and Tom was on the point of starting when amessenger boy came hurrying into the yard where the great airship rested onits bicycle wheels."A telegram for you, Tom," called the lad, who was well acquainted with ourhero.Hastily the young inventor tore open the envelope."Here's news!" he exclaimed, "What is it?" asked Ned."It's from Mr.Whitford," answered his chum."He says: 'Can't be with you atstart.Will meet you inLogansville.Have new clew to the Fogers!'""Great Scott!" cried Ned, staring at his chum.CHAPTER XI.ANDY'S NEW AIRSHIPTom Swift tossed a quarter to the messenger boy, and leaped over the rail tothe deck of his airship, making his way toward the pilot house."Start the motor, Ned," he called."Are you all ready, Mr.Damon?""Bless my ancient history, yes.But""Are you going, Tom?" asked Ned."Of course.That's why we're here; isn't it? We're going to start for theborder to catch the smugglers.Give me full speed, I want the motor to warmup.""But that message from Mr.Whitford? He says he has a new clew to the Fogers.""That's all right.He may have, but he doesn't ask us to work it up.He sayshe will meet us in Logansville, and he can't if we don't go there.We're offfor Logansville.Goodbye dad.I'll bring you back a souvenir, Mrs.Baggert," he called to the housekeeper."Sorry you're not coming, Rad, butI'll take you next time.""Dat's all right, Massa Tom.I doan't laik dem smuggerfellers, nohow.Goodbyean' good luck!""Bless my grab bag!" gasped Mr.Damon."You certainly do things, Tom."Tom Swift and his Great SearchlightCHAPTER XI.ANDY'S NEW AIRSHIP38"That's the only way to get things done," replied the young inventor."Howabout you, Ned? Motor all right?""Sure.""Then let her go!"A moment later Ned had started the machinery, and Tom, in the pilot house, hadpulled the lever of the elevating rudder.Whizzing along, but making scarcelyany sound, the noiseless airship mounted upward, and was off on her flight toPage 34 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlcapture the men who were cheating Uncle Sam."What are you going to do first, when you get there, Tom?" asked Ned, as hejoined his chum in the pilot house, having set the motor and other apparatusto working automatically."I mean in Logansville?""I don't know.I'll have to wait and see how things develop.""That's where Mr.Foger lives, you know.""Yes, but I doubt if he is there now.He and Andy are probably still in theold house here, though what they are doing is beyond me to guess.""What do you suppose this new clew is that Mr.Whitford wired you about?""Haven't any idea.If he wants us to get after it he'll let us know.It won'ttake us long to get there at this rate.But I think I'll slow down a bit, for the motor is warmed up now, and there'sno use racking it to pieces.But we're moving nicely; aren't we, Ned?""I should say so.This is the best allaround airship you've got.""It is since I put the new motor in.Well, I wonder what will happen when weget chasing around nights after the smugglers? It isn't going to be easy work,I can tell you.""I should say not.How you going to manage it?""Well, I haven't just decided.I'm going to have a talk with the customs men,and then I'll go out night after night and cruise around at the most likelyplace where they'll rush goods across the border.As soon as I see theoutlines of an airship in the darkness, or hear the throb of her motor, I'lltake after her, and""Yes, and you can do it, too, Tom, for she can't hear you coming and you canflash the big light on her and the smugglers will think the end of the worldhas come.Cracky! Its going to be great, Tom! I'm glad I came along.Maybethey'll fight, and fire at us! If they have guns aboard, as they probably willhave, we'll""Bless my armor plate!" interrupted Mr.Damon."Please don't talk about suchhairraising things, Ned! Talk about something pleasant.""All right," agreed Tom's chum, and then, as the airship sailed along, highabove the earth, they talked of many things."I think when we sight Logansville [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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