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." She held a brightly glowing joint between herfingers, and before the young blonde could answer, touched the cigarette to her lips.Chris inhaled, fillingher lungs quickly with a slow powerful puff, then held it until her chest seemed about to explode.Sandythen disappeared again in the darkness around the mattress, but that didn't matter.Chris could feel thepotent drug rush straight to her brain; the flashing colors from outside suddenly intensified, burningbrightly now like tinted floodlights shining into the smokey room, her hands had been by her side, butnow they were moving of their own accord to the flat plane of her belly, just above the gentle mound ofher pelvis with its thinly covered blonde pubic mound.Abruptly, she pulled the crotchband of her panties aside and began rubbing herself tenderly, caressingly,her fevered young body responding now fully to the man's carnal probings up between her long slenderlegs.With surprising gentleness, Neil removed her hands and then brushed apart the softly curling pubic hairguarding her exposed pussy, using his thumbs to gently spread the heatedly moistened layers of pinkflesh.He leaned forward at the same moment and without warning, clamped his hungry lips on thepearl-like bud of her clitoris.Chris's whole body suddenly arched off the bed, shattered with a searingblast of animal desire that shot out her loins as his lips made their first hot contact with her naked pussy.Again, he began the tormenting nibbling of her clitoris, while, at the same time, his hands were hungrilyripping the soft flimsy crotchband of her panties all the way open."Oooohhh.please.ppplleease." But her cry was more one of anguished helplessness than of painor terror and, then as the panties were ripped in half, behind held together only by the elastic bandaround her waist, her hips began a wanton response of their own, grinding upward against his brownface as he chewed ravenously on her fevered cunt-lips.Chris was strapped in a swirling, soaring surgingof drug-heightened rapture and wanton delight.Neil's quivering red tongue snaked into the hotly moist tunnel between her widespread legs, worming inbetween the soft warm walls, then licking along the wet furrow of her pussy until his tongue brushedelectrically again over her throbbing clitoris.One brown hand was far up between the shadowy cleft ofher whitely trembling buttocks, his fingers caressing the tight puckered ring of her anus, the other handwas climbing back up to the damp slit of her cunt and on reaching it, he slid his outstretched middlefinger easily into the warm shelter of her violently trembling pussy, pushing back the tight fleshy walls thatclamped so hotly around it."Christ, she's got the tightest pussy I've ever seen man, it's gonna be something else pumping my meatinto this hot little bitch," thought Neil.He pulled his finger momentarily from her moistly heated tunnel and spread even wider the pink, raggedlips of her pussy, burying his face tighter against her writhing loins as his lips clenched tight around thepulsing nipple of he clitoris.His tongue licked hungrily at her wetly perfumed slit, lapping at her seepingcuntal juices and swallowing them down eagerly, relishing the young feminine taste of her naked pussyagainst his lips.Chris opened her mouth as if to cry out, but only a mournful hoarse moan escaped her lips, a soulfulwhine from deep in her throat.She was frantically writhing now, quivering at his agonizing touch,slamming the whole of her lust heated loins up against the man's face, grinding her fleshy pink pussy lipshard against his full lips.Oh God, what's happening to me? Have I turned into some kind of animal? Why can't I make this allgo away? Oh my God, I can't stop myself.I can't stop myself! Her empty cunt was now aching with wild, insatiable passion.aching for the one thing that wouldanswer the torturing, lustful desire that were fanning hotly in her naked belly.aching for the hard,soothing thrust of his cock.aching for his long, throbbing manhood buried deep in her burning hole.She had to have it, she had to have its rock hard firmness rammed up inside her-there was no other wayto quell this frenzied riot of savage passion burning out of control in her quivering belly.Neil's two strong hands suddenly gripped her ankles as she pulled away from her, and with one twist, herolled her over on her belly, "Get up on your knees," he commanded, and Chris obeyed.She wouldhave done anything right now to get rid of that wanton desire rippling incessantly from her cunt.Themattress was soft, and it gave under her weight, but she gripped the edges securely, bracing herself asshe rose to her knees and hands, her naked white buttocks waving like a red flag before the man on hisknees behind her.Sandy had dropped into the chair by the door, her naked legs dragged over the arm, and Jose waspreparing to fuck her hungry waiting cunt, holding his huge throbbing cock with both hands as he guidedit toward the waiting white girl's wet, juicy sheath.Neither of them would have taken their eyes off theaction on the other mattress for a second, but they had withstood the torturing flames of naked lust aslong as they could stand it.there was no holding back now.Sandy cried out in pain and exaltation asthe long glistening shaft eased between the pink flanges of her pussy, stretching the tender lips wide asthe blood-filled head sank out of sight in the young woman's cunt.Fighting the pain, Sandy gripped the arm of the chair and shoved her ravenous pussy back up against theMexican's hard lunge; she gasped aloud as his thick cock sank six inches in her hotly stretched cuntpushing aside the soft moist walls like rippling waves as he burrowed deep into her open cuntal hole.Hepaused, then thrust the rest of his enormous fleshy rod up all the way to the hilt in her belly, ramming itinto her so hard that tears filled her eyes from the painful agony.He'd waited too long already forthis-there was no time now for building up slowly, he pumped into her like a stallion mounting a mare inheat, thrusting in hard and fast in a frantic rhythm that threatened to split her in half with its fury [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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