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.Head over to your main Youtube video and simply Copy and Paste your Youtube videodescription into notepad.Save this as.txtIn my case for example I would name it: Meme Crusher Review.txtNow head back to your Youtube video and click the little drop down arrow at the top,then select Captions.Now you want to Click  Upload caption file or transcriptSelect your saved text file and click  Open.Next step is selecting the option  Transcript File.Finally you want to enter the trackname as your main keyword (same as your text file).Mine would be: Meme Crusher Review.Click  Upload and everything is set and finished.That completes the On Page SEOsection! Step 2  Off Page SEOThis step is split into two sections.Section 1 covers how to index and rank yourYoutube and Section 2 covers how to get social proof.Section 1  Indexing and RankingTo get a huge advantage over the competition we will be purchasing 1 fiverr gig whichwill create the needed social bookmarking backlinks + rss feeds/pings to get your siteranked.Basically as the Google spiders go searching the web for new content, the moresites that are listing your website the better.Here are 2 gigs that I really recommend.The first gig offers 1750 high quality backlinks.This consists of 75+ Social Network BlogPosts, 200+ Web 2.0 Profiles, 75+ Article Directory Submissions, 500+ SocialBookmarks and a whole lot more.The best part about his service is that all the links willbe pinged by Linklicious which means they will be picked up by Google very quickly.http://fiverr.com/fastestfacebook/use-senuke-x-to-create-over-1000-quality-backlinks-for-your-site-within-24-hoursThe second gig is by a lovely lady  Volarex.She has over 5000+ sales of her serviceswith 99% positive feedback.She creates a simple link wheel for you, which consists of 6 high PR Web 2.0 sites, shethen pings all those sites.After that she will create 3000 backlinks to these Web 2.0properties.Finally she will send you the full report + logins to all the sites.HIGHLY recommended!http://fiverr.com/volarex/build-a-linkwheel-with-6-high-pr-blog-manually-and-then-create-3000-backlinks-on-them-dominate-the-first-page-of-any-search-engineSection 2  Social proofSocial proof is essential for when people start finding your video on Google andYoutube.Who wants to watch a video that has 3 views? In their mind the video can t bevery good if no one is watching it so they are unlikely to click your affiliate link as well.There is really only one person I trust to do my Youtube views, likes and comments andthat s Harry.He s sold nearly 1000 gigs and only has 1 negative feedback. He offers 100% REAL human views, likes and comments which is vital to ensuring yourvideo isn t removed.He gives you 1000 views, 100 subscribers, 50 likes, 50 favoritesand 10 comments for only $5http://fiverr.com/harry2388/give-you-guaranteed-3000-real-youtube-views-80-likes-80-subscribers-80-favorites-20-comments-best-serviceThat s all there is to getting your videos ranked quickly and easily.The secret is topurchase these 2 gigs to quickly gain backlinks, views, likes and comments to yourvideo.This ensures Google and Youtube notice you.If you followed all the On Page SEO you will be ranked on the first page in no time.Final ThoughtsSo we ve reached the end of the Youtube Kickstart method.You have everything you need now to completely dominate the Youtube and the searchengines so take MASSIVE ACTION and get those results.Once you implement the method be sure to post your results in the thread here:I ll be giving away special bonuses to a random lucky people who have left reviews.Leteveryone know how the method is working for you, Post screenshots of your rankings ifyou want.I can t wait to hear about your success!If you need any help with anything be sure to contact me on the help desk or skype.I lltry my best to help you as soon as I can.Skype: teammastermindHelp Desk: http://teammastermind.net/support/ [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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