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.'You know how I feel about small craft, Ly ''Not that.Now.Are you coming,now?Without taking his eyes off her, he picked up a piece of chicken and bit in.Chewing with his mouth open, he shot a hard, dark glance at Romero: 'It's ametaphor, friend.''What is?' said Ben.'This place.All the other damnbumps in the ocean.Volcanoes ejaculating,then dropping dead.Conquerors arriving with high hopes only to slink away ordie, the damned coral parasites taking over, everything sinking.Entropy.'Jo put down her fork.'Excuse us.' Picker tossed the chicken onto a plate andtook her arm roughly.'Everything sinks,' he said, pulling her away.CHAPTER 5Page 20 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlPam came back carrying a huge bowl of fruit and eyed the empty chairs.'They left,' said Ben.'They're renting one of Harry's crop dusters andbuzzing the jungle tomorrow morning.''In one of those wrecks? Are they safe?''I tried to talk him out of it.He's a world-class explorer.' He arched hiseyebrows.She put the bowl down and sat.'I'm afraid sometimes Dr Picker gets a little.difficult.''Nice of your father to put them up all this time,' I said.She and Ben exchanged looks.'They kind of invited themselves,' she said.'Dad's a soft touch.Apparently,she's quite a prominent researcher.''What about him?''He works part-time for some wildlife organization with a shoestring budget.Studying some fungus or other.I get the feeling he's having trouble findinggrant money.I guess it's difficult.Dad should be here any moment.'She passed the bowl.'Is it true,' I said.'About the Navy cutting off contact with the villagewith a blockade?'She nodded.'Why?''It's the military,' said Ben.'They live in their own little world.''Dad's working on it,' said Pam.'Wrote to Senator Hoffman because the two ofthem go back a ways.And Hoffman knows Aruk from personal experience; hewasStanton 's commander during the Korean War.''The gourmet?'She nodded.'He used to come up here with his wife, sit right on this terraceand play bridge.''Sounds like a good contact,' I said.The senator fromOregon had beendiscussed as a Presidential candidate.Ben put his napkin down and stood."Scuse me, got to pick up the kids.Anything you need for tomorrow, Pam?''Just more disposable needles.And vaccine if it's running low.''Already there,' said Ben.'I set up before dinner.'He shook our hands and left quickly.'He's terrific,' said Pam.'Really knows what he's doing.He found KiKo onthe docks, dying of infection, and nursed him back to health.' She smiled.Page 21 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html'KiKo's short for King Kong.He sleeps in a cradle in Ben's house.''Dr Picker said monkeys can't be housebroken.''I'm no primatologist, but sometimes I think animals are a lot more tractablethan people.'The sound of a car engine drew my eyes down toward the road.Darkness had setin, but a pair of headlights shone through.'.one of the most levelheaded people you'll ever meet.Dad wouldn't mindif he went on to med school; the island could use a younger doctor.But thetime commitment  he's got a big family to support.''In his letter to me,' I said, 'your father mentioned retirement.'She smiled.'I don't imagine he'll ever fully retire, but with three thousandpeople on this island, he could use some help.I've been pitching in, but.' She put her spoon down.'You asked before if I grew up on Aruk and I said not really.I was born herebut boarded out very young.Went toTemple for med school and stayedinPhiladelphia.I kept thinking I should come back here, but I grew up a citygirl, found out Ilike the city.''I know what you mean,' said Robin.'Small towns are great in theory but theycan be limiting.''Exactly.Aruk is wonderful; you guys will have a great time.But as apermanent place to live, it's  how shall I put this? At the risk of soundingelitist.it's just verysmall.And the water all around.You just can't govery far without being reminded of your insignificance.''We lived on the beach this last year,' said Robin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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