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.Synchronizing One or More ServersDirectory Service Manager for NetWare automatically keeps servers synchronized with the domain.If a NetWare server is down for a time, when it comes back up it will be automatically synchronized.However, if you want to immediately synchronize one or more NetWare server that have been down, instead of waiting for the regular propagation cycle you can use one of the following four commands:Synchronize Selected Server, which sends updated account information to the selected NetWare server.Only the account updates not yet received by that NetWare server are sent.Synchronize All Servers, which sends updated account information to all NetWare servers in the domain.Each server receives only the account updates it needs.Fully Synchronize Selected Server, which sends complete account information about all propagated accounts to the selected NetWare server.Use this command only when a server is extremely unsynchronized with the domain's Directory.Fully Synchronize All Servers, which sends complete account information about all propagated accounts to all NetWare servers in the domain.Use this command only when several NetWare servers are extremely unsynchronized with the domain's Directory.To synchronize one or more servers1.From the NetWare Server menu, click Synchronize Selected Server, Synchronize All Servers, Fully Synchronize Selected Server, or Fully Synchronize All Servers.2.In the confirmation message dialog box, click Yes.Backing Up the Account Synchronization DatabaseThe Windows NT Server domain Directory is always backed up on the domain's backup domain controllers.However, by default, the account synchronization database (which contains a list of the user and group accounts being propagated to each NetWare server, and what version of each account each server has) is not backed up to other computers.We recommend that you use the Set Database Backup Options command in Synchronization Manager to specify one or more locations on other computers on which to back up the database daily.Then, if the account synchronization database for a domain is damaged, a backup copy will be available; otherwise you will have to reinstall Directory Service Manager for NetWare.When you configure daily backups, specify a time when there is little network activity, especially activity related to Directory Service Manager for NetWare.Otherwise, even a user's password change would have to wait until the backup is complete.It is recommended that at least one of the backup paths be the systemroot\SYNCAGNT\BACKUP directory on a backup domain controller in the domain.This simplifies the steps you'll need to take if the primary domain controller becomes inoperable and you need to promote a backup domain controller.For instructions on how to specify database backup, see “Specifying Backup of the Account Synchronization Database,” in the online Synchronization Manager Help.Whenever the database is backed up, it is also automatically backed up to the SYNCAGNT\BACKUP directory on the primary domain controller.Cleaning Up Jetn.log FilesDirectory Service Manager for NetWare periodically creates Jetn.log files, which are used for recovery in the event the service is stopped in an unusual way.In this case, the log files are automatically used when the service is restarted, to re-create the correct state of the account synchronization database.The log files are processed and deleted whenever a full backup of the account synchronization database occurs.If many Jetn.log files accumulate in the %systemroot%\SYSTEM32\SYNCAGNT directory, schedule daily backups to clear these logs automatically.You can delete these log files manually as long as the Directory Service Manager for NetWare service is not stopped incorrectly before the next full backup of the database.Making a Tape BackupTo back up the account synchronization database directly to tape, set the tape backup program to back up all the files in the %systemroot%\SYSTEM32\SYNCAGNT\BACKUP\NEW directory.It is recommended that you perform this tape backup nightly.Other Ways of Protecting Against FailureIt is recommended that you have at least one backup domain controller in each domain.Without backup domain controllers, you cannot administer user accounts if the primary domain controller crashes.Users will still be able to log on to their NetWare servers, but they will be unable to change their passwords.Back up the bindery of each NetWare server before you add it to the domain.You can then use the backup bindery to restore the server to the state it was in before you added it to the domain.This is useful both for disaster recovery, and in case you want to restore the original state of the bindery if you decide to stop using the NetWare server with Directory Service Manager for NetWare.NoteWrite down the Supervisor account password and store it with the backup bindery.You will need this password to restore the bindery, which may happen years later.Disaster RecoveryThis section contains instructions for recovering from a server failure of the primary domain controller and for recovering from a loss of the account synchronization database when no backup of the database exists.To recover from primary domain controller server failure1.Promote a backup domain controller in the domain to primary domain controller.For instructions, see the online Windows NT Server Help.2.If you haven't already done so, install Directory Service Manager for NetWare on the newly promoted server.3.Use the net stop mssync command to stop the Directory Service Manager for NetWare service on the new primary domain controller.4.On the new primary domain controller, create a BACKUP subdirectory of the systemroot\SYSTEM32\SYNCAGNT directory.5.Copy the following files from an account synchronization backup location to the BACKUP directory:Mssync.mdbSystem.mdbJetn.log *.pat6.Use the Services icon in Control Panel to start the Directory Service Manager for NetWare service.7.In Synchronization Manager, click Synchronize All Servers from the NetWare Server menu.The synchronization may take a significant amount of time, depending on the number of NetWare servers being synchronized, and the number of accounts being propagated.If you do not have a backup domain controller, you cannot modify or create user accounts until a primary domain controller is again running in the domain.If you do not have a backup copy of the account synchronization database, you must reconstruct your NetWare account information once you have a new primary domain controller.To recover from loss of the account synchronization database with no backup database1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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