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. Levi posed. You probably wouldn t be so cranky with me if you just admitted youwere jealous and then fucked me.It does wonders for getting rid of frustration.Ricky fumed. I m not frustrated.And I m not fucking jealous.I think you push it because youwant me to be.Levi smiled and arched his brow. Am I that transparent? I can see right through you. Ricky said tightly. Really? Levi chuckled softly. What? Nothing. He smirked, then glanced into the adjoining living room. So& I can take the sofathen?Ricky shook his head; this guy was incorrigible.So kick his ass out if you don t really want himhere. Whatever. He sighed in defeat. Sleep on the fucking sofa.I m taking a shower and going tobed. If you need someone to scrub your back or anything else just holler. Levi grinned when Ricky walked away, a scowl on his face and an annoying throb in his crotch. Chapter FifteenLetting GoCole entered the apartment quietly and closed the door softly.Gabe was likely long asleep bynow and he didn t want to wake him, especially if he wasn t feeling well.He hoped him and Angelweren t coming down with a flu bug.It wasn t any fun being sick.Other than having someone wait onyou hand and foot which both Angel and Gabe lucked out on, having boyfriends who would do justthat, and then some.Cole smiled.Gabe hadn t been sick since they d gotten together as boyfriends,but Cole was ready to be at his beck and call one hundred percent.He fixed a quick sandwich and glass of milk, which he planned to consume in the living room,maybe watch a piece of a movie while he ate, so as not to disturb Gabe.He left his meal on thecounter momentarily and went to the bedroom to check on Gabe before he took up residence on thesofa.The bedroom was dark but for what little city lights squeezed through the blinds.But it wasenough for Cole to see that the bed was still made and empty.His hand swept over the light switchand the bedroom flooded, extinguishing all shadows. Gabe? Cole s heart was suddenly racing,pounding.He stepped back, half way into the hall. Gabe! He frowned, fear twining around hisheart.The closet door was open.He entered the bedroom and moved towards the closet when hesaw the note on Gabe s pillow.His feet rooted to the floor and a sudden terror caused pressure in his head, his chest.Maybesomething came up and he had to go out, and he left a note so you wouldn t worry.The reassuring,optimistic voice did little to quell his fears.Something wasn t right.Cole had been feeling it for awhile now, but had chosen to believe Gabe when said he was okay, that they were okay.Though insignificant details the simple open door of the closet and the note on the pillow screamed at Colethat everything was wrong.It crossed his mind to burn the note without reading it; could his heart take what was writtenthere?He wasn t sure just when his feet began to move, but he suddenly found himself standing besidethe bed, staring down at the pillow, the folded page of white college ruled paper.Don t pick it up.Don t read it.But it was already in his hands, unfolding.He read the words, then read them again,confused as to whether or not it was the tragedy he had feared.He stared at the note, silently goingover the words one more time.Cole, I m going back to my apartment for a couple days.I just have a lot on my mind rightnow, stuff concerning my dad.I need some time alone to think.This has nothing to do with us.We re good.I ll call you tomorrow.I love you, Gabe.The context of the note should have calmed his fears so why wasn t he relaxing? Why was hescared that all this had everything to do with him and Gabe?f& You didn t have to stay behind. Max approached the bar and slid onto a stool. I could haveclosed up myself.Carl shrugged and smiled. I don t mind.Nothing to do but go home, right? Yeah, I guess. Max murmured and tapped his fingernails absently on the bar top, eyes lowered.His pulse was unusually quick and breath slightly labored.Should he just go for it? Take the plungeand let the chips fall where they may? Was he even really ready for this? Something on your mind, boss? Carl leaned his elbows on the bar and laced his fingers, gazingat Max intently.Clearing his throat, Max shifted on the stool. You ve been working here for a few years now,Carl [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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