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.FORM 4740 / 1 (INSTUCTIONS)How to fill-in the Monthly Report for Main Engine Running HoursThis form must be filled in by the Ch.Eng., according to the instructions given below, once every month, at the end of the month.The form must be signed both by the Master of the vessel and the Ch.Eng.and must be sent with the rest of the company's forms to the office for the Technical Department.In the cells of this form the running hours since last overhaul must be logged.For terminology accuracy reasons when mentioning overhaul, is meant not only the renewal of the component but also a major inspection where all the appropriate measurements were taken and found that the component is within the acceptable limits* for further use.For example when taking out a piston and all the measurements indicate that the piston is fit for further use then the running hours of this piston on this form become zero and hours start counting from the beginning.In the case of cylinder liners whenever measurements are taken that indicate that the cylinder liner is fit for further use then the running hours of the liner should become zero.In the first column the various components of the main engine are indicated.In the second column the respective scheduled period in hours between successive overhaulings of this component, as defined according to the company's planned maintenance, is indicated.For example crankshaft deflection must be taken every 750 hours or the cyl.liners must be overhauled every 12000 hours.It must be reminded that whenever carrying out a job the appropriate measurements must be taken and recorded on the respective forms provided.A copy of these forms must be sent to the office.Remarks, if there are any, can be recorded on the page overleaf or on a separate piece of paper.In the case a separate piece of paper is used then it must be clearly indicated that this paper is attached to this form.* The acceptable limits are according to the manufacturers operating manual unless otherwise is instructed by the office.ATLANTIC UNITED MARINE INC.FORM / 4740 /1 (INSTRUCTIONS)Safety Management System Manual - IMO Res.A.741 (18)Developed by: SMS Designated PersonAuthorised by: Managing DirectorDate of Initial Issue: 03 February 1998Revision No / Effective Date: 2 / 07-1999Chapter: 10Page: 1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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