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.Histhumb is tapping out a message up near the ceiling. Cut it out, Jack! I yell, panicked about what he mightbe doing. Back off, wild woman, I m busy sexting your lover. You d better not be! I scream, doubling my efforts toretrieve my cell.I succeed in messing up his hair, but that sabout it.He hands me back my phone with a very self-satisfiedsmile. Here you go.Mission accomplished.I hurriedly click over to the texts to see what he sent.The message to Tarin says one thing:  Come see mein Chicago. Goddammit, Jack! I run screaming down the hallwayand tackle him over the back of the couch. Chapter Forty-ThreeJACK AND I ARE WATCHING television that night whenTarin s face suddenly appears on the screen.He sattending a premier of some sort and he s alone.I ve never seen him looking so sharp.We ve onlybeen apart for three weeks, but he s a changed person,that much is clear.And I m not the only one who notices.The girl holding the microphone and hoping to interview himis swept away by it all - the hair, the clothes, his shoulders.Wow and holy schmokes.My heart, it be melting.I cannotbelieve I had sex with that man and left him behind.Howstupid am I? Very stupid.Very, very, very stupid.I gripthe arm of the couch so hard my fingers go white. My god! the girl says. Tarin Kilgour of By Degrees ishere and he is & Tarin! She coaxes him over with hermicrophone and crazy waving. Tell us, what the heckhappened to you! Are you in love? Did you join a cult?What happened here? She puts her hand on his upperarm and looks back and forth between Tarin and the camera, her teeth so big and white they re almost too brightto look at.She s rubbing his arm up and down, making mewant to reach through the TV to smack her.Jealousy? Ohmy god, I m jealous.Oh, this isn t good.I leave off withkilling the couch and rub my face a few times, trying to getahold of myself.Tarin shrugs, giving her a warm smile while alsostepping just a tiny bit to the side, enough to detach herhand from his arm.My heart feels like it s bursting insidemy chest cavity, and my face burns with heat.Oh joy! Hedoesn t want her to touch him and she s beautiful!Ahhhhh! This is so not the old Tarin.The old Tarin wouldhave gotten her number and coaxed a blow job from herlater. Seriously, though, Tarin, how did you do it? You lookamazing. Well, I made some new friends, cleaned house,started boxing.She puts her hand to her chest and flutters hereyelashes. Boxing? Oh my god, be still my heart. Shelooks at the camera and leans in a little, like she s sharing asecret with the million or so women watching. As if hewasn t sexy enough, right? & Boxing? Someone bring mea fan. She turns back to him all business. Tell us whoyour new friends are, Tarin.Any ladies in the bunch?Anyone special? You could say that. He looks into the camera andwinks.He actually winks! My heart stops, spasms painfully, and then one giant ker-thump! later, it s back toracing again. Man, is he fucking working that camera or what?asks Jack, smirking. Do you know how many girls justcame in their pants over that one? He shakes his headslowly. I gotta hand it to the guy.When he goes clean, hegoes all in with the style, know what I m saying? Jacklooks down at his heavily ringed fingers and scrappy jeans. Maybe I should buy a suit. He looks over at me, as I sitthere dealing with anxiety level nine. Would I look good ina suit? I know you told me to get one before and I ignoredyou, but I m thinkin maybe I should try one.I can t peel my eyes from the screen now, trying tocatch another glimpse of the most attractive man I ve everseen in my life.Tarin.Holy shit. Yeah, sure.Get a suit, I say absently.I grab theremote and turn up the sound, trying to catch the mumbledconversation he s having just off camera with someoneelse.The girl s mic is catching part of it as she prepares tosnag the next person coming her way. Yeah, I got a lot of things going on right now, he saysto someone off-camera. I m going out of town soon, so I mnot sure I ll be there next week.Maybe later, though.CallMel&  That s the last I heard before the girl with themicrophone is squealing over her next grab. What color should I get? asks Jack. Black?Probably black, right? Or maybe I ll swing the otherdirection and go full-on white&  Dark green, I say standing, thinking about Tarin s eyes.They re so, so dark.But on the screen just now, Icould see the green.I swear I could see something magicin them. Go with green. Are you serious? he asks, looking up at me. What? I say, looking over at him, suddenly realizingwe re having a conversation.Kind of. You want me to wear a green suit? No, I don t want you to wear a green suit.Don t beridiculous. Then why d you tell me to go with green? Shut up, Jack, I m trying to think. I rub my temples incircles, trying to make the headache and panic go away. What s wrong with you?I drop my hands instantly and jump to my feet. What swrong with me? What s wrong with me? Why are you evenasking me that question? You know what s wrong withme. I throw both hands towards the television. You textedTarin and now he s coming out here! And he s all dressedup!Jack frowns. I doubt he s going to wear that monkeysuit out here.He ll need to get it dry cleaned first. Shut up, Jack! You know what I mean! Not really. He looks at me like he s worried. You rekind of wigging out on me right now.Should I go put mybike helmet on just in case?I flop down onto the couch. Don t you get it? You toldhim to come.He thinks I told him to come.He just winkedat the camera and sent me a message! He s on his way!  Maybe he wasn t talking to you.I jump-tackle Jack and pound him with a throw pillow. Of course he was talking to me, you asshole! Okay! Okay! Jack is laughing hysterically beneathmy onslaught. Relax! Jesus, woman.I have a tour comingup.Don t put me in the hospital.The tabloid s  ll have afield day with that shit.I can read the headlines now &Jack O Leary beat nearly to death by crazed wannabelover.I calm down in the face of his ridiculousness and go tomy corner of the couch to shoot daggers at him with myeyes. You suck, you know that? You totally love me and the fact that I texted Tarin foryou.You were too chicken shit to do it, but you wanted itdone, so don t play dumb with me. He affects a deep-south accent. Ain t nobody got time fo dat. I m going to bed, I say, standing again. I m nervousnow, thanks to you.I m going to get a stomach ache too. Good.I hope you have lots of sexy dreams too.Afterthe stomach ache [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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