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." He didn't bother waiting for a reply, just took Paul's mouth in a soft kiss, long and gentle.It was all he was capable of really; the entire thing was too emotionally intense to live up to anything with more force.Something would break and shatter if they pushed.He drew back slightly and smiled."Buy me dinner? I'm broke."Chapter 23"Okay, step up.And one more.And walk forward.good." Paul had one hand covering Gray's eyes as he steeredGray into Guiltless Pleasures.It was his favorite sex shop; he called it his perverted playground.He was ginning widely, he couldn't help it, and had been snickering for the last several minutes as they approached the store."Okay, ready? On three." Paul made ready to uncover Gray's eyes."One.two.two and a half."Gray protested."Paul!""Okay, okay! Two and three quarters.kidding! Three!" Paul uncovered Gray's eyes and rested his hands on Gray's shoulders.The store was bright and clean, and had shelving that was very much like what you'd find in a drugstore, only instead of band-aids and aspirin there were vibrators and lube and dildos and condoms."Mecca!" Well, Gray sounded pleased.In fact, he seemed positively thrilled, almost quivering in either excitement or anticipation.Possibly both, Paul couldn't be sure.He didn't much care, either.They were both on an emotional high and Paul was more than inclined to indulge Gray in a little excitement; and it didn't hurt that it was sex toys that had stirred Gray up to this level.It boded well for a good night."Time to shop!" Gray declared, and Paul barely had time to squeak in surprise at the fast, hard kiss pressed to his mouth before Gray was gone, heading right to the toys with a huge grin.Okay, maybe Gray should get out of that small town a little more often.He looked like a kid in a candy shop, all wide eyes and grabby hands.At the moment he seemed pretty intent on dildos.Scary, big ones.With bumps and ridges and man, that one was not a pretty shade of green."If you actually plan on purchasing something that grotesque I had better get another video," Paul laughed.Some people went gaga over comic books or handbags; apparently Gray liked dildos.Hey, it was a fine hobby as far as Paul was concerned, benefits for everyone, especially if there was a video camera around."A new tape can be arranged, I think," Gray promised, waggling his eyebrows outrageously."No, seriously." He peered around the shop, turning in a wide circle."Okay, I just need some videos, a decent dildo, and oh! Oh! Look!" And he was off again, this time headed to.leather? Paul did note that the scary, green dildo had been replaced in Gray's hand by something a little more sedate, in color anyway.Silver wasn't scary."Look, baby!" Gray was holding up a pair of wrist cuffs and a length of leather."Can we go to the hardware store?"Paul stopped in his tracks and made a show of lifting his jaw closed with his fingers."You are a wild man.Yes, after you move here." He grinned."But I do like those cuffs." He tried one on, fussing with the buckles."What do you think?" He grinned at Gray, holding up his hand to show it off.This was entirely too much fun."They could go with something like that." He pointed over Gray's shoulder at a display of leather gear suspended over the counter.Gray grinned and glanced back at the gear, but not before Paul saw him lick his lower lip, the tip of his tongue darting out almost as a tease."What do you think? Light flogger?" Gray suggested with a wink, pointing to a small, leather toy with lots of tails."Or just a chest harness with lots of Drings?" He gestured with his hand and seemed to suddenly realize he was still holding the dildo."Here, catch."Paul caught, having no other choice, and watched Gray's butt as he leaned over to take a look at another set of cuffs.Then he glanced at the non-threatening silver dildo, which opened at the bottom and was hollow."Uh, Gray?""Hot and cold play," Gray said immediately, looking up at him with another grin."Put warm water in it, or cold.It's fun.You'll love it.""Cold?" Paul clenched involuntarily."Are you nuts?" He took off the cuff and set it aside."Ah.Here we go." He picked up a purple, silicone plug and waved it at Gray."Hours of teasing while I've got you cuffed." He grinned."Oh, the things I have to look forward to."He could swear he saw Gray's eyes dilate.Gray's breathing had certainly picked up.Paul gave himself a little pat on the back; if he played this right he could get Gray hot and bothered and tease him for most of the day before taking him back to the hotel and fucking him senseless.Gray stood a little closer and took the plug, giving it a quick once over."Okay.This is good," he approved."Um, videos? I'll take another look at the dildos on the way out." He picked the cuffs back up and didn't look like he was going to let go of them without a fight.Paul pointed silently, unable to control the grin that seemed to have taken over his face.It was almost possible that watching Gray fondle and salivate over these toys was more fun than sex involving said items would be.Almost, but not quite, and Paul's cock was growing impatient already.Maybe it would have been a better idea to start this spree with buying postcards.The trouble with getting Gray wound up was that he himself wasn't immune.It was a small price to pay, however, and worth every cent.He followed Gray across the store and through the curtain into the mother of all video collections.The gay men's section was clearly marked, and Gray seemed to be drawn to it like a moth to a flame.Paul was right on his heels."What kind of thing were you looking for? Straight up fucking? Multiples? Kink?" He'd been through this section a few too many times, he realized; he sounded like a salesman."Yes." Gray swallowed a little thickly and added, "All of the above, please." He grabbed Paul's hand and gave Paul's fingers a quick squeeze before pressing the back of it against his thickening erection."Getting hot, baby."Paul gave Gray a quick rub before pulling his hand back.Oh, he wasn't the only one.Paul was starting to realize he'd underestimated the effect that toy shopping would have on Gray, and by extension on himself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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