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.In thatcase, his hand should lie above his opponent's hand, (e.g., the four kings above the four jacks[ 21 ]).Now to get his own hand to the bottom of the deck while avoiding excessive blind-shufflingmaneuvers, he simply overhand shuffles his four kings, one by one in quick succession, off the topof the deck and slides them to the bottom of the deck.He now has the losing four jacks on the top ofthe deck and his winning four kings on the bottom of the deck.For two-handed poker, he holds the deck in his right hand for an overhand shuffle and simply pullswith the left thumb and middle finger the top card and the bottom card together simultaneously intohis left hand, four times in succession.He then slides one more card from the deck onto the cardsstacked in his left hand and juts that top card, completes a blind shuffle, and ends up with the twohands stacked on top of the deck.He can then false cut or foil the cut and proceed to annihilate hisopponent: On being dealt four jacks, the victim will lick his lips in anticipation of draining everypenny from his opponent, but instead he will be cleaned by the Neocheater.The undercut stacking maneuver is ideal for gin rummy and other two-handed games.If theNeocheater stacks two hands and if the deck is cut at the crimp, the victim is doomed.Now assume the Neocheater is playing seven-handed poker and has run four aces to the bottom ofthe deck and four queens to the top of the deck.How does he arrange his stack so he will get the fouraces and, say, the third player from his left (a big winner or a monied fat-cat) will get the fourqueens? First, he simultaneously runs together with his left thumb and fingers the top card and thebottom card four times in a row from the deck in his right hand, just as if he were stacking for a two-handed game.Then he overhand shuffles the rest of the deck on top of those eight cards in the lefthand.The interlaced aces and queens are now on the bottom of the deck ready for the final stack.Putting the deck back into his right hand and selecting his monied victim as the third player from hisleft, the Neocheater executes a two-step maneuver -- Step One: he again pulls off the top card andthe bottom card of the deck together into the left hand, but then pulls two extra cards from the top ofthe deck onto those two cards.Step Two: he repeats the process of pulling the top and bottom cardsfrom the deck plus an extra- card from the top and letting those three cards fall on top of the firstfour cards pulled from the deck in step one.Each such shuffling maneuver moves seven cards and stacks the cards for one round of dealing toseven players with the stacked cards going to the dealer and the third player from his left.Heexecutes that two-step shuffling maneuver a total of four times (the number of cards to be stacked inhis hand) and slides the final extra card plus a break-card from his right hand onto the stack in hisleft hand.The break-card is jutted and used to execute a concluding blind shuffle.The third playerwill now receive the four queens and be relieved of his bankroll by the dealer who will receive thefour aces.[ 22 ]Two limitations exist for the undercut when stacking two hands simultaneously: (1) In games withmore than two players, the hand stacked for the victim cannot be dealt to the player directly on thedealer's left or right, regardless of how many players are in the game.And (2) the undercut cannot beused to stack two hands when only three players are in a game.Except for two-handed games,undercut stacking always results in at least one non-stacked hand between any two stacked hands.Discard squaring described in Chapter III is the most convenient method to cull cards for theundercut.But any method or combination of methods for culling is practical as long as theNeocheater gets the hand he wants without being suspect.A Neocheater, of course, avoids suspicionby never using four of a kind, a full house, or even trips just played.Instead he would use, forexample, a pair from one discarded hand and matching single cards from other hands to cull three orfour of a kind.The undercut is ideal for lowball since hands previously played can be used directly because no onewill remember the exact hands or suits of previously played hands.The Neocheater, however, willgenerally not use the undercut for stud-type games since faster and more efficient culling andstacking techniques exist for those games (such as the discard culling and stacking techniquesdescribed in Chapter III).Neocheaters always conclude undercut stacking (or any other stacking technique) with a series ofblind shuffles or false riffles, often topped off with a false cut [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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