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.We could build a color scheme off it: ivory and gold.Jace?He blinked, trying to piece together the words he d barely been listening to. The couch is fine.Ilike the drool stains. Fine. Adrien sighed. It s not like we ll be able to afford new furniture right away, but I wasasking about the bedroom.Jace grimaced.His head hurt.What he really wanted right now was to step back out onto thebalcony, alone, just for some space. Are you okay? Adrien asked. You ve been so out of it ever since This got Jace s attention.He raised his head, waiting for one of them to finally say it, to set thetruth free so it could be dealt with.Things hadn t been the same for the past month, and they bothknew why.He just needed one of them to verbalize it.   well, for a while now, Adrien finished. I m worried about you. I have a headache, that s all. He glanced around the apartment, trying to show interest. It sgoing to be great, but let s not start planning until after we get it.Adrien bit his bottom lip. You think your parents won t cosign? They ll be fine.It s the landlord who sounds like a jerk. He can be, the young woman said, returning with a scrap of paper in hand. But as long as youpay rent on time, you ll never have to deal with him again.It s a very affordable apartment for thearea. Don t worry. Jace said. I m used to dealing with jerks.I live with one. Oh, you re so funny, Adrien said, slapping his arm.Then he smiled, took hold of Jace s armaffectionately, and addressed the current tenant. He ll have the landlord eating out of his hand in notime.I speak from experience.This cheered Jace up somewhat.Adrien totally got his sense of humor, and they did have funtogether.The best way to forget the past was to make something of the future.Moving into thisapartment would change everything.Jace would have his degree, find a job, and finally makesomething of himself.Adrien would continue to study, and from the way he had rocked their dorm,this dingy little apartment would soon be transformed into a classy and comfortable home.Theirhome.Jace liked the sound of that.* * * * *Laws that regulate the benefits and working conditions of employees, when imposed bygovernment Oh, tell me about it!Jace furrowed his brow at the text.Laws that regulate the benefits and working conditions ofemployees Sorry, hon.Do you remember where I put the cocktail napkins?Jace refused to be discouraged. when imposed by the government can lead to decreasedexpenses for Never mind, found them.Do you want a martini? Jace? I m trying to study! he snarled.His face remained red, from embarrassment more than angerbecause they weren t alone in their dorm room.Across from him on the couch were two students.Caleb was new to Adrien s circle.A chubbyAsian freshman, he looked even younger because of his wide-eyed approach to the world.Mostfreshmen had gotten comfortable by now, mere weeks away from the end of their second semester, butthe first-day jitters never seemed to have left Caleb.The way he followed Adrien around like aduckling was adorable.Normally.Today Jace wanted to tell him to stop staring and get his shittogether.And of course Tanner was watching him, like he always did.Tanner didn t talk much.Not untilsomeone else said something incorrect.Then he was happy to smugly educate them.He fanciedhimself an intellectual, his elitist attitude the common bond he and Adrien shared.Tanner was the onewho talked Adrien into working at the library with him instead of waiting tables.Fewer hours and notips, meaning less pay.But it fueled their image, so no doubt they both felt the sacrifice was worth it. Less talking, more drinking, Adrien said, bustling over with a tray of martinis. Hubby needsto study!Jace clenched his jaw.He hated when Adrien called him that.Lately, everything Adrien did set his teeth on edge, but now was especially irritating.Ten in the morning on a Saturday with finalslooming straight ahead, and they were drinking? Adrien assured him they also intended to study, butJace didn t think Tanner shared any of his classes.The next time Adrien spoke, he did so in a whisper, the others taking a cue from him.Jace turnedhis attention back to the book, skipping ahead a page because he couldn t stand to read the same linesover again.The whispers took some getting used to, but eventually he managed to start absorbinginformation.That is, until the martini shaker started rattling for a second round of drinks. Shaken, not stirred! Adrien said with an apologetic look. Sure you don t want one? Sure you want another? Jace countered. Why don t you guys go find a bar? I m not twenty-one, Caleb whispered.At least he intended to stay quiet. But Adrien is.In Texas, if you re old enough, you can buy liquor for a minor.Tanner scoffed. In Texas, only a minor s parent, guardian, or spouse can buy them alcohol, andmust remain present when the alcohol is consumed. Fine, Jace said. Why don t you marry Adrien and then you two can adopt Caleb? That wayyou can drink away the weekends all you like. That s hardly legal, Tanner said, unperturbed. Just one more drink and we ll head out, Adrien promised.After he distributed the secondround, he sat on the bed next to Jace. We were talking about our first times.Jace grunted, turning his attention back to the book. Caleb slept with the school janitor! Adrien said, still addressing him. He just jacked off in front of me, Caleb said shyly.Jace lowered the book and raised an eyebrow.Then he tried reading again. Of course Jace s story takes the cake, since it was with a homeless guy. See, Caleb, Tanner said in helpful tones. That s a notch lower than your first time. The janitor was young, Caleb said defensively. Barely out of high school, so we werepractically the same age. I m sure it was very romantic, Adrien said. At least yours had a job.And somewhere tosleep at night.Jace shut the textbook with a snap and set it aside. Victor wasn t homeless.He had a room athis mother s house, just like anyone else his age.He just didn t like staying there. Every homeless person has parents, Adrien said.He took a sip of his drink thoughtfully. It swhen people would rather starve on the street than go home that makes them homeless. He wasn t homeless, Jace said through gritted teeth.Tanner raised an authoritative finger. Technically, a teenager who refuses to return home can bedefined as homeless. There you go, Adrien said, looking pleased. You slept with a homeless person. Fine, Jace said. That s what you want to hear? No problem.I first met Victor when he wasbegging for change on the street.I tossed some coins into the old cup he was rattling around, and hestole my heart by barfing on my shoes.Later, after I d seduced him with a bottle of vodka which hedowned in one gulp we retired to his cardboard box.I fucked him once he blacked out.That s mystory.Happy? No, Tanner said. The stereotypes you are perpetuating do a disservice to  Shut up, Jace said. Unless you want to tell us how your first time was screwing a hole you cutout of a textbook.Caleb giggled with glee, which made Jace feel a little better.  You re being very rude, Adrien said. Me? Jace said. I m trying to study.You re the one dredging up my past, something youwouldn t do if you ever bothered to learn how much Victor means to me.But you never bothered toask, did you? I don t care, Adrien said candidly. If he was so important, he would still be in your life.Jace was on his feet. Oh, wait.You did ask me something when he came to visit.Let s see.Youwere drunk, and we were in bed [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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