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. Why did you take it? I had to. Goap leaned in to touch his lips to Idriel s throat. He gave it to me in exchange for my protection. He ran his handsover Idriel s groin, making him shudder and squirm to avoid him. And protect him I did.Eligor had no idea how deep in trouble hewas.I hid him from Asmodeus all this time.Stupid boy, he thenhad to go and Rise from Hell to that recruit camp on Earth.Icouldn t protect him there. Then for his sake, tell me how to get out of here. Eligor saved me once in a fight against Seere.Would you liketo see Eligor, Goap murmured,  see what he is doing right now?Idriel scowled. Stop playing with me, Goap.Will you help meleave Hell and find Eligor?Goap s grin widened and he stalked around Idriel.He stoodbehind him and dragged his fingertips over Idriel s chest.Hisbreath tickled Idriel s neck. There he is.An image formed before Idriel s eyes. Eligor!The beautiful demon hung in chains from a tall ceiling.His217 IDRIEL S SINhead was bowed forward, chin against his chest, his braid swingingbefore him.Then he raised his eyes.Idriel gasped and tried to move toward Eligor but he couldn t. Idriel, Eligor whispered.Black stained his chest under theheart, spreading like a star, its dark rays touching his hips andshoulders. No, not Idriel, another voice said, and a tall, heavily muscledform approached.A bull-headed demon came to start next toEligor, and with a sinking heart Idriel knew who that was.Bighands ran over Eligor s body, eliciting a strangled moan. Call meAsmodeus.* * *The rough skin of Asmodeus palms dragged on Eligor s body.Pain made his eyes blur and the image of Idriel waver.Please come back.He had no idea why or how he was able to see the angel.Probably a goddamn hallucination.He could swear he d heardIdriel call his name.Someone stood behind the angel, largeleathery wings unfolding.Asmodeus nails dug into Eligor s hips and pulled, ripping.Damn! Lucifer s tails.His teeth ground so hard his jaw ached.A tear slid free and rolled down his cheek, cooling.The image of Idriel reached out a hand towards him, sayingsomething he couldn t hear.Eligor s pulse rang in his ears.Thelong scratches in his chest burned.Idriel took a step toward himand his lips parted.Wisps of blue hair shimmered and musclesshifted, outlined in golden light.Damn, he was breathtaking.It took Eligor s mind off his218 IDRIEL S SINsurroundings, made his groin ache pleasantly.The demonic silhouette behind Idriel extended its wings like ascreen.Who was that? Eligor had the impression he knew thedemon. You re mine, Sar Eligor. Asmodeus s step thundered nowbefore him, the amber eyes fixed into his.The bull s head shiftedinto something more human, a heavy ridge of brows and a wideface with a flat nose.The horns glinted, rising over the large headlike the branches of a tree, long and twisted, yet bare like bonespicked by the vultures. I have desired you for so long, I seem tohave desired you forever. He licked one of the scratches he hadinflicted, and Eligor grunted with the pain. And forever, demon, isa long time, even for me.I m afraid that my patience is runninglow. He pressed himself against Eligor, a huge erection jamminginto his chest, cutting off his breath. Why? Eligor wheezed. Why get into all this trouble just toget me?Through the demon king, he could see Idriel as if Asmodeuswas a smoke screen.The angel s chest rose and fell rapidly.Hewore a white cloak, feathered and bright.His skin glowed withwhite light, shadows forming as muscles played beneath it.Something silver glinted at his waist.Between his long legs, hiscock was outlined beneath the soft fabric of his dark pants, erect.Eligor hardened more.Desire pulled at his balls, made his cockpulse.Asmodeus gripped Eligor s jaw and forced his face upwards tomeet his gaze. Because of your potential, your liminal state.Eligor licked his dry lips, lost in the haze of arousal and pain. What the Hell do you mean? I mean, Asmodeus gripped Eligor s erection in a crushing219 IDRIEL S SINgrip, and Eligor cried out in agony,  that the High One, who isabove good and evil, who is so high above he cannot see clearlyany more, the one who bound me here because of lust, has plansfor you.He had the balls to punish me for a quality he freely gaveto mortals, a quality angels and demons share, a natural trait that isnevertheless deemed damning.Lust.Idriel reached out to him, his Glory pulsing. Eligor? Hisvoice was the breath of a whisper in Eligor s ear. But I made sure to destroy his plans for you, Asmodeus wenton. The part of me that is inside of you is growing, and soon I willfeed it and turn you into a demon prince, someone to lead myarmies and rule at my side.I control your fate, not him.Eligor shuddered, losing sight of Idriel for a moment. Howwill you feed it then?Asmodeus released him and stepped aside. I will enter youand fill you up and thrust my essence into you.Eligor blinked, the meaning of the words slowly seeping intohis brain [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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