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.This wasn t right at all! According to Asmoday sintelligence, more than a hundred of the glass men were in Purgatory.Most of them should be here,ready to spring their trap.John stared, dumbfounded, as the gods Anubis, Artemis, and Baldur rushed forward to engage theglass men in battle.The Ministers didn t last long.Even as the shattered pieces became an army ofglass skeletons, John felt they weren t resisting enough.Could they possibly know about the godswho had dulled their auras and disguised themselves as citizens? His mind went to the park wherethey had been left behind, his friends among them.Dante was to show them the sewer entrance to thetrue heart of Purgatory.This was a trap.They had always thought they were intentionally walking into one, but they hadmisunderstood its nature.They had expected to be ambushed, but now they were simply wedgedbetween an army of Props and the administration building.John rushed past grunting gods andshattering skeletons to the doors.They would not open.He pounded on them and tried to will himselfinside, but he couldn t.Nothing was there.The masters of Purgatory had changed their realm, createda true dead-end that they couldn t escape.And while they were stuck here, the full force of theMinisters would attack the few who had been left behind.Rimmon.Dante.Bolo.John needed to getto them, to warn them, if he wasn t already too late.He looked upward.The only clear path was the sky.John had lost track of Amaterasu, but a littleskyward searching revealed a glow coming in their direction.John did his best to wave her down,jumping and calling out her name, even trying a bit of a dance.She landed in front of him and he wasstruck by her beauty.His beauty. I m sorry, John stammered. I thought you were  A beautiful goddess? Apollo smirked. Honey, I get that all the time. The sun god squintedtoward the other gods who were finishing the battle and casually said,  I m here for reinforcements.Which three should I pick? Reinforcements? What happened? What hasn t? Apollo sighed. Ministers everywhere.Can t say I like the look of them.Truebeauty shines, wouldn t you agree? They look like cheap diamonds, and that s only because it s mylight reflecting off them.Then there s the massive  Apollo wiggled his fingers,   thing. What thing? John asked through gritted teeth. Ugh.Well, I can t describe it. Apollo rolled his eyes. Do you know if any of these deities aregood in a brawl? I see Aphrodite over there, but she s always a little gropey.What about the guy withthe beard? Take me with you, John said. Well, he must be, Apollo continued. Look at those arms! Take me! John commanded this time, stepping into Apollo s line of vision. You aren t even dead, the sun god said distastefully. That means you are heavy.If I take you, Iwon t be able to carry any others.  Then get me halfway there, out of this street at least! I can help! He didn t know if this wasactually true, but John was desperate to check on his friends. One block, John pressed. It won ttake you long, and then you can get back to chasing Norse tail.Apollo glared at him before offering his hand. Well, come on then!John took the glowing hand, the fine, narrow fingers not escaping his notice.Apollo s delicatebeauty would be quite striking if it weren t for his attitude.The sun god behaved as though he werethe center of creation.John supposed the entire solar system did revolve around him, but he could stillshow some humility.The sun god s warmth spread over John as they rose into the air, but they remained just as theywere standing.John didn t dangle from Apollo s arm or press against him to fly over the city like ascene from a Superman movie.They simply moved through the air, Apollo with a bored expression,John s brow crinkled in worry as he surveyed the city.Then he saw the  massive thing Apollo mentioned.The description was surprisingly apt, sinceJohn wasn t sure what else to call it.Cthulhu came to mind.So did Godzilla.The creature loomedover buildings, swarms of tentacles swaying in all directions.It had a head of sorts long,segmented, and deformed.Eyes were everywhere, scattered across the dark, slimy skin like freckles.The beast filled the block where the park had been, the place John had last seen his friends. Get me as close as you can, John pleaded.Apollo must have felt his desperation because hecomplied.John searched the streets as they flew for any sign of Rimmon and the others.Glass men wereeverywhere, attacking those who had been left behind.The Ministers wouldn t find the battle easy.The best of each pantheon, the most powerful magicians and fighters, had been selected to travel intoPurgatory s depths and face its masters, but none of them had been prepared for the gigantic creaturebelow.Was it the mind behind this spiritual prison or just its guard dog? Athena! Apollo cried.They plummeted toward the ground like a plane shot down, but Apollo was in full control andthey landed smoothly.Ahead of them, seven Ministers of Order circled a heavily armored goddesswielding a sword in one hand and a double-bladed axe in the other.Shards of glass lay scatteredaround her, previous victims of her skill in battle, but already these glass pieces were trembling, readyto transform into an army that would surely overwhelm her.Apollo s posture changed completely as he rushed forward with hands extended.Gone was hisbored, exhausted-with-life expression.Now his face wore vicious offense that anyone should try toharm one of his kind [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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