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."He hardly seemed to be listening to her."Yes, you can.I told you, I don'tcare who your friends are.Well keep you alive somehow.The only thing I don'tunderstand is why you'd want to ally yourself with stupid humans, when youknow they're going to lose."Jez looked at him.Morgead, the vampire's vampire, whose only interest was inseeing the Night World conquer humanity completely.Who was what she had beena year ago, and what she could never be again.Who thought of her as an ally,a descendent of one of the first families of the lamia.Who thought he loved who he thought she was.Jez kept looking at him steadily, and when she spoke, it was very quietly.And it was the truth."Because I'm a human," she said.CHAPTER17Morgead's entire body jerked once and then went absolutely still.As if he'dbeen turned to stone.The only thing alive about him was his eyes, which werestaring at Jez with shock and burning disbelief.Well, Jez told herself, with a grim humor that was almost like sobbing grief,I startled him, that's for sure.I finally managed to stun Morgead speechless.It was only then that she realized some part of her had hoped that he alreadyknew this, too.That he would be able to brush it off with exasperation, theway he had the fact that she was a Daybreaker.But that hope was shattered now.It had been a stupid hope anyway.Being aDaybreaker was something that could change, a matter of confused attitude.Being vermin was permanent."But that's-that's not-" Morgead seemed to be having trouble getting thewords out.His eyes were large with horror and denial."That's not possible.You're a vampire.""Only half," Jez said.She felt as if she were killing something-and she was.She was murdering any hope for what was between them.Might as well stomp it good, she thought bitterly.She couldn't understandthe wetness that was threatening to spill out of her eyes."The other half is human," she said shortly, almost viciously."My mother washuman.Claire is my cousin, and she's human.I've been living with my uncleJim, my mother s brother, and his family.They're all human."Morgead shut his eyes.A moment of astonishing weakness for him, Jez thoughtcoldly.His voice was still a whisper."Vampires and humans can't have kids.Youcan't be half and half.""Oh, yeah, I can.My father broke the laws of the Night World.He fell inPage 100 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmllove with a human, and they got married, and here I am.And then, when I wasthree or so, some other vampires came and tried to kill us all." In her mindJez was seeing it again, the woman with red hair who looked like a medievalprincess, begging for her child's life.The tall man trying to protect her."They knew I was half human.They kept yelling 'Kill the freak.' So that'swhat I am, you see." She turned eyes she knew were feverishly bright on him."A freak."He was shaking his head, gulping as if he wereabout to be sick.It made Jez hate him, and feel sorry for him at the sametime.She scarcely noticed that hot tears were spilling down her cheeks."I'm vermin, Morgead.One of them.Prey.That's what I realized a year ago,when I left the gang.Up until then I had no idea, but that last night wehunted, I remembered the truth.And I knew that I had to go away and try tomake up for all the things I'd done to humans."He put a hand up to press against his eyes."I didn't just become a Daybreaker.I became a vampire hunter.I track downvampires who like to kill, who enjoy making humans suffer, and I stake them.You know why? Because they deserve to die."He was looking at her again, but as if he could hardly stand to."Jez-""It's weird.I don't know about our connection"- she smiled bitterly at him,to let him know she knew all that was over now-"but I felt bad lying to you.I'm almost glad to finally tell you the truth.I kind of wanted to tell you ayear ago when it happened, but I knew you'd kill me, and that made me a littlehesitant."She was laughing now.She realized she was more than a little hysterical.Butit didn't seem to matter.Nothing mattered while Morgead was looking at herwith that sick disbelief in his eyes."So, anyway." She stretched her muscles, still smiling at him, but readyto defend herself."Are you going to try and kill me now? Or is the engagementjust off?"He simply looked at her.It was as if his entire spirit had gone out of him.He didn't speak, and all at once Jez couldn't think of anything to say,either.The silence stretched and stretched, like a yawning chasm betweenthem.They were so far away from each other.You knew all along it would come to this, Jez's mind told her mockingly.Howcan you presume to be upset? He's actually taking it better than you expected [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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