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."I say theBaudelaires were cheating, and therefore-hooray!-I can expel them.You two aremerely teachers, so if you disagree with me, I can expel you, too."76Mr.Remora looked at Mrs.Bass, and they both shrugged."You're the boss,Nero," Mr.Remora said finally, taking another banana out of his pocket."Ifyou say they're expelled, they're expelled.""Well, I say they're expelled," Nero said."And Sunny loses her job, too.""Rantaw!" Sunny shrieked, which meant something along the lines of "I neverwanted to work as a secretary, anyway!""We don't care about being expelled," Violet said."We want to know whathappened to our friends.""Well, the Quagmires had to be punished for their part in the cheating," CoachGenghis said, "so I brought them over to the cafeteria and put those twoworkers in charge of them.They'll be whisking eggs all day long.""Very sensible," Nero agreed."That's all they're doing?" Klaus said suspiciously."Whisking eggs?""That's what I said," Genghis said and leaned so close to the Baudelaires thatall they could see were his shiny eyes and the crooked curve of his wickedmouth."Those two Quagmires will whisk and whisk until they are simply whiskedaway.""You're a liar," Violet said."Insulting your coach," Nero said, shaking his pigtailed head."Now you'redoubly expelled.""What's this?" said a voice from the doorway."Doubly expelled?"The voice stopped to have a long, wet cough, so the Baudelaires knew withoutlooking that it was Mr.Poe.He was standing at the Orphans Shack holding alarge paper sack and looking busy and confused."What are all of you doinghere?"he said."This doesn't look like a proper place to have a conversation.It'sjust an old shack.""What are you doing here?" Nero asked."We don't allow strangers to wanderaround Prufrock Preparatory School.""Poe's the name," Mr.Poe said, shaking Nero's hand."You must be Nero.We've talked on the phone.I received your telegram about the twenty-eightbags of candy and the ten pairs of earrings with precious stones.Myassociates atMulctuary Money Management thought I'd better deliver them in person, so herePage 49 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlI am.But what's this about expelled?""These orphans you foisted on me," Nero said, using a nasty word for"gave," "have proven to be terrible cheaters, and I'm forced to expel them.""Cheaters?" Mr.Poe said, frowning at the three siblings."Violet, Klaus,Sunny, I'm very disappointed in you.You promised me that you'd be excellentstudents.""Well, actually, only Violet and Klaus were students," Nero said."Sunny wasan administrative assistant, but she was terrible at it as well."Mr.Poe's eyes widened in surprise as he paused to cough into his whitehandkerchief."An administrative assistant?" he repeated."Why, Sunny's only a77baby.She should be in preschool, not an office environment.""Well, it doesn't matter now," Nero said."They're all expelled.Give me thatcandy."Klaus looked down at his hands, which were still clutching the Quagmirenotebooks.He was afraid that the notebooks might be the only sign of theQuagmires he would ever see again."We don't have any time to argue aboutcandy!" he cried."Count Olaf has done something terrible to our friends!""Count Olaf?" Mr.Poe said, handing Nero the paper sack."Don't tell me he'sfound you here!""No, of course not," Nero said."My advanced computer system has kept himaway, of course.But the children have this bizarre notion that Coach Genghisis actually Olaf in disguise.""Count Olaf," Genghis said slowly."Yes, I've heard of him.He's supposed tobe the best actor in the whole world.I'm the best gym teacher in the wholeworld, so we couldn't possibly be the same person."Mr.Poe looked Coach Genghis up and down, then shook his hand."Apleasure to meet you," he said, and then turned to the Baudelaires."Children,I'm surprised at you.Even without an advanced computer system, you should beable to tell that this man isn't Count Olaf.Olaf has only one eyebrow, andthis man is wearing a turban.And Olaf has a tattoo of an eye on his ankle,and this man is wearing expensive running shoes.They are quite handsome, bythe way.""Oh, thank you," Coach Genghis said."Unfortunately, thanks to these children,they have flour all over them, but I'm sure it'll wash off.""If he removes his turban and his shoes," Violet said impatiently, "you willbe able to see that he's Olaf.""We've been through this before," Nero said."He can't take off his runningshoes because he's been exercising and his feet smell.""And I can't take off my turban for religious reasons," Genghis added."You're not wearing a turban for religious reasons!" Klaus said in disgust,and Sunny shrieked something in agreement."You're wearing it as a disguise!Please, Mr.Poe, make him take it off!""Now, Klaus," Mr.Poe said sternly."You have to learn to be accepting ofother cultures.I'm sorry, Coach Genghis.The children aren't usuallyprejudiced.""That's quite all right," Genghis said."I'm used to religious persecution.""However," Mr.Poe continued, after a brief coughing spell, "I would ask youto remove your running shoes, if only to set the Baudelaires' minds at ease.Ithink we can all stand a little smelliness if it's in the cause of criminaljustice.""Smelly feet," Mrs.Bass said, wrinkling her nose."Ew, gross.""I'm afraid I cannot take off my running shoes," Coach Genghis said, takinga step toward the door."I need them."78"Need them?" Nero asked."For what?"Page 50 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlCoach Genghis took a long, long look at the three Baudelaires and smiled aterrible, toothy grin."For running, of course," he said, and ran out thedoor.The orphans were startled for a moment, not only because he had startedrunning so suddenly but also because it seemed like he had given up so easily.After his long, elaborate plan-disguising himself as a gym teacher, forcingtheBaudelaires to run laps, getting them expelled-he was suddenly racing acrossthe lawn without even glancing back at the children he'd been chasing for sucha long time.The Baudelaires stepped out of the Orphans Shack, and CoachGenghis turned back to sneer at them."Don't think I've given up on you, orphans!" he called to them."But in themeantime, I have two little prisoners with a very nice fortune of their own!"He began to run again, but not before pointing a bony finger across the lawn.The Bau-delaires gasped [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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