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.Usayd was watching them.Guterman was watching them as well.Untroubled by the man dying on the floor,he rubbed his crotch through his trousers and stepped toward them.Even when he wasstanding in front of them, even when he reached down to grip Lee s cock in his meatyhand, Lee didn t flinch.He leaned his head back against Shaw s shoulder and squeezedhis eyes shut.Guterman s eyes were dark with desire.He grinned at Shaw. Bend him over thebench for me, Shaw.Shaw couldn t breathe.The blood pounded in his skull.He heard Bertoni andVornis laughing as they stood over Gatehouse s body.And that was his responsibility,Shaw thought.He d brought art to Vornis, so Vornis had brought an art expert.Gatehouse was his responsibility.And so was Lee. Hurry up, Guterman said, unzipping his fly. Bend the little bitch over. Shaw began to move toward the bench.He raked his gaze over the wall.Vorniswas nothing if not prepared.There was another cattle prod there, and it was almost inhis reach. You re okay, he murmured to Lee, pushing him down onto the bench.It madehim sick how Lee immediately knew where to put his arms, how far to spread hisknees.Jesus, Shaw, what are you going to do? Are you really gonna let this happen? Really?Shaw heard the blood roaring in his skull, as loud as the ocean.The ocean.Guterman ignored Shaw now.He fumbled in his pants for his cock.A look of blisscrossed his face when he found it, and then he was spitting into his hand and pressinghis fingers into Lee s anus.Lee whimpered and pressed his forehead against the leatherpadding.Shaw looked at Usayd and reached for the cattle prod. Guterman, he said. Who s the little bitch now?Guterman screamed and fell back when Shaw pressed the prod into his neck, andthen all hell broke loose.It was fucking chaos, but Shaw liked chaos.He knew chaos.Guterman, slippingaround on his back in Gatehouse s blood, screamed and cursed, and Shaw took theopportunity to hit him again.As close to the balls as he could manage this time.Guterman didn t scare him now.None of them did.Shaw was in his element.Bertoni stood there like a sack of shit, gaping.Then he went for Shaw with theknife.Shaw dodged him, and then his back was against the wall.Vornis, his face distorted with rage and disbelief, went straight for the alarm.Hismistake.He d thought it was four against one, but that was before Usayd caught himaround the neck and forced him to the floor.Usayd knelt over him, one arm tensedaround his throat, choking him out.Shaw felt the knife slide against his ribs and glance off.He got an elbow inBertoni s fat face and felt the man s nose crack.It felt good.Bertoni reeled away,clutching his face.Shaw hit him with the cattle prod, and he went down.Shaw hitGuterman again.Just so the prick really felt it.He heard the dull thud as Vornis hit the floor.Usayd looked up, his eyes black.Atmadja edged carefully around the wall, his delicate hands fluttering anxiously.Shaw reached down and retrieved the knife. Get up, Lee.Lee was pale and shaking.He hitched his pants up and fastened them withtrembling fingers.Usayd didn t take his eyes off Atmadja.Shaw advanced on him.The man pressedback against the wall.He tried to disappear into it as Shaw held out the cattle prod.He didn t scream when it hit him.He only jerked, his eyes rolled back, and he dropped tothe floor. All this waste for a pretty face? Usayd asked him and wrinkled his nose at Lee. No offense.Lee trembled.Usayd held out his hand, and Shaw gave him the knife. You don t have to watch, Shaw said to Lee. I want to, Lee whispered, and Shaw put a hand on his shoulder.Lee flinched as Usayd moved through the room like a predator, crouching overthe trembling or unconscious men, pulling their heads back by the hair and cutting theirthroats.He worked quickly and silently, and when he was finished, he turned back toShaw. Let s get out of here.Shaw nodded. Ready when you are.Lee didn t speak as they slipped out of the room.He was trembling.Not evenShaw s hand on his shoulder calmed him now, and why would it? The men who killedyour monsters weren t heroes.They were even more frightening.They walked quietly through the house, heading for the front door, and then Irinasaw them.Saw them, saw the blood, and saw exactly what had happened.Her handsfluttered to her mouth.Fuck.Shaw exchanged a glance with Usayd.Irina s gaze traveled over Lee s bruised and scarred body, and then she lookedShaw in the eye. Where? she murmured. Away from this, Shaw said, willing her to believe it.He saw the doubt cross her plain face, the suspicion.But, like Lee, she clung touseless hope.She needed to believe it, and so she did.As simple as that.How hadVornis not beaten it out of her? Shaw thought that he would never understand hope assimple and pure as that.He was too much of a realist, and maybe he d been luckyenough never to have needed it.Leaps of faith were for the desperate.Shaw had neverbeen desperate.Even now he wasn t there.The advantage was theirs.Usayd still had the knife.Whether or not he used it was Irina s decision, even if she didn t know it.Her gaze shifted from Shaw s face and back to Lee.Tears glistened in her paleeyes. One minute, she whispered, her thin hand hovering over an alarm on the wall. One minute. They ran out of the house, heading for the beach.It was the longest sixty secondsof his life, Shaw thought, and the shortest.They d hardly cleared the house when thealarm started blaring. Have you got a boat? Usayd gasped as they pounded down the path toward theguest bungalows. Tell me you ve got a boat! Not exactly, Shaw managed, his lungs burning.He pulled his phone out of hispocket. Have you? No!Lee was lagging.Two months of imprisonment and torture had weakened him,and Shaw was afraid he wouldn t make it.He was too slow.He was stumbling.Shawheard shouting behind them now and gripped Lee s good hand to pull him along.They hit the beach and headed straight into a pair of security guards respondingto the house alarm.One of them was Hanson, the head of security.The big man s facetwisted into a mask of rage as he saw them, and then the moon slipped behind a cloud.Shaw heard a burst of static from the man s radio.A part of him had wondered from the moment he d met Hanson and sized him upif it would end in a confrontation.At the moment, he still had surprise on his side, butnot for long.Shaw pushed Lee into the sand. Stay down!Usayd lunged, and he had Hanson s sidearm pointed into his stomach beforeHanson knew it.Shaw heard the shot before he d even reached the men, and then asecond and then a third.Shaw saw bodies tumble into the sand, a tangle of limbs in thedarkness. Fuck. That was Usayd. Fucking got me.But he was already back on his feet.Shit.Shaw wasn t often surprised, but Usayd was something else.The man was akilling machine.He reached down and hauled Lee to his feet again. Let s go, come on. Shaw pulled Lee toward the water. This is your plan? Usayd asked as he splashed into the shallows [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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