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.In differentiating the functions we are analysing wholeness, andany such analysis is only an abstract frame of reference and must be understood as non-Aristotelian.In reality all the functions interpenetrate all the time and are continuous andinterdependent, like the phases of symbolism, the four-fold bodies of esoteric teaching, or thephysical body and the morphogenetic field.27 Their relative or temporary emphasis is amatter of degree.All the other astrological factors affect the outcome, and the individualeither develops or regresses.But it is important as far as possible to organise our terms in theright relationship and make our frame of reference functional.HOROSCOPE DETAILSGalileo, taken from E.T.Mann in "The Round Art".The Ascendant is presumably obtained byMann's dowsing technique, but it does not affect the points raised here.Pisa, February 15th1564.Einstein's Ascendant is in general agreement, being derived from the time on his birthcertificate.March 14th 1879.Steiner's birth time is given as 11.15 p.m.February 27th 1861, by Alan Leo in "The Art ofSynthesis", at Kraljevic, Austria.Jung's chart is taken from Rudhyar, "Astrology and the Modern Psyche", as based on thebirth data furnished by Jung himself to Mrs Fleisher (p.48).7.20 p.m.local time, July 26th1875, at Kesswill, Switzerland.REFERENCES - Chapter One1.Thorwald Dethlefsen: The Challenge of Fate.2.Marie-Louise von Franz: Jung: His Myth in Our time, P.136.Also: "Mercurius, the god in matter, was for the alchemists not only quicksilver, but a 26philosophical substance, a water 'that does not wet the hands', a 'dry water or a divine water'.As such it was taken to be the basic substance of the universe."3.Modes: The signs of the Zodiac, and each quadrant of the circle, are divided into threemodes, Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable.See chapter six for futher explanation.4.Jung; , Psychological Types, par.655.5.Ibid par.659.6.Ibid par.660.7.Noel Tyl, Astrology and Personality , Vol.IV of The Principles and Practice of Astrology(Llewellyn Publications) p.48.8.Jung; "Instinct and the Unconscious", par.277 (Vol.8 of C.W.)9.Rudhyar: An Astrological Study of Psychological Complexes p.105.10.Jung: Psych.Types par.616.11.Ibid par.724, 725.12.Ibid par 681.13.Ibid par.78.14.Thomas Ring: Astrologische Menschenkunde,, Vol.I p.67.In the table on p.78, Moon isgiven as "rhythmical life-animation", and Venus as "passive coordination", Mars "activeexpression".This work, in four volumes, has not been translated into English.(Pub.HermannBauer, Freiburg).15.Jung: Answer to Job par.613.16.This is demonstrated subsequently in the chapter on Beethoven's horoscope.17.Gladys Mayer in Colour and Healing (New Knowledge Books).She is following RudolphSteiner's teachings on colour, and these in turn follow on from Goethe, whose colour theorywas a couple of centuries in advance of his time, and considered by him a part of his work ofmajor importance.18.Quoted in the guide to the Mus%7ńe de l'Orangerie in Paris.19.This subject is gone into musically and in detail by the present writer in an essay entitled:Beethoven: "The Trilogy of Late Quartets."20.There is a confusion between two alternatives for Monet's birthday, 14.2.1840 and14.11.1840.The necessity, on astrological grounds, for the correctness of the first of these, 27and for Cancer on the Ascendant, is shown by Dabereiner in his book devoted to a discussionof the astrological sign-characteristics manifest in paintings: Astrologische DefinierbareVerhaltensweisen in der Malerei (Mxnchner Rhythmenlehre).Some of the other Ascendantsgiven here are also taken from Dabereiner.21.Jane Roberts: The Unknown Reality Vol.I, p.224 in a note by Robert Butts.22.Ibid.p.219.23Quoted by Thorwald Dethlefsen in German in Das Erlebnis der Wiedergeburt.24.Nick Kollerstrom in the Astrological Journal, Autumn 1984.25Sakoian & Acker, Predictive Astrology, p.85.26.All quotations from Steiner are from his autobiography, translated as The Course of MyLife.27.The new concept in biology of a "morphogenetic field" put forward by Rupert Sheldrake inA New Science of Life is a much more satisfactory way of accounting for such "inheritance".It clearly relates to the esoteric idea of a "group soul" representing humanity as a whole, andto the "etheric body" or formative body - or field - that controls the formation as well as thefunction and maintenance of the material and physical body and interpenetrates it until death,and is in fact the "life force".CHAPTER TWOTHE PHILOSOPHY OF THE TYPESThe contrast in viewpoint represented by the extravert and the introvert is fundamental to thewhole human condition and its perennial problems of existence.The history of philosophycan be seen as an ongoing debate between these attitudes, as to whether "reality", "truth",ultimately God, is to be found outside, in the world - or up there, in heaven - or inside, in thepsyche or "soul", between the "objective" point of view and the "subjective"; or moreobjectively stated, whether there can actually be such a thing as an "objective" view in anydegree - that is, whether such words have any meaning.In the Zen adage, you are seeking theox upon which you are riding.Science has in this century discovered that the observer and theobserved are equally important, which is the gist of relativity theory; but this is a long wayfrom having percolated through to general thinking and a realisation that all our theories anddogmas are subjective, and it is hard to shake off the extravert prejudice ingrained in ourcivilisation, and which in its crudest form is materialism or the taking of all sense-perceptionsat their face value and as the only value.This is the cult of surfaces, which are taken as theonly reality, even when the surfaces can be multiplied and subdivided by dissection andanalysis down to atoms, or even waves of energy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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