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.Maybe Peter thought Chelsi beingaround him would impact their contract bid in a good way.But the contract was the last thing on Vincent's mind.Thatdecision was already settled.Right now, the only person he was thinking about wasChelsi.As the door closed quietly behind Peter, Chelsi shot herfurious gaze at him.Her heels ate up the carpet betweenthem as she crossed the floor to him, saying, "What game areyou playing, Mr.Poin "137 Reignitedby Bridget Midway"Vincent," he declared stepping towards her.All he wantedwas a moment of her time.Maybe a chance to discover whyshe was running away from him as if she'd heard he had theplague virus in his pocket.Her face turned up as her gaze locked with his."I'm notone of your hundreds of employees.You can't just order mearound, Mr.P "Reaching out, he took hold of her arms and pulled her tohim.The quick motion he used to drag her body against hismade her place a hand against the center of his chest tobalance herself against him.He wondered if she could feel thehard beat of his heart against her palm."My name is Vincent,or don't you remember how to say it?""There's nothing wrong with my memory." Her handpressed as she tried to move away from him, creating the gapbetween them again.He wasn't having it as he continued to hold her firmly inplace."Say it."Why was she making this so difficult? He'd thought thatthey'd been friends as well as lovers.Was there something hewas missing?Frowning, she stared at him and licked her lips."S.aywhat?"His gaze followed the stroke of her tongue along herbottom lip.The delicate pink tip and her plump lip made theheat level in his blood increase."My name.Say my name,Chelsi." His words came out gruffer and lower than he wouldhave liked.However, in that moment, he felt like he was backin the computer lab at Tyler T.High School, staring at the138 Reignitedby Bridget Midwayprettiest girl in school.Back then he had wanted her; now hedesired her.It was a ridiculous emotion, but he couldn't stopit.He became in tuned to everything about her.Chelsi's gaze softened.The tension around her mouthreleased, and the tempo of her chest rising and fallingincreased.Her lips parted then she said, "Vincent."Hearing his name on her lips caused the leash he had onhimself to break.Lowering his head, he claimed her mouth.Moving his lips along hers, he teased her.Licking the seam,he flirted with her, taunting her to open up and let him in.Ithad been twelve years since the last time he'd tasted thesweet nectar of her kisses, and he refused to be deniedanother second.Slanting his mouth, he increased the pressure, wanting herto be aware she wasn't dealing with a nervous teenage boybut a determined man.He heard the whimper before lipsparted and allowed him entrance.Seizing his chance, hedrove his tongue inside and knew he'd touched paradise.Ahaven that he'd allowed to be held away from him for toolong.It didn't take but a few passes of his tongue along hersbefore Chelsi was chasing him.They circled each other asthey moved from her mouth to his.Her tongue entered, andhe closed his lips around it and gently bit the tip.She gasped,and he slipped inside her again.When she began to suckle him, he growled.Lowering hishands to her waist, he held her body against his as he pushedin and out of her mouth.Images of them mimicking their139 Reignitedby Bridget Midwaymouths in a different way flashed in his mind.He'd neverbeen so turned on by a simple kiss in all of his adult life.The desire to feel her arms and legs wrapped around himwhile he thrust between her thighs like he was doing to hermouth grew stronger.Urgent steps carried them across thecarpet until they bumped against something.The jolt startled Chelsi, causing her to pull away."Oh, myGod, what are we doing?" she babbled."What am I doing?"The sensual haze cleared from Vincent's mind.He glanceddown at the anxious woman in his arms.They stood besidethe conference table.Correction, he had Chelsi pinnedbetween him and the table.If she hadn't stopped them, therewas no doubt in his mind he would have had her laid across itas he drove them both to completion between her legs.UnlikeChelsi, he had been completely aware of what he'd beenprepared to do.Shit, we're in the boardroom.His actions, even thoughthey were prompted by lust, were stupid.There were no locksto the doors in this room, and anyone could have walked inon them.He didn't have concern for himself.He knew he'dbuilt a solid reputation with his employees; however, theydidn't know Chelsi, and he wouldn't allow her to bedisrespected in such a way.When he glanced down, her eyes were closed.She lookedas if she were praying.One of her hands was crushedbetween them as she still held onto her folder and swatches.Her other hand clutched the lapel of his jacket.She had beenjust as carried away, but when she opened her eyes, he wastaken aback by the apprehension in her gaze.140 Reignitedby Bridget MidwayTaking a step back from her, he ran his hand through hishair."Look, Chelsi, this is not why I asked you to stay."Her hand dropped from his lapel, and she licked her kissswollen lips."Are you sure, Vincent?"Quickly, he moved away a little further.Focusing on thatmouth of hers had gotten him in the sticky situation he was innow."No." Inhaling deep, he said, "I just wanted to talk toyou.Catch up on how you've been doing all these years.Takeyou to dinner maybe."Shaking her head, she glanced at the door then back athim."We don't need dinner for that.I've been fine." Anunconvincing chuckle came out of her mouth, dry andhumorless."As you can see, I became a designer just as Iplanned.""Go out with me tonight.""I don't think that's a good idea." She walked towards thedoor."Chelsi, you can see that we have unfinished businessbetween us." He traced her steps to the door.Grabbing the handle, Chelsi shook her head and lookedover her shoulder at him."Any business between us wasfinished twelve years ago." She yanked the door open and leftthe room with quick steps.Rushing behind her, he watched her hustle down the hall.He could have caught up with her easily, but he didn't want todraw any more attention to her.As it was, the peoplemingling in the hall had spotted them coming from theconference room.His employees tried to pretend they hadn'tnoticed her quick step to the bank of elevators.141 Reignitedby Bridget MidwayFrustrated, he wanted to yell.Instead, he pulled his cellout of his pocket and placed a call.While he watched Chelsiblend with the crowd getting on the elevator, he was sure ofone thing; Chelsi Halifax was running away from him.And he wanted to know why.One way or another he wouldfind his answer.He hadn't risen to his current level in thebusiness industry by not going after what he wanted.And he wanted Chelsi."Excuse me, Ms.Halifax."Chelsi was two steps off the elevator on the lobby floorwhen she heard her name.A man dressed in an all black suitwas coming towards her as he slipped a cell phone into hisinside pocket."Yes." She paused."I'm Thomas, Mr.Poindexter's driver."Vaguely she recalled this man being at the grocery storetrying to get Vincent to the airport."It's nice to meet you."She gave him a quick smile then started across the lobby.Thomas kept pace with her."Mr.Poindexter instructed meto drive you back to your office or anywhere you may want togo [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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