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.Maverick felt his hat leave his head and heard it hit the ground behind him as Dmitri buriedhis hands in the man s thick hair, grabbing onto two handfuls for dear life as he began a gentlefucking motion back and forth into his mouth.Not that it mattered to Mav that Dmitri wasusing his mouth for his own pleasure.With each withdrawal almost to the tip, Mav anticipatedand was rewarded by the return of the hot member with the delicious taste.Dmitri s cockscraped across his tongue seeking to deliver the ultimate treat to its mate.Maverick groaned, imagining swallowing all of Dmitri s load.He let go of Dmitri s hips for a moment as hewrenched his belt through the buckle and opened the flap of his own jeans.His own thick dicksprang free, rising to his belly as Maverick fisted the leaking length of it, masturbating himselfas he sucked Dmitri closer and closer to orgasm.Mav made love to Dmitri s cock like he d never done with a lover before.He genuinelywanted to please Dmitri with his mewling noises and needy moans and that in itself wasenough to shorten Maverick s resistance.Dmitri bucked almost wildly into Maverick s mouthgasping, his breath leaving his chest in heaving bursts of vibrating sound.As Mav fisted himselffaster, he felt his orgasm rise at the base of his spine, felt his balls tighten and prepare to giveup their load.Harder and harder Dmitri fucked into Maverick s mouth and Mav knew he waslosing all control as a high pitched wail involuntarily left his lungs.Maverick groaned loudly as he felt the first wash of Dmitri s spunk fill his mouth.Harder andharder he sucked, swallowing the honey salted bursts that throbbed onto his tongue.Hegroaned and whimpered as his own hand sped up, brushing a thumb over the leaking slit of hisown cock over and over until he felt his release.Dmitri stopped spurting but not shudderingand Mav swirled his tongue around the thick head once more as he poured his heavy load intothe leafy ground at their feet.He felt Dmitri s fingers, which had held his head in place with adeath grip, begin to relax and finally let go.Just seconds after he pulled off Dmitri s cock, hethought he heard a muffled  Jesus& Mav. The cowboy looked up as he shook the last drops offof the tip of his cock, his own hand now covered in sperm.His eyes locked with Dmitri s as thesex-softened gaze looked down at him.Only then did he realize he still held one of Dmitri s thighs in a death grip and he eased hishand off, turning his lips to the spot where he could see red finger prints from his own big paw,kissing the area he knew must be sore.He felt Dmitri s hand in his hair again as he rested hisforehead against the younger man s softening groin.As Dmitri petted his hands throughMaverick s hair, he felt a shiver go through him.Dmitri s hand stopped and stayed in place asthough he d felt it too. Come here, Dmitri grunted, tugging on the hair in his fist. Reluctantly Mav rose, allowing Dmitri s wonderful hand to fall away from his hair, missingthe contact instantly as he stood and faced the shorter man.Dmitri leaned in and wrapped hisarms around Maverick, pulling him in close where he laid his head against the broad chest infront of him.They stayed that way for some time, Dmitri wrapped around the much larger man,keeping constant contact with the warm cowboy.It had been a very long time since Maverickhad been touched like this and it felt so good.**** I wasn t sure Mav, Dmitri began. I mean, I thought maybe there was something there butI wasn t sure. He looked up into the light blue eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. Humph, Maverick said. Didn t want you to.Don t tell no one Dmitri.Dangerous roundhere.With those few words, Dmitri figured out a lot about Clementine Maverick Walker.Henodded. I understand Mav.Mav looked at him again, reaching up and cupping the side of his jaw as he brushed acalloused thumb over Dmitri s lower lip. You gonna call me Mav now, Dmitri? Don t let no onedo it but the boss.Dmitri nodded.He avoided calling him by name until now.He didn t think he looked muchlike a Clem and he d heard others, just like Jenny said, calling him Maverick behind his back. Itsuits you. He grinned up at the newly dubbed Maverick. As long as you promise not to kickmy ass.The cowboy grinned. I can think of a lot of other things I d rather be doin with that fine ass. He pulled him closer and dropped his face, covering Dmitri s lips with his own in alanguorous, breath stealing kiss.After a few minutes, he pulled away. God damn Dmitri, youmake me lose all my senses. He stepped back, relaxing his arms.Dmitri pushed away from thetree when he finally realized he had scratchy bark poking into his back.Maverick turned to walk back to the path and Dmitri stopped him with a hand on hisforearm. Mav, don t take this the wrong way&  he began.Maverick schooled his expression.He folded his arms across his chest and scowled atDmitri.  It has nothing to do with you.It s&  he hesitated.It s me.The fucked up victim of apedophile who is scarred for life.I'm a man so deeply and irreparably damaged inside and outthat I'll never be able to have a normal relationship with a man.I'm a sorry excuse for a humanbeing. I& I don t do relationships real well.Maverick looked at him and smirked. Sure.I get it. He turned to leave.Dmitri stopped himagain with a tug on the sleeve. No you don t but that s okay. A shudder passed through Dmitri. I just wanted you toknow if I start acting weird, it s not you. It's me.And I can't tell you why so please don't ask.****Fuck buddies, fine.If that s what Dmitri wanted, Maverick was down with it.He liked sex asmuch as the next guy and Dmitri was the whole package.It was too bad he didn t want morebut it was what it was.You took what you could get when you could get it, right? It s all good, Dmitri.I m not looking for wine and roses, Maverick snorted. A good, hardfuck is more my style anyway.You okay with that? Maverick cracked a half smile and reachedfor Dmitri again.Dmitri came willingly into his arms and Maverick was rewarded with another of thosefantastic kisses that drove him senseless.A minute later, they separated and Dmitri followedhim back down the path to his cabin.****It was only then Dmitri realized he didn t know where Maverick laid his head at night.Heturned to him and studied him for a moment.He hadn t pegged Maverick for the romantictype, that was for sure.The thinly veiled hostility was a surprise though.Dmitri was certainthere were many secrets deep hidden within the man. Thanks for understanding, Mav.I& I need friends [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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