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." He would give anything for Nathan.Anything.Therewas a time that thought might have scared him.Not now.Not when he knew what it meant to beNathan's mate."For him.The same.Just the same."Bitten - 214 A sharp pain caught his chest, his heart slowing."Just the same, Geoff.For him."The door slammed open, a naked man barrelling in, holding a gaunt man in his arms."Beryl!Beryl, NO!"He ignored them, eyes closing.He could feel Nathan now, inside him.So close.He wasn't givingthis up, he wasn't letting go.Nathan."The same.Your heart is the same.Nathan, your heart is the same." Beryl sobbed, shook againstthem."Mmmhmm." He was the same with Nathan, sharing his life, sharing himself.Yes.Things got dim, slow, dark.Faded.Suddenly, somehow, he was in a forest, running through the leaves, and the sun was beatingdown around him.Around him and his lover."Mate." Nathan smiled at him, eyes glowing."We mate for life."He threw his arms around Nathan, laughing."Yes.My mate.My life.I love you.""I love you.Your heart is the same as mine." Nathan stepped close."Yes." Geoff pressed close, laughing, hands sliding up over those strong, wonderful muscles.Nathan was as warm as ever.Whole.His mate was whole, smiling at him.Seeing him.He didn't care if this was real or not.He wanted to stay here with Nathan, with his mate.Hepressed their lips together, breathing into Nathan's lips.Nathan's arms wrapped around him,holding tight, the kiss going on and on.They could have stayed there forever, holding andtasting, warm in the sunlight.Footsteps sounded, a lean white wolf staring at them, eyes warm, compassionate.You must make your choice.The words echoed inside his head.I choose Nathan.There was no question.Bitten - 215 You can stay here, together.You can run into the forest, stay with the sun.Those eyes burnedinto him.Or you both can return to the world of the living.Together.You will be bound, forever.Mates of the heart.Nathan looked over into the wolf's eyes, only for a moment.Will I see, if we go back?The wolf shook his head.Not with human eyes.In your true form, yes.Geoff held onto Nathan."I am bound to you, Nathan.Whether we stay or go -- it's your choice.Ionly want to be with you.""No.No, Mate.You must decide; do you want a lover who cannot see you? Do you have thingsyou would miss?""You can see me.Just not with your eyes." He thought hard."I would miss Anton, Greg.Withyou, they are my family."Nathan took his hand."Now? Do we have to go now?"The big wolf shook his head, eyes still."Take your time.Remember."Nathan took his lips, the kiss deep and strong, beautiful eyes fastened onto his.His heart was his mate's.Bitten - 216 Chapter Thirty SevenBacon.Sausage.Eggs.Biscuits.Scones.Toast.Potatoes.Grits.Ham and waffles and pancakes and omelettes.Greg had left Anton sleeping at dawn and had started cooking.Five hours later, he was choppingfruit for a salad, pouring coffee for the pack members who wandered in and out, filling theirplates.Eating.Letting him feed them.It was the first time he'd felt like himself in well over a month.Jackson came in with Nathan, the two of them holding hands."Just wait until you taste Greg'sfood, Nathan.He's a great chef."He looked over, smiled."Jackson.I heard last night.I was so happy for you, for you both." Thatlittle girl.she'd saved him.She'd brought Nathan back from the edge of death."Thanks, Greg." Jackson leaned against Nathan, looking so happy.Bitten - 217 Greg had heard that Nathan couldn't see unless he was in his wolf form.The guy looked prettyhappy, though.Jackson started to fill two plates."Are.did the other two, her fathers, did they make it through the night?" That little girlfrightened him.A lot."They did." Jackson set the plates down on the table, guiding Nathan to sit, handing him a fork."Anton.Good morning.""Morning, Jackson.Hey, Greg, do I smell any steak?" Anton wandered in, wearing a pair ofjeans and a T-shirt.His mate came right over to him, hands sliding on him."No.Bacon.Ham.Eggs.Sausage.Steak isn't for breakfast." Oh, he loved this argument.Anton growled."Steak is for every meal.""Growly old man.""Do you always let him talk to you like that?" The big man from last night headed for the coffeepot."If he was mine, I'd spank him.""There are enough wolves here that get off on that, Brandon." Andrea sat at the table, stretched."Don't corrupt Greg.I imagine there were some box springs sprung last night.Get me a coffee,B?"Anton growled, facing everyone at the table."Greg is mine.He is not any of yours now, nor willhe ever be.No one touches him.""Oh, Jesus.He's still a possessive fucker, isn't he?" Brandon didn't look scared at all.Jackson shook his head."Sir, no one would question Greg's devotion.""I'm not worried about him." Anton growled a moment longer and then turned to him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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