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."Pretty," he murmured.How had he missed this when he'd been taken prisoner here? How had he notseen the beauty of their lovemaking?Furn smiled up at him, eyes shining."Thank you."Zujan's tongue slid along Furn's shoulder, making the boy shudder.And Zujan didn't just take in this, butgave as well.Wintras remembered suddenly the sorcerer's tongue pushing into his body, making him fly.He groaned, hand sliding down to wrap around his cock, eyes on Zujan.They pushed together, slidingand rocking, legs tangled together.He worked his cock, enjoying their pleasure.The water began to slidefrom one side of the tub to the other.Furn shifted them so that Zujan was against his thighs."The wood will bruise him."He laughed softly, reaching around to stroke both their cocks."You take such good care of him Furn.""Someone needs to, he takes terrible care of himself."Furn ducked his head as Zujan glared, waggling one finger."Don't make me pinch you.""Hey, he's being nice to you, no pinching!" Zujan and Furn both chuckled, the sounds remarkablysimilar.He suspected they were laughing at him, but didn't want to press it.They were all feeling good,his prick was hard, he just wanted to float through the rest of the evening."Don't stop," he spoke quietly. Furn purred and those hands dropped, circling Zujan's shaft, his own."So warm together."It was warm.And good, and very sexy.He stroked himself slowly, just enjoying the way he felt,watching them.They moved together, pushing and rubbing, low moans filling the air, Zujan's passionlovely, Furn's cries sharp and sweet.Suddenly he wanted to take Zujan, to lay his claim to the sweet,pale body; Zujan could take his pleasure in others, but ultimately he belonged to Wintras.It made himwhimper, it confused him and yet felt so right at the same time.Zujan's buttocks slid against his thighs, soft and silken as the sorcerer shifted.He slid his hand fromaround his own cock to Zujan's crease, the oil in the water making the glide of skin on skin slick.Hegently pushed at Zujan's hole with his index finger.Oh.Oh, so tight, unbelievably tight.Zujan gasped, shifted.Surely the man wasn't a virgin in this.Perhapsthough, he was.Wintras gentled his finger further, but did not stop, slowly teasing his way inside Zujan.Those icy eyes met his, wide, wanton.He moaned, finger sliding all the way in, held tight and hot withinZujan's body."Hot." It was true.Zujan blazed inside, so good."Yes." He moved his finger in and out, letting Zujan get used to the sensation before he slipped a secondfinger in to begin stretching."Oh." Zujan shifted, moving against him, almost pulling away, but not quite.Furn caught his eyes, lookquestioning.He stilled his fingers."Is there a problem?""No." Furn smiled at him."I've never seen.Not with him.What should I do?""Tell Furn what you want, Zujan." "Come kiss me." Zujan pulled Furn close, pulling away from his fingers.His hand followed Zujan though,fingers searching and finding that place inside that should feel so good."Oh!" The cry pressed into Furn's lips, the fire in the hearth raging suddenly.He jerked, startled by the fire, and froze."Zujan?""Sorry.Sorry, that.It was so big." Those eyes flashed up at him, stunned."I didn't expect it.""Has no one ever done this for you?" he asked, the words echoing in his head."No." Zujan pinked, sliding away from them both, away to the edge of the tub."I'm done bathing."He frowned."But we haven't done pleasuring each other." He sure hoped Zujan didn't think he got topick and choose in this.Because he didn't.No more than Furn or Rall or he or any of them had thechoice in the end when it had been Zujan who had ruled."I'm cold." Zujan crawled from the tub, shivering and pale."Then we should warm you up." He nodded at Furn to get out as well and grabbed a blanket, wrappingit around Zujan, lifting the slender body up and carrying the sorcerer to the bed.Zujan curled into his arms, hair heavy and wet against his side."You confuse me."He laughed."I confuse you? That makes us even, I guess because I am more confused by you than Ihave ever been before." "That's fair, then." Zujan winked -- actually winked at him.His smile was genuine and he rubbed Zujan's limbs through the blanket to get rid of the drops of wateron the pale skin."Let s eat.That way we can continue after and just stay in bed and go to sleep."Furn nodded."There is bread and ale and roasted meat.""And something sweet to tempt us after?" He knew Mata had been cooking pies and cake."Berry tarts." He heard Zujan's stomach growl.Laughing again, he laid Zujan down on the bed, climbingin next to the sorcerer and pulling the covers up."Bring the trays and join us, Furn."Zujan relaxed into the pillows, eyes closing, looking so small, so pale, so lovely and odd.The feelings hehad for Zujan now were all mixed up with his anger and fear from his last stay here, but the tendernessand care refused to be pushed away.Furn settled on the bed, balancing the tray."If you fall asleep, my Lord, you'll starve.""He won't fall asleep, we have to play still." He sat against the pillows and drew Zujan against him,tickling to make sure Zujan wasn't thinking of falling asleep.Zujan wiggled, giggled softly."Wintras!"He chuckled."Yes?""Stop it.That.Stop." He laughed, tickling a moment longer before stopping, letting Zujan catch his breath.Zujan's giggle wassweet and light, made him feel good.Furn looked over, shaking his head."You make him seem.young."It was true.At the moment Zujan did seem young, younger even than himself, maybe even younger thanFurn."How old are you?" he asked, snagging a piece of roast from Furn's tray."That's complicated.I.I remember your father as a boy.""What?" He pulled away slightly, looking down upon Zujan's face.Surely not, the sorcerer looked noolder than Furn, certainly not older than his own one and twenty years.And yet.he could notremember a time when Zujan's name had not been mentioned with much fear and loathing."This body was born not long ago, but the man Zujan has lived for generations."The faeries outside the barriers were buzzing, furious.That would help explain the conflicting feelings heheld for Zujan, why he couldn't reconcile the different facets of the sorcerer."And you have all hismemories?""Some.They have him.They.They are him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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